As they headed out of the town, Arria made certain to stay close to Havarr, if only so he wouldn’t have to chase her around, as she knew he would not leave her side. Though new to her, he seemed unshakably loyal, more so than many of the men that had been at her side for many months, years even. For all that loyalty, though, it seemed he could not yet grasp her thoughts without further explanation. He would need more time for that. “I did not suggest we try to stop them by fighting them all ourselves,” she corrected gently, well aware that by [i]fight them ourselves[/i] she was implying only the others in the party. “What I am suggesting is that this plague may not be a threat that can be solved by armies. Perhaps precision is needed, instead of brute force. A wound is stitched with needle and thread; it isn’t beaten with a hammer.” Beneath the white hood, her eyes constantly moved back and forth, looking for any threat. Surely nowhere was safe that these undead had been. “Raising armies against them could very well do nothing but swell their ranks. It is my belief that a small number may be able to achieve more good, and draw less attention to themselves, than thousands of armored soldiers. If last night’s battle proved anything, it is that fighting this evil directly will bring only death.” Just then the beast returned, warning them of the potential danger beneath their feet. Arria nodded gravely. "Thank you for the warning." She turned to the Templar at her side. “Perhaps you should lead, Havarr,” she suggested quietly. “I’ll be right behind you.” She did not imagine seeing the dead bursting forth from the ground would be a pleasant sight, but she had seen enough of them by now that she did not think she would be rendered sick by the sight of more. They walked in a somewhat uncomfortable silence for a time. There was much tension within the group, obviously, something Arria found moderately displeasing. “If we’re going to be traveling together, we should at least know each other’s names,” she suggested to the group. “I am Sister Arria Valencia. I hail from the Capital, though I have traveled much of the Kingdom in the past few years, to better spread the Gift bestowed upon me by the Goddess.” She didn't exactly anticipate her words sparking a lively discussion, but it was better than nothing to relieve some of the tension when walking through this horrid landscape.