[center] [img]http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130512002728/bioshock/images/7/7e/The_Flying_City_of_Columbia.png[/img] [i]Up above the clouds dwells a floating city known as Columbia. Life is peaceful, the citizens going about their daily lives as they have for years. Many citizens follow blindly in the word of the prophet and founder of Columbia, Zachary Comstock. A few have grown wiser, have learned not to trust everything that the "prophet" says. The police station does little in the way of helping the everyday citizens of Columbia, only taking care of matters that would make the "perfect society" seem the opposite. There are people who have adapted to this truth, and they have vowed to protect their own. These people have started a group, a society that specializes in matters that are best kept out of Comstock's view. They call themselves the Knights of Songbird...[/i] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-99gS9MLnXoc/TfWRU53NjrI/AAAAAAAAAI0/cS1TzptpV7U/s1600/bioshock-rapture-city1.jpg[/img] [i]Far below Columbia, hidden deep in the Atlantic Ocean lies another city. Rapture. It is a bustling underwater utopia, the people are happy and spoiled. But with the recent discovery of a substance called ADAM, things are looking down in parts of the city. ADAM has been used to create plasmids, and now some people have become addicted to splicing, and so are referred to as Splicers. This is not the worst of the evil in Rapture... to get ADAM, it must be harvested from young girls. But the process renders them into walking zombies, known as Little Sisters. Orphanages have been created as a front for ADAM factories.[/i] [i]The scientists who have been working on the Little Sisters caught wind of an experiment performed by Columbia's own genius, Rosalind Lutece. The experiment involved one child and used quantum physics to allow the child to seemingly open multidimensional "tears", windows to parrallel realities. The success of the Lutece experiment sparked curiosity into Rapture's scientists, and they have now began experimenting on the Little Sisters, as well as any unfortunate civilian they can manage to lure in. The experimentation is practically torture, the victims trapped in a prison. This experiment has been taking place for months, and has managed to stay under the radar from the rest of Rapture as they continue to splice and go about life. But one victim sees an opportunity... and they take it. One experimentee has escaped, and they are in search of help... [/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some knowledge of the Bioshock series will be required for this roleplay, if you have not played the first game or Infinite, I suggest going to the wikia for Bioshock and checking out the timeline/history for Rapture and Columbia. This roleplay will take place in both Columbia and Rapture. Most of the characters will be part of the Knights of Songbird society, but there can be exceptions. The escaped victim is an open part, and if you wish to roleplay as them, just let me know. First come, first served. I am fairly flexible on characters, so if you have a plan for how to bring your character into the story if it be different from being in the society or what not, just let me know and the worst I can do is say no, haha. [b]SPECIAL NOTE:[/b] The role of the imprisoned victim is still up for grabs and must be filled before IC will start. Any newcomers who view this thread, I ask that you consider the part. If it does not suit you, very well. I will take on this role if there is not an application for it by Halloween (10/31).[/center] [b]Rules[/b] 1. No God Modding. 2. Be respectful. 3. Be patient, not everyone is going to be able to post 20 times a day. 4. Please try to post AT LEAST one paragraph per post (4-6 sentences). 5. 2 character limit unless otherwise approved. 6. I can change/add rules at any time. [b]Character Sheets[/b] Name: Age: 18+ (Unless otherwise approved) Gender: Appearance: (Pic or description) Bio: Vigors/Plasmids: (2 to begin with, can be interchanged during roleplay) Weapons: (2) Faction: (Are you a Knight? A Victim? Or other?) Other: [b]Characters[/b] [hider=Kennedy McIntire][b]Name:[/b] Kennedy Rose McIntire [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.fulllifephotos.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/showit.teens_.taylor.1.blog2_DSC8536-copy.jpg[/img] [b]Bio:[/b] Kennedy was born and raised in Columbia. Her father worked as a legal consultant and her mother was a homemaker. Kennedy lived a normal Columbian childhood, taught very young to follow in what Father Comstock said. She did as she was told, did well in school, and never challenged authority. But when Kennedy got into her teens, she began to think more on the society she lived in. Why did they listen to Comstock? He never made any public appearances, the people had rarely seen him, if ever. What made the Founders so special? They were just people, right? Kennedy started to form doubts, though she was able to keep her newly found opinions a secret. One day, Kennedy was on her way home from school. She decided to take a short cut down an alley, where she noticed an old