Rhys nodded as he suggested that they would begin doubling back. That certainly made sense, but she hoped that the guard would find themselves distracted at the brothel. There were many rooms in that place, and men who were not so eager about being seen by the guard, engaging in whatever acts they pleased. She moved back to the front as he argued with the strange creature, and began to scrub, only to have the door swing open once more. [i]Hadn’t the stranger locked it before?[/i] Rhys frowned, but couldn’t do much to stop the guard now, since he was already in and questioning her. “Have you seen any suspicious characters? Probably with an injury? He is tall, with dark brown hair.” He supplied. Rhys stood as the man spoke, holding the wet rag in her hands still. “No, sir. I have not. The shop has been quiet today.” She said, looking at the guard, but not meeting his eyes. For one thing, she wasn’t sure that she could lie to his face directly. Further, she knew that these sorts of men tended to embrace their position, and he would likely feel that she was disrespecting him if she met his gaze. “I am sorry that I cannot help you.” She said, bowing slightly and turning away from him to go behind the counter. She wanted to make sure that she looked busy, and hopefully the man would take his leave, eager to catch this criminal. Rhys fought the urge to ask the question that was on the tip of her tongue, whether the man they sought was dangerous. If he wasn’t dangerous, then they wouldn’t be going door to door. Rhys tried to make herself look busy, but glanced up to make sure that the guard was taking his leave. He looked around the shop for a few moments before he turned to the door, and when he placed his hand on the knob, she almost breathed a sigh of relief. Until she heard the door lock move into place. Rhys looked up at him quickly, and took a step back as he spoke, implying that he wanted some sort of gratification. There was a house of ill repute [i]literally[/i] next door! Why did he have to want to demand something from her? “Sir, I am sorry, but my boss has many things that he wishes for me to accomplish today. I cannot be distracted from those tasks.” She said, trying to sound apologetic. She couldn’t get around him, she was behind the counter, and so was he, now. She didn’t have weapons, and wielding them would be the end of her job, most certainly. “Please…” She begged as he grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her. She cried out in pain as he pushed her against the counter, leaning his weight on her arm. She couldn’t resist without breaking her arm. “Miss… I can make things easy for you…or I can make them very…[i]very[/i] difficult.” He said harshly, his other hand beginning to roam over her body. “You might even enjoy it.” He said, a hint of pride in his voice. His leg kicked forward prying her legs apart. She wore a long gown, but he would begin to pull that up shortly.