[b] Liam-Baton Rogue-Tyler,Katie,Scarlett,Jacob,Adam,George [/b] Liam was still in the back, quietly minding himself as they found...another person. This group was getting big quite quickly. It hadn't even been that long since he was in these people company. He quietly peered at the woman behind everyone else. It seems that she too...was alone. And, like him was...joining. His eyes went to Tyler...Tyler didn't like him. Which was unfortunate. Perhaps downright dangerous since he seemed to be the leader. Liam listened as Adam once again offered to go to this mysterious group. The group had their opinions, Liam wanted to voice his opinion. but his quiet voice was overshadowed by all of the adults. Apparently it was quickly decided. Not before Tyler announced why Adam called him Tyler. Liam tiled his head to the side. Perhaps it was true. he wasn't sure. Tyler seem very protective of his daughter. Well, anyone parent would be protective of their.....their..... Liam fazed out for the next few minutes, for one minute they were talking to the new person, and then suddenly it was just Him, Scarlett (as she was named) and George. With Scarlett offering him her hand....for something. "oh...umm...sure..." Liam tool her hand. Before suddenly she started running, causing him to run as well. He didn't understand, but they were running into the grass...for some reason or another, [b] Rob-cabin-Emma,Finch,Shannon,Rudy,James [/b] Rob was sleeping...well, resting. it was kinda hard to sleep when the bloody door was open. (Which, to be honest was his fault) His eyes opened as he heard voices. He slowly staggered up with his gun. he wasn't exactly hundred percent in reality yet. Before suddenly James came running in. His gun dropped. "Oh hey James...and Shannon...and......Shannon's boyfriend....who shot at me....." [b] Matt- Outpost-People [/b] It was all too easy to be honest. All He had to do was tell Micheal, it was a true wonder he came. And then Rhonda had to make it even easier. He wasn't even there, and everything fell into place. Surely he won completely now. Myriah was ruined. Everything was truly great. Aside from the fact that he couldn't sleep. Perhaps it was inevitable then when shit hit the fan. Fire...Something that Matt had stupidly not predicted at all. Myriah....was most likely dead. Which, wasn't the worst thing to happen. She was already dead in his head. But, the cabin was a bad lost. What happened next was worse. Enrique and Amanda cabin was set on fire as well, thankfully it had been contained then. But Amanda...seemed to have perished as well. "Damn it" Was the only thing he muttered. That would make Enrique even more unpredictable. Where was he? Issac, told him. "No...." Matt hands curled up. "No....no..." Matt ran to the supplies. so much was gone. "No...." Guns gone. "No...." Food gone "No...." Everything gone "NO" He should of just killed him. He had a valid excuse. Why the hell did he let him stay. He had killed scouts, why would he think that wouldn't straight up steal and take. People he stole as well, everything was lost. "NO!" Matt was furious enough to kill. How did this fire start? Why....This was not supposed to happen....this was.....not...