abandoned building. It had always been there, but she had not taken interest in it. Until that day. Curiosity got the best of her, and she peeped inside. The building was practically destroyed, but she decided to investigate it further. When she got in, she was shocked to find a basement filled to the brim with books. But these books were of the sort she had never seen before... that was because these were banned books, books from the sodom below that Comstock had made sure to keep from the eyes of his citizens. Everyday after school, Kennedy would stop in the building and pick up a new book to read. After a while of doing this, she had learned a lot. And what she learned only strengthened her doubts towards Comstock and the totalitarian ways of the Columbian government. Kennedy's father discovered that she had been reading unimaginable books and decided it was time to let her in on a secret. He had also formed a distasteful opinion towards Comstock, and he himself had formed a secret society known as the Knights of Songbird. He formed this society because he felt they could help people with issues that were best kept out of the sight of the overbearing government and its ruler. Over the course of a few years, the Knights grew in numbers. Trusted members of all kinds joined the ranks. Some supported Comstock and his ways, others could care less. But they all believed in helping people with problems that could not be solved by the help of the Police, problems that are ignored by the upper class of Columbia. Kennedy had been a part of the Knights for over four years when her father was killed in a mission gone wrong. He was ambushed and murdered, leaving the society with no leader. Devastated, Kennedy took over the Knights of Songbird and vowed to continue her father's legacy. She is currently the leader of the Knights, and is actively recruiting new members and handling business appropriately. [b]Vigors/Plasmids:[/b] Will start in Columbia with Shock Jockey and Murder of Crows. [b]Weapons:[/b] Hand Cannon and Machine Gun [b]Faction:[/b] Leader of the Knights[/hider] [hider=Allison]Name: Allison Aka: Big Sister, Subject Beta Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: w/o helmet [img]http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t422/Harvent/Eleanor_zps5b3121de.jpg[/img] with helmet [img]http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t422/Harvent/Bigsister_zpsd7dcea2e.jpg[/img] Bio: In her early adolescence Allison was taken from her father to settle a substantial gambling debt, Her father was a poor working man with a nowhere job in Neptune's Bounty, Rapture's fishing district. Taken by gangsters, she was eventually sold, discretely, to Fontaine Futuristics. Fontaine Futuristics, in conjunction with Dr Brigid Tenenbaum, was conducting research into Adam. Allison was bought by Fontaine Futuristics to be used as a test subject into the Gatherer Project. The implantation of the Adam Slug did not have the desired effect, despite making her genetic structure highly adaptable, as she was simply too old and, once they discovered that younger girls were far better hosts, she was discarded, a failed experiment kept under lock and key. Until Dr Yi Suchong was brought in for the Protector Project to create guardians for the Little Sisters. During the experimental phase of Dr Suchong's work he recognised that Allison's genetic malleability would make her an excellent candidate for the Protector Project and she was fitted into a set of armour similar to that of the Big Daddies. The expense required for the operation and the fact that subjects in her state were so scarce made the "Big Sister" an unrealistic solution and so Dr Suchong decided to focus his attention elsewhere. Allison underwent a great deal of mental conditioning, erasing all of her previous memories and making her see the Little Sisters as her own younger siblings, giving her an overpowering drive to protect them all. And she was unleashed in Rapture, a unique guardian of the little Gatherers. Vigors/Plasmids: Incinerate - Allison is able to cast explosive fireballs from the palms of her hands Telekinesis - Allison is able to lift objects with the power of her mind and send them flying at enemies with great force Weapons: - Adam Harvesting Syringe mounted on her left wrist - Spring-loaded Harpoon mounted on her right wrist Faction: Little Sisters[/hider] [hider=Charlotte Alice Foster]Name: Charlotte Alice Foster Age: 12 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/359/e/7/commission___bioshock_by_nocturnalmoth-d35negx.jpg[/img] As a result of the Sea Slug, Charlotte's eyes still possess the glow Bio: Charlotte was born into a wealthy family, part of Rapture’s prestige society. She was given everything a little girl could ever want and lived a rich childhood. However, behind the glitz and glam of her upper-class lifestyle was a foundation of shady deals and questionable morals. Her mother ran a respectable and highly successful clothing line and though that help contribute to their wealth and credibility, it was her father who racked up the big bucks. Her father worked underground, running a successful smuggling ring under the radar. He