Armond listened to everyone talk, and most of that chatter was directed at him in the form of both questions, and statements. Where should he begin? Hell, where [i]could[/i] he begin? He figured answering the questions would be best, followed by what else he knew about Blitz. Since he would be with them for awhile longer, they should know exactly what they were getting into by keeping him around. "Miss Veragwen, I have no idea why he would go to such lengths to obtain the spirit, but my theory on that is because it's a spirit, it was valuable in some way to him. As for his powers, I fear the worst every day. What if he were to use his necromancy while using the spirit? I don't want to imagine what sort of catastrophe that madman would be able to cause. It's bad enough he can already resurrect dead creatures, I don't want to see him do more with either of his powers. So yes, I think he's a much larger threat than that of a Dragoon alone." he replied. He turned his attention to Mara next, who asked a very good question, "Well, you see, I don't really have an answer to that. I mean, I've read books mentioning the spirits, but I have no idea where they are, aside from the Red-Eye Spirit that was stolen. But even then, all I know is that Blitz has it, and who knows where he's gone now. But even if I managed to locate and acquire the remaining stones, I would have no clue on how to search for their rightful owners, or what makes them active in the first place. Suffice to say, all I know of them comes from very old books, most of which perished in the fire." he replied to her. His attention then turned to Samael, "You're right, if I were in the position of these people, I'd have a hard time believing in a suspected murderer, even if he was a noble like me. I honestly don't expect anything from anyone these days, it's difficult to gain the trust of people when you're labeled a murderer. Sure, I could hire more people like you, Samael, but that would just be asking for another Blitz-like character to end my life. And as much as I'm hated in this world, I'd rather live and be hated, than die and be known as a coward." he told him before turning his attention to the others. "I know we got off on the wrong foot earlier, and I know many of you...dislike me because of my status. But just know that I would never tell any of you to sacrifice your lives for me, for you are your own people, and you have the right to choose for yourselves, despite what others of my nobility might say. I've learned that we were born into the world free, and we are not to be subjugated to the will of anyone, man or otherwise. If I could, I'd cast off my noble title, for it has caused me nothing but trouble. All I want now is to be a regular person, like all of you, someone who is free. Someone who isn't bound to such foolish responsibilities, someone who can go places and do what he wants, see the beauty of this world. But alas, I cannot, for I have my role in the world. And that role is to be a noble until I die." he finished the last part in a sad tone, his head dropping.