[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm-WORKaOEc]Class is in Session:[/URL] Varren raised his head from his desk, leaving the grips of denial as his classmates were called up one by one. First was a fox-lady who believed her familiar was the stealthiest being in existence, then was a person who he would have never guessed was a vampire, a barkeep with an almost-as-fluffy cat, and a very compact dragon. [i]”Vampire, eh? Never would have guessed that…”[/i] He shrugged, the fact only promoted his ideal of not judging a book by its cover even more. Next was the leader of the snowball throwing orc legion, coined with a surprisingly original name. Not only was the half-orc a first year, but he governed over those who were of higher grades and expertises. Having such a diverse group at his disposal was definitely useful. Yinyues related the following student as a loli protagonist from a few mecha animes he had watched over the summer. The girl- well, her robot had made quite the entrance for her. Literally. Though, Mr. Fenris didn’t make any complaints concerning the giant hole in the wall now. [b]”...We’ll just make renovations for your companion later, Ms. Machina.”[/b] After that followed a colorfully named elementary schooler made out of rock, a traditional martial artist, a human who looked part bird, and a rooskie who could drink enough rum to fill all of the Great Lakes. If they still existed. The boy ticked off each student in his head, until the teacher glanced down at his screen one more time, then called out Varren’s name. He perked up from his tired state, realizing the importance of the situation. First impressions were always important, as they gave the receiving end a general idea of a person’s character. With a quick nod of encouragement, the student energetically rose from his seat, straightening out his composure. Only for a moment did he keep a calm complexure, almost instantly breaking down into a greeting smile. [b][i]“Yo~ My name is Varren Yinyues, I am from Japan, Earth, and I will be succeeding Magpul Industries! I plan on becoming a skirmisher fighter. May I assist you to the best of my abilities.”[/i][/b] After a quick bow, the boy sat back in his seat. Mr. Fenris raised an eye at the boy, which slightly creeped him out. Not his nonexistent eyebrow, but the entirety of his left eye elevated a few inches on his face. [b]”Interesting. Guess some people have their sights set upon joining this academy.”[/b] With the introductions now over, the man tapped a few suckers on his console. Cerulean holograms took form above the students desks; Including the class roster, schedule, homework and the essentials for a harmonious classroom. The words [i]First Day Speech[/i] popped up in bold text across the screens, [b]”Since it is the first day, and you are all new to the academy, I am entitled to giving you the gist of what your academic career for the next five years will entail. But before we get into that, let’s delve into our purpose for being here today, yes?”[/b] The man spun around to face the display at the front of the classroom. A shot of the Black Gale took up almost all of the screen. [quote][b]”As all of you know, this is the Black Gale. A wormhole created nearly twenty years ago which connects the futuristic planet of Earth and the more traditional lands of Lucis. We do not know the cause or how the wormhole came to being, but with it was brought the trading of cultures between the two spectrums. For the first couple of years, they were on neutral terms until they finally formalized a peace treaty between each other. Most forms of circulated literature classify the Black Gale as an [i]opening[/i] in space-time. Alas, that is incorrect. It is actually a [i]tear[/i], and with tears is brought asymmetry, rough edges and randomization. The Black Gale by no means is a perfect medium, for there are multiple tears within the whole entire region. On a constantly growing multitude, we classify these gaps as labyrinths, home to malicious mongrels which threaten both worlds. To combat this threat, Lucis and Earth built a plethora of institutes within the Black Gale itself, for instant response times and to act as the front line of defense. With a seemingly endless number of labyrinths popping up, the academies produce generation after generation of warriors who fight off these monsters. You will be eligible to exterminate these impurities once you graduate from this academy, something to aspire to. Now, let’s focus on you guys… and girls, I’m not sexist. These labyrinths are first inspected by academy scouts, then a general analysis is supplied to students. Eligibility is determined by the risk factor of the monsters and the students overall performance within his or her classes. For you first years, don’t expect too many solo missions. Most will be done as a full class, and will be advised by yours truly. You are all probably asking, how will you go about fighting in these regions? Well, let’s graze the subject of the academy’s class system. Based upon your application form, Combat Efficiency Test and comprised analysis of your records supplied to the board, you have all been assigned a class…”[/b] The teacher trailed off as he pressed a tentacle against his console, bringing up the class roster on everybody’s holograms. Next to each student’s name, in contrasting red font were the names of their classes. Varren watched intently as the title [i]Commando[/i] was dashed last on the list. [b]”Classes are basically titles which are assigned to students, which fit with their fighting style the best. Some have been created for the first time; Such as Ms. Blackwater’s and Ms. Akulova’s Strike Witch class, due to the fact that we don’t receive too many physically augmented humans who are airborne capable. There are also those which have been assigned to