Luka took a few deep breaths, willing his body to relax and prepare itself. He was going to have to fight and it was going to hurt. With nothing that would really provide a suitable weapon he’d have to just go hand to hand with the guard. Judging by the noises he could hear from the other room they were behind the counter, which wouldn’t give him much space for anything. The noises in the other room were beginning to worry him, reminding him he didn’t have as much time as he’d like to form a plan of attack. Then again, he was rarely given the time he’d like to do that. So in that sense, this was exactly like every other conflict with these people he’d had. Getting a quick lay out of the shop in his mind the boy quick turned before he let the distraction outside drag on too long and stepped out into the other room. “Hey!” He called loudly. Originally the sound of just an angry sounding male voice caused the guard to jerk back, probably thinking he was the owner or perhaps a friend of the girl. However once he realised what he was truly looking at, his face only grew in surprise. “Looking for me?” Luka asked, his face twisting into a slightly scary smile. The guard, on the other hand, looked stunned. No doubt he hadn't actually been expecting to find their quarry here. Shifting his stance very slightly Luke raised his arms defensively. “Well? Come on then,” he baited as the guard stumbled out from behind the counter as he reached for his sword which, in reality, was not the wisest weapon for close combat indoors. The sword caught, whether that was from neglect of the gear or the guard’s fear Luka didn’t care. Once again displaying that almost inhuman speed he had shown earlier he darted forwards, swinging his arm around and connecting a full powered punch to the guard’s temple before he could react, causing him to drop to the ground. The boy winced slightly, holding his side, once again breathing a little heavily as he looked up at the girl. “He’s not dead.” He assured her. “But…” His eyes cast down slightly, becoming shadowed by his hair. “You can’t stay here anymore.” His voice was quiet, almost barely audible. He looked back up at her once more as he gestured to the guard. “These guys have been on my tail for… a long time. Willing or not they’ll think you helped me now and they don’t like people who aid criminals.” There was sorrow mixed in with hatred in the boy’s voice and eye now. “If nothing else this one will want to ensure you never cause him trouble about that incident before. I… I am sorry. But you need to come with me. Now. Stay here and you’ll only face death… or worse.” And he knew very well, there were things far worse than death.