Let's cut to the chase. This will have mature content. You and I are locked in a room with each other; no memory how we got there, and no knowledge of who the other person is. There's a revolver laying on a table. It has one bullet, nestled in one of six chambers. There's a one-in-six chance that either of us will die, and the only way we leave is if one of us ends up dead. However, we must abide by the rules, as someone is watching; waiting to see us make our moves. [*] If one of us is killed by anything other than the gun, both of us will die.[/*] [*] If one of us pulls the trigger twice in a row, both of us will die.[/*] [*] We do not have to play the game, but there will be no escape if done this way.[/*] [*] Only one of us may leave the room alive.[/*] If you're unfamiliar with the rules of Russian Roulette, allow me to educate you. We start with a revolver and one bullet. During the start of the game, one spins the cylinder and lets it come to a full rest without checking where the bullet ends up. After doing so, they can choose to either aim at their opponent or themselves, and pull the trigger just once. If nothing happens, turn passes to the next person, who repeats the process. Standard practices allow for an extra bullet to be added after a full cycle or two to increase the odds of someone dying; that will not be the case for this game. For this process, we will be using a random number generator to choose the slot in the cylinder to be fired (as well as who will be the target of the attempted shot), which you can find [url=http://www.random.org/]here[/url]. Because of this, the game can end at practically any time. Take into account that this will only be used when the process explained above is in play. For the most part, this game is about human interaction; an emulation on the will to survive and sacrifice, altruism, desperation, companionship, and acceptance, among other things. Because of the premise, there will be no character sheet, as we will learn and develop information on the fly, as if our characters truly have no knowledge of each other. I hope that's cool with you. If you're interested, PM me. I likely won't be checking the thread. I look forward to your participation.