other students in the past, and generally fit the newer applicant. For example, Mr. Marchosias’ Warlock, Ms. Ephyrene’s Necromancer, or Mr. Yinyues’ Commando. Classes can also be affected by one’s personality, though such a case isn’t too common, just pay attention to your fellow classmates’ titles. Each of these classes can serve different functions in the battlefield, but by no means are limited only to those functions. We shall go over the general function of "Offensive" combatants. These are the type of fighters whose focus is to eliminate the enemy and any obstacles in their path. However, this is not as simply as simply arming a group of people and sending them to their deaths. Just as each of you have a different class, there are different ways for you to be an offensive combatant One that you all would likely consider yourself as are the [i]Shock Troopers[/i]. They make up the bulk of the front line, often the first to change and the last to leave the battle. Obstinately melee fighters who not only can break through the enemies defense, but can survive on their own in the midst of battle, without having to be concerned with getting too much damage. They are in the thick of battle, but by no means are invincible. Their strength lies not only in their skill in arms, but their vast numbers. But an ill prepared force of Shock Troopers would just be sent into the meat grinder if they think their massive numbers will be enough to stop the enemy. To ensure that Shock Troopers maximize their damage, they rely on Skirmishers. [i]Skirmishers[/i] are lighter, faster fighters than Shock Troopers. They aren't as well equiped or durable for straight up fighting, but they still have speed and power on their side. They lack a Shock Troopers survivability, but they can storm the front line, throw everything they have at the enemy, and weaken them enough that the shock troopers only need to clean up afterwards. Now, those are you basic two types of Offensive fighters. As you might have noticed, I have not even mentioned whether or not they are ranged, melee, magical, or physical. That is mainly because either Shock Troopers or Skirmishers can serve their purpose with all range of fighting styles. Melee Shock Troopers are your basic knights, warriors, and barbarians who would charge at the enemy with their weapons held high,and expected to stay there until the enemy is routed or utterly defeated. Ranged Shock Troopers often are those with heavy firepower with an equal amount of point defenses. Literal tanks would be a ranged Shock Trooper type, as would mages who have high defenses. While personal speed and agility is important for Shock Troopers to maneuver into position, it's not vital enough to sacrifice either their offensive or defensive ability to increase, so often Shock Troopers would be considered "Slow moving". Melee Skirmishers would be the type of fighters who, while powerful in their own right, often serves to debilitate their enemies first and let the Shock Troopers take the brunt of the punishment. Duelist, poisoners, and generally dirty fighters would be melee skirmishers. Traditionally however, Skirmishers were ranged units. They would have weapons such as javelins or tomahawks, throwing them at the front of the enemy line and disengaging to put their strength elsewhere. In modern terms, a ranged skirmisher would be grenadiers; someone who would chuck explosives into the enemy before retreating, given their high priority. Skirmishers are also used to flank the enemy or divide their forces; they lack the defense to go toe-to-toe with a standing fighting force, so what they do is pick out their weaknesses and ensure that their enemy can't put their full defensive effort against either the skirmishers, or the shock troopers. But not all battles are fought with just two offensive forces. Two opposing armies consisting nothing of offensive fighters engage in a dangerous game of what we call "Rocket Tag". All it takes is one side to be weaken, and the Unstable Equilibrium would take over. One side grows progressively weaker while the other has the increasing advantage. And you may very well be on the wrong side of an unstable equilibrium. To that end, you need defensive troops. Defensive troops run an equal gamut of colorful functions and uses. For these reasons we'll divide them into two basic categories, however they cover much more than that. The first Defensive type is, simply enough, the [i]Defenders[/i]. They're similar to Shock Troopers in that they are often on the front lines and see it through to the end, however Defenders emphasize seeing it through to the end more often. They are the ones who ensure that Shock Troopers never make ground, and for Skirmishers to never find a weak point. Though they may lack the strength to defeat foes, they hold out against the enemy until they are too weak, wounded, or otherwise unable to mount a continued offensive approach. Uniquely, there isn't really one "Class" that fits the ability of a defender more than others, and it's more along the lines of a method. A large impenetrable wall makes for a powerful defender if your opponent has no means of bypassing it. Typically, on a personal level, a defender is someone who can take an insane amount of damage, how ever they do that. Some are simply durable, others have a regeneration factor, and some may not even be that tough but can dodge and avoid the enemy indefinitely. Some may be defenders not because of their toughness, but their threat. Their intimidation factor, if you will. This is how an offensive unit can easily become defensive; simply by being the much more powerful force that a less powerful one cannot match directly. But a powerful defense relies on a longer fight. It's not expected to defeat an opponent immediately, nor should it expect the opponent to let up. It then