[quote=HollywoodMole] You should probably just check all the parts of the suitcase, and unless a wheel is wrong or it's falling apart it should be fine. (Also, good luck in Italy, really good cities there) [/quote] Yeah I thought it would probably be fine. It's pretty new and I've only used it a few times. Everything's in working order. [quote=Frizan] Watch out for guys in white cloaks. [/quote] I feel like this is a reference that I'm not getting. [quote=The Nexerus] Either catch a cold or buy a pair of nose plugs before you get to Venice. The water in those canals is ever-so-slightly less filthy than raw sewage.Your tour guide will stress this enough so that it's pointless for me to tell you, but regardless: watch your wallet, especially in Rome. [/quote] Yeah they've already warned us multiple times about pickpockets, especially since we'll be using public buses for transportation once we're there. On the up-side, we have unlimited-use bus passes for the time we're there. I'll be sure to stay alert. [quote=ImANargleHunter] Venice didn't smell when I went. Maybe I'm just stinky and used to it. Buy exclusively postcards as Christmas gifts when in Rome because there will be a ton of guys walking around the colliseum selling 50 for like a buck. Postcards and rosaries. Not sure how they are related. [/quote] Post-cards are brilliant, I get them whenever I go anywhere. Not sure I need a dead Jesus on the cross to hang around my neck though, that's more of a catholic thing. Though my grandma did knit me 12 feet of scarf for my last Christmas gift so I think she at least deserves something in addition to a post-card.