[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/zBq0j9A.png][/center] Corruption... Elora's mind raced. How could they possibly defeat a dragon that corrupted the hearts of others? Her eyes darted around the room and rested on the Kunite. If this tale was truly honest, the Kunite could probably prove to be dangerous. From what she had seen and heard from him so far, she was not impressed and she was definitely not comfortable around him. She blinked and brought her eyes down to the table, and reached out for the pouch. Seven silvers should be more than enough. She didn't know what she would be using them for yet, but they definitely wouldn't be wasted in this tavern."I will see you all in the morning," she said quietly and nodded to the group, excusing herself for a nice bedroom upstairs. This part she was definitely excited for. It had been many months since she had slept on a real bed, and once she found herself in alone in her room, tears crept into her eyes. What was she getting herself in to? Elora walked around the room, allowing her eyes to take in it's simpleness. Her fingers traced the wooden frame of a mirror that was attached to the wall. A stranger stared back at her, her face smudged with dirt along her cheekbones, and a swipe of it across her forehead. Her red hair was kept fairly clean, with the exception to a tangles here and there. Her blue eyes were sad, but had finally stopped producing tears. Slowly, she pulled the robe over her head and let it fall in a pile beside her. Next, the too-large chainmail that clinked and shined in the pale light of the room. Again, she let it fall to the ground. All that was left on Elora's person were some old boots and a dark green dress that hugged her curves nicely. It was this Elora who finally smiled. She bent down to untie her boots when a thought hit her. A nice, hot bath would be amazing. Perhaps there was a washroom nearby. She would head back down to the barkeep to ask about any oils, though she doubted there would be any around thanks to the depression. Still, it was worth a shot. Once she pulled off her boots, Elora looked back into the mirror, and combed through her hair with her fingers. There was no doubt that some of her "new family" was down stairs, but she would ignore them. This was her chance to take a bath, and she was going to take it. She found the room's old key in the draw beside her bed and locked the door once she was out of the room. She didn't have much of anything to steal, but she preferred not to take chances. These people were strangers after all. Elora made her way down the staircase and found that she was correct, some of the group were still making acquaintances with each other, some fuels with alcohol, some otherwise. She smiled to them and made her way to the barkeep. "Do you happen to have a washroom? And any lavender oil available?" She asked, her eyes tuned to the conversations going on behind her. Something about deer and poverty. At least their leader, if she recognized his voice correctly, was a decent fellow. The barkeep met her eyes with a throaty grunt and tilted his head to the right. "If we have any oil, you will also find it there. It's free of charge as long as you don't empty out the bottle." His voice was gruff, and she could see the surprise in his eyes. Apparently not many people asked for the washroom or the oils. This pleased her. Less chance of being interrupted. She politely thanked him and made her way to the direction where he had cocked his head. Finally she found it, after making a wrong turn down the wrong hallway. The warm air rushed to hit her as she opened the door. Hot springs. Elora couldn't hide her excitement as she made her way through the room. The candles that provided the light had burnt themselves out long ago, but the moonlight that streamed through the windows in the room was more than enough. On the shelf beside the small pool was a small variety of vials, and she was very pleased to see that the lavender was available and close to full. Elora unstopped the small vial and slowly let the oil pour into the water until she clipped the cork back inside and rested it again on the shelf. Making sure that she locked the washroom door, Elora finally allowed herself to slip out of her dress and into the water. The mud and dirt that had been caked upon her skin seemed to melt away with the heat. This was what heaven felt like. For once in a long while, Elora finally felt like her old self.