often worked alongside Frank Fontaine, having once worked under him, and was able to work his operations without Andrew Ryan’s knowledge. When Fontaine needed a job done without sparing his own men, Foster was called upon. His main source of income, however, came from supplying the newly established Little Sister’s Orphanage with young girls. Charlotte’s father, as successful as he was, did not come home from his job without enemies. The wealth and greed nearly consumed him, if not for his family. Despite all he’s done, Charlotte’s father was very much a family man. He cherished his wife and adored his daughter. He protected them from any rising threats as best he could. After a while, and some uncertain events, Fontaine began to see him as a liability. There was talk that he would abandon his operations in order to focus on his family. He was given two options: Continue his operations or sign his family over for “genetic studies”. Unaware of the circumstances of the “studies”, Foster reluctantly agreed to take part. As he and his wife were taken to a facility, Charlotte was torn away from her parents and dropped off at the Little Sister’s Orphanage. After she was fully conditioned, Charlotte’s memories of her family were but a hazy dream in the back of her head. She was issued an early model of the Alpha Protectors but was later reconditioned to bond with a Bouncer model after her Protector malfunctioned and mistook her as a threat. The section of Rapture in which Charlotte gathered was exceptionally rich in ADAM abusers, causing her to harvest and consume more ADAM compared to other Little Sisters. After months of gathering, Brigid Tenenbaum managed to sneak Charlotte, as well as a few other Little Sisters, away from their Protectors. She had had a change of heart and understood the wrongdoing of her actions. In an effort to right these wrongs, she created a unique plasmid that would undo the conditioning of Little Sisters in an attempt to return their humanity. The plasmid seemed to work on Charlotte, failing on the others, and her memories flooded back to her. Confused and scared beyond belief, Charlotte fought Tenenbaum and escaped back into the city. She found her Protector frantically banging against a ventilation shaft. The plasmid did not affect the slug implanted within her nor did it change the fact that she had bonded with her Protector. She was lost and confused, with no one to trust. But she knew two things: The angels have the ADAM and Daddy will always protect her. Vigors/Plasmids: Telekinesis Weapons: Modified Adam Harvesting Syringe, Revolver Faction: Little Sister Other: Telekinesis is very fairly weak. She did not obtain the ability through a plasmid; rather it was developed over time through copious amounts of ADAM consumption[/hider] [hider=Arch Vexx]Name: Arch Vexx Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-i0An2KWcJKM/TyKUlqDORiI/AAAAAAAAAJY/r7GwG514RIs/s320/Sasuke.jpg[/img] Bio: Once a follower of Comstock, Vexx quickly learned that he is not one hundred percent true. Looking around for answers he came across a group known as The Knights Of Songbird, all having the same suspicion as him, he joined them and is the new recruit of the group. Being a good shot he was quickly appreciated amongst the ranks and has earned his nickname, One Shot Wonder but people still just call him Vexx. Vigors/Plasmids: Peeping Tom, Sonic Boom Weapons:Bird's Eye, Broadsider Faction: Knight[/hider] [hider=Mason Flint]Name: Mason Flint Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: Mason is a tall young man with sharp facial features. He appears skinny but is rather physically built. His hair is a dark shade of brown, short and ruffled if he doesn’t care to brush. Usually a quick comb through with his fingers will leave the tips spiked forward. He looks fairly young when his face is freshly shaven but seems to age whenever he lets it grow; when he does so his face is burdened with a glorious thin layer of facial hair. Bio: Once a peaceful protester, Mason Flint was approached by a man in a prison cell. Mason had been one of many arrested during a rally protest and it was no surprise that among his cellmates lie members of the radical rebellion group, the Vox Populi. The man had snuck into the prison with a handful of others while breaking out their Vox comrades. The man freed Mason and several other non-Vox members and was not the only one to join the Vox that night. Many were thankful but did not wish to get as involved as the Vox were against the Prophet’s word. Mason, however, like a few others, wanted to show their gratitude by joining them in their cause. At this point, the Vox Populi was a small group, but they were growing in numbers quickly. Daisy Fitzroy had started getting power-hungry and was engulfed in self-righteousness. Her cause was just and, for the most part, her actions were as well. She was a fair leader, though rash. Mason, over the course of two years, had worked with Fitzroy personally on several occasions. He grew to care for her, worry about her at times. She wanted to take heavier risks, plan more direct actions. His loyalty never faltered, but as Fitzroy challenged the Founders, the