Watched, that is how Aruna felt the more she walked onward and she didn't like it one bit. It made her nerves on edge and even though she was trying to do her best to act normal as she looked about for a sign of a person, it was coming up fruitless. No one was around or at least none she could see through the storm or with the little illumination the lantern was able to give her. She hated feeling like prey or a sitting duck for something that she didn't know. With that thought in mind, she gripped the handle to her sword tighter and tried to keep past thought out of her mind since it would be no help to her at the moment. Aruna only paused for a second when she suddenly gasped, feeling a hand swipe her cloak from her back as well as slightly rip into her shirt. Her legs gave out, dropping her knees into the snow as she tried to relax herself but her breath would calm as fear coursed through her veins and the scars on her back screamed in pain. She was afraid to see those eyes looking at her or feel those claws raking into her skin and it made her body shake. The cold was long forgotten even as it was soaking her clothes and wetting her hair as she slowly stood up from the ground. Her fear slowly boiled to anger as no further attack came and slowly she turned to see the face of her attacker but found them to be running off like some coward. Her eyes glared, as she drew her sword and was ready to teleport after the person when she noticed something out of the corner of her golden eyes. She was not alone. She spun in the direction of the person in her presence before pure rage and hatred flashed upon her features. Wolfen. Would she ever be able to get away from this beings kind? Aruna believed that no being of Wolfen kind could be good and it kept being proven with acts such as these. Attacking a woman, in a storm, stealing and so cowardly as to do it all from behind without honor. Aruna teleported straight in front of him, sword at the neck as she spoke very calm, "Give me back what is mine. I will not say it twice."