Name:Larharl Shadewood Age:22 House: Ravendore Position:Soldier/Ranger, Body Guard Race: Elf Weapons/Gear: Bow and arrows,short sword, dagger, Backpack that has gear for prolonged warfare. Includes shovel, rope, flint, personal items, his mothers amulet. Larhal's armor is just dull brown leather with a dark green cloak and hood. Skills/Magic:Tracking, hunting, stealth and concealment, incredibly good marksmen both on horse back and on foot, Irregular warfare. Appearance:[url=] Larharl [/url] Background:Born to a poor family on the outskirts of the city, Larharl's family had to hunt to survive. And like any good hunting family they passed on their techniques to their sons and daughters. Larharl's father taught him all of the methods of a good hunter including patience, how to survive in the wilderness, which plants are edible and can be used in medicine, how to make your own bow and arrows, and many other things. While his father taught him how to hunt. His mother taught him academic things like how to read and write, something she had picked up a long time ago. When he was old enough, and armed with the skills his mother and father taught him he left to join the army. There he picked up the basics of swordsmanship. (But he never was any good at it.) But one thing he was noticed for was his archery, he was considered one of the best archers in the army, and for his skill was made into a irregular who at a moments notice would move behind enemy lines and disrupt supply lines, and kill high ranking officers. As of now he is just waiting again for the powers to call him away. Opinion on War:It keeps him busy, but he hates seeing people die.