[hider=Pretty Princess][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/s526x395/10646679_794668083889870_1351880164375328316_n.jpg?oh=ee5edeb865374a550a18cfee97e786eb&oe=54E7062B&__gda__=1420615797_ecb8db1bc6fd9f540adbe4748cff2b4f[/img][/hider] [B]Name:[/B] [I]Coriander[/I] [B]Nickname:[/B] [I]Due to the nature of Coriander's very feminine appearance and voice, the people have come to know him as Cori or more eccentrically Princess Coriander[/I] [B]Age:[/B] [I]25[/I] [B]Gender:[/B] [I]Male but many around him have mistaken him to be a female[/I] [B]Personality:[/B] [I]Cori can be summed up, more or less, in one word: cool. There's a natural calmness that exudes from him, which is evident in his every day interactions with the people in his surroundings. He's confident, but never arrogant. He approaches everything with an open ear and never looks down at others, even when they make mistakes. Cori is an invaluable source of advice and encourages others when they're facing difficulty, preferring a person try to overcome their troubles then spoon-feeding them all the answers. This makes him quite approachable in conversation and can often be seen talking to members of the Unbound Hearts. He possesses a keen intellect, not just in scholarly subjects, but in analyzing opponents and figuring out attack patterns. Even during difficult times, he remains relaxed and even-tempered. When fighting, he never shows signs of distress or worry. Instead, he remains focused on the task at hand. His patience allows him to gradually wear down an opponent until he finds his opening to counter attack. These traits make him a formidable opponent. Of all the members within the resistance, Cori possesses the most self-control when it comes to fighting. He doesn't immediately jump into battles and prefers to talk to his opponents before engaging in combat, seeing if he can find a peaceful resolution through conversation. When performing, he typically enters a form of trance. He described it at as having the world muted and only his music can be heard. He feels the beat in his chest and lets his hands take control. Coriander stated that it is his main passion has always been music and has spent a life learning as much about the guitar as he can. Though he's admitted that the bass guitar is the instrument that really helps him express his true feelings.[/I] [B]Faction:[/B] [I]Unbound Hearts[/I] [B]Weapon:[/B] [I][URL=http://aqworldswiki.com/images/aqworldswiki.com/d/d1/Gold_SS.JPG]Zeydra[/URL] - A unique weapon of essence that has existed within Cori’s bloodline since the beginning. It takes the form of a longsword, with a blade composed of pure magical energy. Being made of the same energy as the rest of the blade, the guard has the notable potential to stop the foe's blade from sliding down and slicing through the hilt, and by proxy Cori’s hands. The rest of the blade is coloured a pure gold; with a sparkling emerald gem embedded within the hilt. The unique way that the longsword was forged enhances the power of the sword by converting the user’s essence into intense heat that is able to melt or “cut” through materials, cauterizing any wounds it imposes.[/I] [B]Powers/Abilities:[/B] [I]Sword Magic (剣の魔法, Ken no Mahō): Sword Magic is Cori's only known branch of offensive magic, the rest being supplementary. It is Magic which, as the name itself suggests, is focused around the use of swords, with those weapons acting as mediums for Cori to perform particular attacks. Many of such moves are shown capable of going past the physical reach of the blade employed in their use, threatening foes at short-to-mid range. Some Sword Magic techniques seem to involve the use of elements commonly found employed by elemental forms of Magic, such as Fire Magic; in addition, an unnamed version of Telekinesis is shown to be frequently employed alongside it, in order for Cori to maneuver several swords at the same time in his Hundred Sword Style. In some cases, certain moves might even involve the change of the sword's properties, such as its length. Specializing in using his Zeydra for combat, Cori trained in the use of Sword Magic, however, not all of the magic he uses with Sword Magic necessarily stems from Zeydra, due to the fact that much of his brand of Sword Magic seems to create swords in a manner similar to Zeydra, and favors quantity over quality.[/I] [hider=Sword Spells] [I]Pluvia Laminis (プルビア ラミニス Purubia Raminisu; Latin for Rain of Blades): Pluvia Laminis is sword magic spell where Cori charges his magical energy into his sword, condensing it momentarily before unleashing it in a faint wave—the rippling wave manifests as a multitude of ethereal blades which are a blazing scarlet in texture, magical energy scattering off of each and every sword that was summoned, which are grouped together as one large spear as if they were a phalanx formation, before they are unleashed in an unholy fury. The "rain of blades" created by this technique is enough to wound most targets that are not heavily durable or under some sort of defense. At a moment's notice, with a mental command, Cori is capable of reverting the spear formation into numerous swords, effectively breaking their grouping and allowing him to shred opponents at a distance and break through defenses accordingly. The blades can be used for defensive purposes, as they can protect Cori from an incoming sword swing. Interitus Exercitium (インテリツスクサーシチアム Purubia Ekkusaasitiamu; Latin for Extinction Drill): Interitus Exercitium is prepared by assuming an unusual stance; dropping into a partial crouch, both knees bend, right arm drawn back and left extended forward while Cori winds up his sword arm. Focusing his magical energy into his feet to get a better foothold as well as his left wrist to augment the strike, Cori waits for the foe to draw close, before instantly breaking out of the stance and thrusting at the foe whilst releasing his sword arm, creating a drill effect with extreme force at high speeds, piercing through many an obstruction. The technique is considered quite deadly but unfortunately Interitus Exercitium has quite a few blind spots to be exploited. Despite the apparent inflexibility of using one attack repeatedly, it has many useful applications.