[quote=Ichthys] [b]@Milieu:[/b] [list] [*]Just one clairfication: How good is Atlas' sixth sense? What are it's limits? And what can he discern from a magical source? Can he tell what kind of effect, its relative power or location?[/*] [*]Other than that, I love his concept. I especially like his biography, particularly the death of the three friends he made while roaming. I think it really exhibits the dark nature of the RP. It's also just well-written.[/*] [/list] [/quote] Thank you. The way I imagine his sixth sense is that it acts as a sort of 360 sight for magic. Since you discerned it as an energy or force which is ever prevailing in living things, he can only "see" the energy itself and its accumulation. Not what the spell is or its desired effect. For instance, a potion made with magic would permeate in his vision, in a sort of- how I imagine it- blue green glow. Humans, since they possess souls and spirits, can be a myriad of colors which he can see. He hasn't quite figured out what varying colors mean yet. So in essence, he can see magical auras. Now that I'm thinking about, I think the distance of this sight should be directly related to how far he can hear. Like, mapping out the space with echolocation and filling in the space with the sixth sense. So a reasonable limit to impose is that if there isn't a sound to bounce off the object permeating with magic, then he technically can't "see" it. Other examples to help with the visualization is that if someone were casting a firebolt, and voicing a particular incantation, he could see the magic accumulate in the users hands or and the end of their staff, before the actual fireball materialized and took flight. Or say the spell has an area of effect, which to normal eyes, that area wouldn't be able to be seen, but him, he would see the area the spell encompasses pulsate with the color of magic he sees. To aptly describe the supposed limitation, if someone is performing alchemy in a sound proof room right next to his own room, he would not be able to sense it. Or if technology rapidly advanced to provide headphones and CD players, and my character was enjoying some [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCu3bBMAUlo]metal[/url], he couldn't "see" a spell being cast right in front of his face. Would this be viable? And if so, should I add this to the CS for further clarification?