Ethan looked back at the strange creature, listening to his response and nodding gently. The entire thing was still very difficult to accept, and would be for a very long time. He was still sure that he was just crazy. But he could see the creature, hear the creature. He had watched him chase away the bullies, so clearly he was not the only one seeing it. Even so... “I am sure I'll have more questions about your past later. But I … just can't think of anymore right now. I do have one request though. May I … touch you? Please? Your hand or something?” he asked tentatively, looking down at Yu's eyes. “I don't mean to be rude, but it is still difficult to believe that you are real. It goes against everything my puny human brain has learned. Touching you might help me to accept it.” The bit about his “puny human brain” had been said with touch of teasing and irony, and it was clear that he was amused rather than insulted.