Vicar saw the beast walking up to him as he looked down to it "you are rather well informed for a beast" he said as he walked toward the ruined town gate. Soon the woman was fallowing him as the templar started to protest. He turned and looked over towards him as he glared "The templars are what, a thousand strong? Two thousand?" he said walking back towards him "The real army numbers more than triple that." watching him he turned looking to the thief "Good, We can fill up on supplies there, but we should only stay the night and move in the morning. The horde is slow moving, and they may divert for the towns on the way." he paused for moment looking to everyone "There are three towns between here and the capital, with any luck we can reach the second town before the horde and start evacuating the last two towards the capital and all of the guardsmen each guard counts at least a thousand to add to the capitals already standing forces." he said nothing for the town that will be sacrificed. He turned his back once more walking out heading for the towns gate "or you can run home like a coward, chances are you will die before you ever get near it." he said walking once more as he noticed the others that were following him. "and from the looks of it you will be making that journey alone." He was done with the conversation as he looked visibly angry. Stepping out through the portal of the town he followed the road out without bothering to look back "Reza lead the way" he said slowing down so the thief could get in front of him as he noticed the bread but at this moment ignored it as there were worse things to deal with.