becomes a battle of attrition, which ever side has the most energy, resources, or units to spare. As you may imagine, there are plenty of ways to lower your opponent's ability to maintain a defense, but they can do the same. And so the next defensive type comes in: The Support. They don't provide much in terms of damage dealing potential, but they ensure a steady supply of medical treatment, food, or anything else that would make their fighters keep on fighting. Even if it means picking up where the defenders left off, though if it comes to that, you're already in quite a bind. Certain classes that would fit support types would be healers, buffers, pack mules, bards, craftsmen, spies, and mailmen. Oh, sorry, [i]Couriers[/i], ladies. Not exactly what you'd expect to be in the heat of battle, but without them there wouldn't be much of a battle to have. Now, that's all just the bare bones, real basic stuff. I know what you might be thinking; what category do you fall into? Do you think that you brawny fighters should be a Shock Trooper, or maybe you're better standing on a wall, kicking people off the side? Or maybe you're afraid of blood and like burning your enemies from a hundred yards away. Would that make you into a skirmisher, or the camp's mobile fighter? Since this is all very simply stuff that can't describe you plainly, we'll have to test you and figure out where you belong. With fighters working hand-in-hand, they can easily clear out labyrinths, thus protecting both worlds from danger. Students are supported to finding a suitable partner to fight with. Duos are then placed into temporary or permanent teams, depending on each pair’s preference.”[/b] The teacher rubbed his chin, deep in thought.[/quote] [b]”...I think that’s about it. Tomorrow, you will all go through your first class of basic training. Even though you are technically being bred as soldiers, you are recommended to live out your lives as students. Perhaps you could join a club, run for student council, I don’t know. The choice is yours. Oh, also, take your studies seriously. Though you are all attending this academy for the same job, not all applicants make the cut. Make sure you have a decent fallback plan. And even if you do become certified gatekeepers, I don’t think you will be mentally capable of fighting off monsters after about twenty years or so. Anyways, let’s start today’s lesson.”[/b] [b][u]12:00 PM - Lunch Break:[/u][/b] Starting at twelve in the afternoon, following four hour slots was the long awaited lunch break. For first years, the beginning stretch was renowned for tiring them out on the first day. Varren found himself as a part of this bunch, as he was obviously winded by this time, with his head slumped over his desk. The ringing bells made him shoot up from his blissful state, Mr. Fenris pouted as he closed the textbook. [b]"Oh. Guess it's time for lunch. Well, you have an hour to talk among yourselves. You are allowed to roam on academy grounds, but you must be back here five minutes before class starts. Which means you have fifty-five minutes before you must be wrapping things up."[/b] The boy let out a sigh of relief, making his teacher narrow his eyes premediately. [b]"Yinyues, it was painful just listening to your sorry excuses for answers. I mean, did your brain turn to mush over the summer? Do I need to have you checked?"[/b] He shook his head lazily, letting out a yawn as he brought up the menu. Surprised by the massive palette at his disposal, which forced him to think in a fastidious manner. With the exception of the main course, the boy was able to decide on one item of food within an instant. [b][i]"Alright, two cups of doppio! Let's go!"[/i][/b] He shouted energetically as he mashed his finger onto the icon. Varren then rubbed his chin, trying to find a dish which would fit him the best. [b][i]"...Tch. This stuff isn't anywhere as healthy as the stuff my chefs make... Oh, a cheeseburger? Haven't had this in a while..."[/i][/b] Over the years, the food market had advanced health wise. Though the types of food hadn't really changed in the past decades, as there was no need to fix what was not broken. The items which were mass produced are healthier alternatives, which look aesthetically the same. He glanced over to Lilith, who he didn't have a chance to converse with during class, [b][i]"Jeeze, that was tiring~ Thought Mr. Fenris was going to throw me out of the window."[/i][/b] [b]"I'm still going to, Mr. Yinyues."[/b] Varren let out a cry of fear, dramatically pushing himself back in his seat at the teacher's empty threat. Mr. Fenris face-tentacled and departed for the cafeteria. After the glopping of his teacher's tentacles ceased, he receded into his more calm composure. [b][i]"Eh, wonder how tomorrow will go. Mr. Fenris mentioned it, but he didn't say what we'll be forced to do. So, what are you gonna eat~?"[/i][/b] He happily inquired, tilting his head with a smile. The boy could also potentially socialize with other students. That Shen character appeared to be an informed individual. He also recalled Alika's name on one of the projects the boy had analyzed before he went to sleep last night. It turned out that Magpul had manufactured some parts of the firearms, which members of the augmentation process wielded. Perhaps Varren could chat with her later and inspect her weapon. A goblin carrying a small dish with two cups of abistro craftsmanship entered the room, and approached Varren. [b]"Here you go."[/b] The little creature said swiftly before scurrying off, to probably chauffeur another order. Yinyues slipped a finger into the small handle and raised the cup, then tipped it onto his lips. [b][i]"Oh, and I think it's cool you're a vampire! Never met one. Wait a moment... Bottoms up~"[/i][/b] He chirped as he took a sip of the drink. [b][i]"So, anyways..."[/i][/b]