Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. The noise drilled into Shannon's mind like a metronome, as she sat there patiently, waiting. Her legs were tucked into her chest and she was trying to steady her erratic breathing. The outbreak had spiralled the hospital into chaos, everyone fled in an instant and left everyone else to fend for tthemselves; including Shannon. The poor Irish girl had been left shellshocked after watching a patient tear into a nurses neck, and everyone had left her in that state until she realised she was alone. She had no idea if there were any more of these.. things, and where they'd be. She wanted to go and find her mother, but she didn't want to burst out of the front doors and be greeted by a madman. If she could even call them that ymore. She had searched the halls for a completely empty ward - most patients had fled as well - and she had situated herself in the furthest corner behind a bed. It was a pathetic idea, even she knew that; but she was clinging onto the hope that the military and the police were already dealing with it. She'd been sat there for a good few hours by now, accompanied by only her shaky breathing and the obnoxious beeping from one of the machines at the other side of the room. At times she thought she could hear footsteps, and she'd hold her breath until her eyes water. She never discovered who they belonged to, nor if they were actual footsteps or if it was just her mind playing tricks on her. She'd nearly fallen asleep a few times, but she was determined to stay conscious. Her patience was wearing thin, she hoped that it wouldn't be long until someone found her; insane or.. Normal. Was insane really the word? Shannon didn't want to sound like a 12 year old boy, but these people had seemed to follow all the cheesy features from horror movies. She shook her head in disbelief a one thought ran through her head. She was surrounded by zombies.