Gabe stood at the door, waiting. as he waited his mind thought back to everything that he'd had been through since that night and his life had went from somewhat troubled to full blown difficult the night those men had dropped dead after hitting him or more exact, touching him. [i]"and i've heard not one thank you for helping that night either, if not for me my human pet, you'd have been killed"[/i] Gabe set his jaw, ignoring the voice that echo'd from the deepest part of his mind. [i]"its a kill or be killed world my young friend, and the sooner you realize that 'we' are at the top of that said scale the far better off this union will be.. you cant ignore me for Eternity after all"[/i] Gabe swallowed, and probably paled a bit at that thought.. Eternity, the way the voice said it, with such finality in its voice made him worried. Dragged from his thoughts when the door opened and he looked down, seeing the young woman, he reached out his free hand and took the page, his eyes scanning over it quickly before he nodded. [b]"Gabe, and thank you for the.. invite and i've come for your information on this matter and to find out where i can Aquire or Gain more"[/b] he stopped talking and looked back at the page, he had skimmed the last part but now. [b]"wait, there are others?"[/b] looking past her, into the castle but he saw nothing or no one else. were there others that did what he did when touched? if so this place had become a powder keg just waiting for a match. his gloved hand that held the strap of his pack tightened, he took a moment to glance over his shoulder.. everyone had secrets, proven fact.. but for him, his secrets were more.. troublesome, for him and anyone else found with him.. those looking for him wouldnt hesitate to kill any and everyone he knew. turning toward Katherin he nodded. [b]"please, lead the way"[/b] he was taking a chance. [i]"stop with the nice guy, we have an image to up hold after all"[/i] the voice said as Gabe waited to be lead on