His breath felt hot, burning his lungs with each sharp inhale as feet flew across the ground, almost silent as he ran through the crowd. Many cries of outrage could be heard in his wake as Luka barged through people, knocking some to the ground in his haste. But there was no time to stop and offer an apology or help. Even further back his keen ears angry shouts to move and a clanking of metal as guard weapons clanged against other pieces of their gear. They were far enough behind that he couldn’t see them if he looked back, but close enough they were able to follow the trail of confusion and chaos the boy left behind him. His deep, sharp, blue eyes scanned the buildings rushing past him as his feet practically flew across the ground, his speed hindered only by the people in his way. There were few gaps in the crowd, no alleyways in sight. No place to escape. The bright noon sun was beaming down upon him, sweat dripping from every pore in his body as pain continued to radiate from his side. He couldn’t, or perhaps didn’t want to, think about how long he had been running. Suddenly his eyes widened with surprise as up ahead of him he saw a small gap in the crow, not much but just enough to offer a small chance at maybe a rest. Quickly the boy darted through the gap that led to a small building, probably a shop, he suspected. Bursting through the door he slammed it behind, breathing heavily his eyes scanned the room he had just entered before they landed on a young woman and they widened in fright. With lightning fast movements he dashed forwards and took a hold of her upper arm in one hand, which had a strange, wet feeling on it and placed the other over her mouth to stop her from crying out. “Please,” he managed to gasp out between ragged breaths. “Just… be quiet. I’m not… not going to hurt you.” His eyes flickered to the side for a moment, towards the door and he fell totally silent, holding his breath despite the burning urgency in his lungs as if he was listening to something. However there was nothing to be heard outside, just the usual hustle and bustle of the city. However after a minute or so he seemed satisfied with whatever he was waiting for and took a long gasp for air before returning his attention to the girl before him, which he now realised he was intimately close to, their bodies practically touching in places. “I’m going to move my hand away.” He said softly, searching her eyes for some kind of sign as he slowly peeled his hand. “Please… don’t scream.” Releasing her and taking a few steps away Luka stood rigidly, his entire body tense like a deer that sensed danger and was ready to flee at a moment’s notice. All it took was one shout, one call for help and people would hear and with the guards so close they would be upon them within minutes. There would be little chance for escape.