Dibs on the spawn of Tweedle Dee and/or Tweedle Dum :D (Can I, please?) I haven't seen a good Wonderland RP in ages! [hider=I'm not a stalker]Well hi there, Alyss. I found this by the Casual search, I swear xD We must have very simliar taste in RPs.[/hider] --- [b]The following CS is a WIP yo.[/b] [center][img=http://oi62.tinypic.com/w7hafo.jpg][/center] [center][b]The Tweed Cousins[/b][/center] [center]Name: Fabian (left) Parent: Tweedle Dee Age: 20 Personality: A bit of a prankster and always one for having a good time, Fabian is known for getting himself into mischief. He is surprisingly clever considering his parentage, but he quite obviously inherited his father's playfulness. He has a difficult time focusing on serious topics for any length of time. Instead, he prefers to act as the "comic relief" and engage in silly antics with his cousin, Freya. Other: Fabian can be a charismatic fellow when he chooses to be. This comes in handy when dealing with strangers and enemies. He has been rumored to have even tricked a man into giving up his sword in the middle of a battle. However he has also been known for inventing his own legends, so no one knows if the story is actually true.[/center] [center]Name: Freya (right) Parent: Tweedle Dum Age: 20 Personality: Freya has always been something of a ditz. She often has her head in the clouds and is slow to put two and two together. Nevertheless, she always maintains a cheerful attitude and enjoys making other people smile. She just has issues with figuring out when a practical joke has gone too far or when to stop fooling around. Other: While Freya might be good for nothing in most situations, she is talented with various weapons. She taught herself to use them, so she uses very unorthodox techniques that her enemies would not expect.[/center] [center]Shared history: The Tweedle household was a chaotic one. I know; shocking, right? Being as close as they were, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum refused to part from one another, even after meeting two lovely ladies -who, might I add, were as odd as the Tweedles themselves- and having children of their own. So all six moved in to one quaint little house at the edge of the woods. The result was hardly a good one. With two sets of unruly parents, Fabian and Freya had no appropriate role models to learn from. They assumed that all of life's problems could simply disappear if one put them off long enough. They also judged that the more games one played, the more things would be enjoyable in the long run. Of course, their parents taught them none of these ridiculous philosophies. They hardly schooled the two children at all. Sadly, Fabian and Freya were doomed to become misinformed autodidacts.[/center]