Founders pushed back just as much. Known members of the group had their homes raided, their families and friends taken away for being remotely connected. It wasn’t Fitzroy that Mason was worried about, no; she did was she felt was right in order to get the working people what they deserve. Mason was worried about what Comstock would do when his Vox activities caught up to his home life. He feared for his daughter. Hoping to get off the Prophet’s radar, Mason defected from the Vox and joined the Knights of Songbird, hoping to play a part against the Founders without attracting so much attention. Vigors/Plasmids: Murder of Crows, Bucking Bronco Weapons: Heater, Burstgun Faction: -Vox Populi- Knights of Songbird Other: His vigor choice was meant to deal with organic enemies and is rather ineffective when used against machines or heavy armored baddies.[/hider] [hider=Thomas Cabbot II "The Ghost"]Name: Thomas Cabot II but is more commonly known as 'The Ghost' Age: 32 Gender: Male Appearance: Thomas is slightly transparent to the point that most fine features are unseeable such as scars or wrinkles and also is completely light green much like the possession ghost used in the possession vigor. His eyes now look to be nothing more than bright green lights but they do intact still work. Any piece of clothing that Thomas wears while in his normal out-of-body form is morphed into the transparent green colour that makes up his skin and eye colour. He usually wears a large top hat and shawl along with a white undershirt, brown suspenders and a pair of nice shoes. Bio: Thomas's father was born in France while his mother in America. His parents met when his father went on a business trip to America and almost immediately fell head over heels for Thomas's future mother. Soon the two got married, moved in with each other and had Thomas. Thomas's mother got the opportunity of a life time when she, and the rest of her family, were offered a place as residents in the traveling fair attraction Columbia. The family immediately took to the opportunity and moved in to the floating land of Columbia. When Columbia went rouge and became its own country the family was thrilled as they loved their new home... Or so it seemed. Thomas's mother loved Columbia and everything about it but his father did not like the religious rulers of the city as he saw them as twisting what people would believe to their benefit. Thomas liked Columbia but missed looking out at the ocean and standing on solid land. As Thomas got older he began questioning things that had seemed normal to him previously like how his family was able to make money despite his fathers lack of a job and his mothers low paying job as a tailor. He asked his father about it and his father told him that he was a thief, plain and simple. Thomas was shocked as whenever he saw his dad his hands were usually pretty shaky but when his father proved it by snatching some money right from his sons pocket with him barley noticing Thomas knew that his dad was telling the truth. His dad decided to take him under his wing and teach him about how to properly steal an object from a person pocket or how to pick a lock with the best of care. After a few years his family began raking in money now with three workers in the house. Once vigors came out Thomas saw this as the perfect way to help get in some more dough. He got the possession vigor and began testing it on various things such as birds and what not. He soon began using it on Fink vending machines and getting them to spill out their contents which included the money. Pretty soon Thomas and his family were living the good life with his parents likely to be able to retire early but then tragedy came as his father was caught trying to steal from a person who had to many connections and was shot down by the police. Thomas was heart broken and went to confront his mother to see if the news was true but when he got home his mother was gone along with all of his family's possessions. He had no idea what happened and simply broke down and cried right there on the spot. After a month or so Thomas got his own place as he couldn't afford his old home anymore and began going at the thieving game alone but he was beginning to develop a problem. Thomas began getting addicted to the Possession vigor as some would become addicted to alcohol. Thomas's vigor powers were top of the line, his skill and powers were at their peak when he came to a situation that would forever change his life. He was trying to make a vending machine cough up its coins but for some reason he couldn't muster out the familiar green ghost. A police officer saw what he was trying to do and began threatening Thomas with his gun. Thomas realized he would likely be sent to jail since he had just been caught so he decided he would simply try his luck at possession on the officer which normally worked on people but this time something unexpected happened. Thomas felt a ripping pain in himself as he literarily flew forwards and towards the officer who at the moment couldn't tell what was happening. When Thomas was about to hit the man he instead went in him and he was now seeing the world from his eyes, hearing