[/I] [/hider] [I]The Hundred One-Sword Style (百一刀流, Hyaku Ittōryū): The Hundred One-Sword Style is perhaps the most peculiar style of swordfighting that has quite possibly ever been shown. Rather than using just one sword, Cori utilizes a hundred swords which are materialized through his own magical aura and then shaped in the form of the replica of his Zeydra which are then scattered around the battlefield. With this, Cori unleashes a plethora of techniques, making use of a single sword, or even many swords simultaneously. Because of the hundreds of blades scattered around the battlefield Cori almost always has a sword in hand, or multiple swords ready for use. He uses these replicas of Zeydra for various purposes beyond just regular melee attacking, such as using them as projectiles, paths to walk on, stakes to prevent his opponent's movements, and also use for unleashing multiple simultaneous attacks on his foe. With the power of the Hundred One-Sword Style and his speed, it seems to the untrained eye that Cori can summon a multitude of ethereal swords to wipe out his opponents. The skill that Cori displays when utilizing the Hundred One-Sword Style blurs the line between the physical and the mystical, conjuring mighty dragons born of blades to descend upon his opponents, or erecting barriers of blades to shield himself. At times, Cori, when utilizing the Hundred One-Sword Style, almost appears as if he has telekinesis, as he is able to make his Swords float in midair, stick to his opponents, etc. This isn't a supernatural power, but a natural property of the style; as otherwise, utilizing the Hundred One-Sword Style would be heavily impractical. Incantation: I am the bone of my sword Steel is my body and fire is my blood I have created over a thousand blades Unaware of loss, Nor aware of gain Withstood pain to create weapons, waiting for one’s arrival I have no regrets. This is the only path My whole life was unlimited blade works[/I] [Hider=Hundred One-Sword Style Techniques] [I]Praeterea (プラエテリ, Puraeteri, Latin for "Addition"): This technique utilizes the numerous swords involved in the use of the Hundred One-Sword Style and both Cori's skill and speed. Cori attacks the opponent a total of eleven times in rapid succession, each at different angles and positions. With each strike the sword is left behind attached to the opponent. He then lands the final blow, making a total of twelve devastating blows. This technique can be grave to the enemy if successful and can end the battle. The attack itself relies upon the high speeds of the individual attacks and the momentary stun inflicted by the previous blows, allowing Cori to grab one of the surrounding swords and continue with the technique. The damage inflicted by this attack can be doubled using the technique Multiplicatio, equaling a total of 24 blows. Gladius Dente (グラヂウス デンツ, Guradiusu Dentu, Latin for "Sword Fang"): Cori begins this attack by hitting three swords that had been previously positioned standing parallel to each other. By simultaneously hitting these swords near their sunken tips, it causes all three of them to slash upwards, in a manner reminiscent of a "fang". The swords can be precisely positioned so as they drop inside the opponents guard, making it difficult to avoid the subsequent attack without releasing their weapons first.[/I][/hider] [I]Acrobat: Due to Cori's natural high speeds, Cori is highly acrobatic, agile, and an experienced athlete, capable of gracefully leaping over many obstacles that comes in his way and performing various forms of nimble movements. He has as well radical reaction time to match his movements. Cori's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all at levels to match some of the finest human athletes. Cori is extraordinarily limber and his tendons and connective tissues are twice as elastic as the average human being's, lowering his physical strength in the process . He has the combined agility and acrobatic prowess of the most accomplished circus aerialists and acrobats. He can also perform many complicated sequences of gymnastic stunts such as flips, rolls, and springs. Master Swordsman: Cori has trained in the arts of swordmanship from a very young age and is considered to be a skilled swordsman. He is a master swordsman, capable of good precision and lethal attacks, attempting to put no effort behind his attacks. The greatest strength of his swordsmanship is his ability to adapt to varying situations and he has trained himself to become ambidextrous so as to make himself more versatile. His fighting style consists of graceful and quick movements. Not one to make use of pure brute force, he tries to deal accurate blows and perform quick maneuvers Earth Sensing: Earth Sensing is a unique sensory magic developed by his brother Alexander and mastered by Coriander. The user's connection to magic allowed them to use a unique ability of seismic sense: they can use magic to "feel" even the most minute vibrations in the earth, including the march of ants several meters away and the presence of trees and buildings. Through this heightened seismic sense, users can visualize where people are, their relative distance to them, and their physical build. Earth Sensing revolves around three core virtues, Weight Distribution, Vibrations, and Depth Perception sometimes referred to as Hollow Measurement. It's weakness being attacks which hold no contact to earth as well as earth which is not compacted such as Sand and Gravel. Coriander's use of his Earth Sensing allows him to even feel a constant pulse and heartbeat of those around, making it nearly impossible to lie.[/I] [B]Bio:[/B] [I]For now, Cori has acted in the best interest of the Unbound Hearts whilst striking at the encroaching darkness that looms from the Empire. He stands as a testament to the strength and resolve of the people that fight for hope. Unfortunately his life before joining is soon to catch up with him[/I]