You are talking to T'Shara about the things I write? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but now I am curious. Yes, it is a bit... that word you can't quite find. Self-centered perhaps. But part of this government is that not everything gets equal weight. This isn't a democratic society. It may be a republic, but not everyone's voice is always put into consideration. Besides, no matter what choice the Empire makes, it will always be putting someone else's needs above someone else. If they choose not to disturb the planet at all ever, they are basically saying that the life forms on that planet is more important than the life forms that are already a part of the Empire that need the resources. And that would not be a good way to create Harmony. Because that is the goal of the Empire. It doesn't give a rats ass about kindness, so long as there is harmony in all things. Most of the time, Kindness and Harmony go hand in hand, but not always. And I have no problem with the word communist. Uetie society is communist, but it works for them because they aren't so goddamn selfish that they can't set aside their own good for the good of everyone else. :D Vollori government is heavily socialist, with a few modifications of my own design. I'm not sure what the Syastin are, and the Arak'un are capitalist/socialist, but, yes. I don't think pure capitalism can be maintained for the time it would take to build an intergalactic empire, so the one capitalist society that existed in this introduction brought itself to ruin. Sue me. :)