the world from his ears and smelling the world from his nose. Thomas smirked at his new power and he decided to begin using this power to get revenge for his father and possibly his mother. He was going to go find the Vox but stumbled across the Knights of songbird. He decided to join up with them instead as their cause was nobler and he might as well make up for the wrong he had done before doing more wrong. Though he isn't known to exist by the members he's been to many meetings of the Knights in the body of existing members but never actually influencing them. Vigors/Plasmids: possession (operates differently than standard vigor though. See Other for details) Weapons: Sky-hook, broadsides pistol. Faction: Unofficial knight (shows up to the meetings but isn't actually inducted or seen doing so) Other: -His version of possession is different as it has more or less consumed him and mutated from its original form. Now rather than sending out a spectre to do the possessing for him he must do so himself by phasing into a living being. On that note he is currently unable to possess non living structures such as turrets or automatons. Due to his ability to phase into living organisms he is unable to physically make contact with them so hand to hand combat in a impossible feat for him unless it's with a automaton. He is also able to do a dash that goes exactly three feet in front of him but once he has dashed he can't stop and has to follow through with the dash so if he's headed for a wall he's running into that wall. His actual possession capability is different from the standard vigor as he is able to leave a persons body without making them commit suicide and that his possession isn't guaranteed to work as it depends on the willpower of the host. He is however able to inhabit a body without any trouble and just simply watch, hear and feel from that persons perspective while also being able to talk to the host.[/hider] [hider=Lucas Adams]Name: Lucas Adams Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Lucas is a fairly young looking man. His blonde scruffy hair perpetually hidden by a brown newsboy's cap. He is incapable of growing facial hair, as denoted by his incredibly smooth skin. He is slightly pudgy, but this doesn't stop him from running around the battlefield and taking care of anyone that gets in his way. He generally has at least a few oil spots staining him or his clothes at all times. His clothes include a white shirt with a brown vest, a rag in its pocket. A red toolbelt filled with various assorted screwdrivers and wrenches hangs loosely from his slacks. Bio: Lucas was confused by his world. When he was young, his parents had taught him to treat all nicely, yet his leader had prosecuted the minorities. He was told by his parents he would be special, yet he was a cog in the sky line maintenance machine. He decided one day, these two things had to change. Lucas needed an outlet, a way to fight his tyrannous leader, yet he was a simple mechanic, how could he resist when he contributed to the transportation of the very people he hated most? He finally found the Knights of Songbird, and promptly spent his money on a nice vigor for protection and a Paddywhacker Hand Cannon. He stole his company issue Sky Hook, and joined the Knights in an attempt to fight for what he believed in, and make something of himself. To get by he now does mechanical odd jobs in between doing things for the KoS. Vigors/Plasmids: Return to Sender, Shock Jockey Weapons: Paddywhacker Hand Cannon, Sky Hook Faction: Knights of Songbird Other: Lucas' Shock Jockey vigor was given to him by the mechanic company he used to work at before joining the Knights, along with, as mentioned in the bio, his Sky Hook[/hider] [hider=Subject Gamma]Name: Subject Gamma Age: 36 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://s1081.photobucket.com/user/moom241/media/bibgappy_zpsadae37a5.jpg.html[/img] Bio: Subject Gamma came to rapture with his twin brother in 1952. Gamma was a doctor, while his brother worked as a maintenance technician. While Gamma was happy with his work, his brother was dissatisfied, and openly spoke out against Andrew Ryan. While Gamma was hesitant to join in his brother's protest, he still supported his brother, and when Gamma's brother was arrested, Gamma was arrested alongside him. Both were sent to the Persephone Penal Colony. It was there that Gamma was turned into the creature it is today. While losing most of himself, and even forgetting his name, Gamma still has a connection to his brother, but was unable to do anything about it until very recently, when his little sister was killed. Free from his duty of protecting her, and knowing he will soon lose himself completely, Gamma has made it his final mission to find out what has happened to his long lost brother. Unbeknownst to Gamma, his brother was taken by the scientists, and is still trapped, being tortured day in, and day out. Vigors/Plasmids: Electro Shock Weapons: Drill, Rivet gun Faction: Independent Other: Is slowly falling into a coma from sister separation. Will finally succumb when most dramatic. EDIT: To clarify, Gamma is an Alpha, not a regular Big Daddy[/hider]