[hider=Leander] [center][img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/041/4/4/herbalist_by_klodia007-d6zcezg.jpg][/center] [u][b]FULL NAME:[/b][/u] Leander (No Surname) [u][b]AGE:[/b][/u] 28 [u][b]GENDER:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]FACTION/ALLEGIANCE:[/b][/u] N/A [u][b]RELIC DESCRIPTION:[/b][/u] The [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-aTlJnxfhx50/UA1pbygtPpI/AAAAAAAADF4/DKFtwYTkzVk/s1600/diy+cake+crown.jpg]flower crown[/url], in its most basic state is made up of dried leaves and thorns twisted around a silver band; hardly suitable for life or growing flowers, as they seem to have all wilted in the past thousand or so years since its creation. This is the state that Leander found it in during one trip through the woods where he was seeking herbs to collect. Despite its sorry state, he took it home with him, and the moment he put it on flowers began to bloom. These flowers are unconnected to any known plant, extinct or otherwise, and when Leander began to study them (as any scientist would) he came up with a few conclusions: 1. The flowers, when consumed, used as a salve or any other way of administering it as a medicine, work as a panacea for any disease and aids the natural healing process. 2. The flowers will never number more than ten at a time. Once the flowers are gone, any and all signs of life will wilt away and it will return to its most basic state. 3. The flowers only replenish with the death of a living creature by Leander's own hands, no matter the reason. 4. If anyone but himself picks a flower from the crown or he is forced to do so, the natural healing effect is replaced with a deadly, painful poison which can only be cured by the flower itself. [u][b]APPEARANCE:[/b][/u] As pictured. When it comes to the genetic lottery, Leander was unfortunate. Being massively tall brings with it noticeable clumsiness and uncertainty in his movements. A strong jawline, a nose that looks as if it has been broken a few too many times to be handsome and permanently furrowed brows are not at all attractive, all the signs of a poor, peasant upbringing and a family far, far away from any sense of nobility. [u][b]FLAWS:[/b][/u] His appearance – Although he is a pacifist in nature and prefers not to fight or harm anyone, sometimes he is the easy target to pick a fight with... a fact especially true during his childhood. Furthermore, his large size and fairly well-muscled build is rather intimidating and strangers are unlikely to talk to or trust him. No regimented education – Hailing from a poor region with a poverty-stricken, single-parent family, Leander was never schooled. He learned to read and write and his regional dialect, however, the common language used for trading is a mystery to him, though he has picked up useless bits and pieces. He doesn't know much about politics or history to the point where before he discovered his relic, he did not know what an Evoker was. Naïve and gullible – Leander believes the best of people and thinks the worst of himself. Therefore, if someone told him a fact he wouldn't dare question it for feel of looking like a fool and also because he has little experience with untrustworthy or 'bad' people. He is an eternal optimist, even when it is not in his favour. [u][b]SKILLS:[/b][/u] Botanist and alchemist – In his small village, Leander was the only apprentice to the town's physician before the old man's untimely death and it was decided he would continue learning from the books and journals left behind. He is rather studious and now has a vast knowledge of plants and remedies, as well as a lot of practice with first aid, setting broken bones and the like. Wide array of trade skills– Despite his lack of an education, Leander is surprisingly sharp and quick to learn new skills and trades up to a point. In some respects he is an example of the 'jack of all trades, master of none' as the jobs he took during his younger years he excelled at but quickly got bored. As a result, he knows a bit of carpentry, how to sew and repair clothes and even some idea of how to track animals (in theory). Brute strength – Although not particularly skilled in the way of fighting, a punch from a man of his stature would certainly hurt. [u][b]BIOGRAPHY:[/b][/u] Leander was born in a small village in Kalnach known briefly for its forestry and agriculture. Far enough away from bustling civilisation, it was mostly self-sustaining and had tradesmen of all sorts. Leander is the oldest of his father, Alric's five children and the only illegitimate one. Though he was treated better than most would expect, the difference in his appearance to his siblings was too obvious and as soon as he entered his disastrous teenage years tensions spiked and Leander left his family's impoverished home. He quickly became a known character around town with a good reputation for offering his one-roomed house up for anyone in dire need of shelter as well as his work with the alchemist. He matured faster than most, looking like an adult at fourteen, but he refused to fight any of the other boys his age when they teased him for it – he was known as a 'gentle giant', never acting in his own defense. With no parents to control him he shamelessly brought in fragile wild animals (usually stray cats) and nursed them back to health. Old ladies were sweet on him and taught him how to sew, and life was good, simple. Then he found the flower crown and was almost manic in his obsession of figuring it out. He would use the petals from the flowers in teas and medicines for the elderly, softening the pain in their old joints and giving them a new vibrance to their life. Since his relic is somewhat subtle, the certain death laws were never applied. Who would suspect something so innocent, even if we wore it almost constantly, to be a sign of an Evoker? Many thought that it was from a girl in a neighboring village, given his unexplained absences in the forest during which he found animals caught in hunter's traps and put them out of their misery to replenish the flowers. He began to feel that his purpose was bigger, better than that of a simple town's physician and general do-gooder but he could not bring himself to leave his home and his friends, not until he had a dangerous brush with an inquisitor. Fearing punishment, he set out on a journey to Othea with his loyal cat, Petal. By never staying in one place for too long, he allowed himself more leeway, creating near-miraculous cures for ill townspeople he met on the way in exchange for room, food and coin and almost certainly left a simple, easy to follow trail for the church... but he made it to the capital, Amaryth. Hearing the king is sick and that Evokers (as he is called by the townspeople) are not executed on sight, he begins to make a name for himself amongst the poor and the desperately ill. Although he knows nothing of Othea and its politics, he hopes that he can use his abilities for the good of the realm and heal the king if only someone would ask him to. [u][b]PERSONALITY:[/b][/u] Gentle, selfless and an all around good guy. He is prone to self-loathing and thinks that others' admiration of him in his home village is uncalled for, that he has done nothing to deserve it. A small part of him, the small shreds of religion left in him from his fairly pious upbringing, believes he deserves to be punished for his misuse of the relic to usurp the natural order of things. Even so, he is more driven by a desire to repent for being brought into a world in which he was unwanted by curing others of their ills. The flower crown has given him a cowardly need to live no matter what the cost that he cannot control and honestly does not want to. [u][b]FINAL POINT - SECRETS:[/b][/u] The inquisitor that sought him out was too suspicious and spent too much time asking questions about his flower crown. He had to be killed for Leander's continued existence, something that he is not proud of but knows was necessary. [u][b]THEME SONG:[/b][/u] [center][youtube]m_66L4wdNXw[/youtube] (No, even I don't know why I picked this.)[/center] [/hider]