[i]Rockaway Avenue Station, 21:30[/i] The subway was mercifully quiet although that was to be expected at such a late time; Brooklyn was hardly a place many people wanted to stop off at these days anyway. Julius sat with his laptop bag placed firmly on his lap, a pair of new reading glasses rested awkwardly on his nose (he had yet to get used to wearing the damn things), and waited for his stop. He had come to recognise various parts of the city over the past six years his family had been in the US but this area of town was one he had become acutely familiar with over the past couple of months. When the station was announced he put away his reading glasses in a protective case, slim enough to fit easily in his pocket, and swung the rucksack over his shoulder. A few people had thrown glances his way but that was to be expected; he was young enough to be an Unnatural so everyone would be suspicious of him but his calm and mild demeanor and apparently relaxed state would assuage most peoples' fears. Not for a pair of men in suits who everyone stayed clear of, it would seem. They had kept an unsubtle eye on him the entire journey since he had gotten on the subway and now they rushed to exit by a different door when he left the carriage. Following at what they probably thought was a discrete distance, the two followed Julius as the boy made his way out of the station. He tried as hard as he could to disguise his slight limp but with such scrutiny it was unlikely to go unnoticed. As soon as they were out of the station the two men closed the distance quickly, one of them jamming a gun into Julius' side and leaning in closely. [b]"Turn around slowly. We need to verify your identity."[/b] Julius did as he was ordered, his arms raised to show he was complying, and turned around so that the two men could compare his appearance to that of the image they had been given. The closest one looked to his companion who held the image and received a nod in return. [b]"You're under arrest for crimes against the state, Julius Ragnarson. Turn around so we can 'cuff you."[/b] Julius just smiled as a vortex of air he had been collecting above them quietly smashed down into the two men, crushing them into the ground with so much force their joints had no chance to flex; shattering their femurs, spines and most of the other vertically aligned bones in their bodies. Bending down, Julius carefully retrieved weapons and spare ammunition from both men and slid one gun into his bag with the spare clips, the remaining gun fastened to his waist by his belt. Barely had he left before a cry of alarm went up as the two unconscious men were found but he forced himself to walk rather than run through the stinging rain so as not to appear suspicious. So focussed on going unnoticed he nearly missed her in the surrounding panic and he had to get out his glasses to make out her face properly before calling out to her. [b]"Mari! Over here, quick."[/b] He gestured when the young woman turned at the sound of his voice and retreated out of immediate sight into one of the run down alleyways that could be found all over the area. He saw the handcuffs on her hands and gestured at them, trying to stop the rain on his glasses obstructing his vision. [b]"I thought you were out of the country? You chose a really bad time to come back. Let me see if I can get these off."[/b]