[center][img]http://i57.tinypic.com/2116trp.png[/img][/center] A [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Pi2W_i_ceY]chirpy whistle[/url] came from Niran as he trailed behind the group. The sweet, syrup-like [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Comfort]drink[/url] one of the crew gave him really soothed his nerves. It was so good that he couldn't stop drinking after his first sip. Boy was he glad the Nobody was kind enough to give him a whole canteen full before they began their trek! Ran took another swig as he felt his spirits lift once more. Nothing was remotely scary anymore. Everything looked beautiful. He pondered about the different colors he noticed. The shades of blacks, purples and greys would be awesome if done using acrylic paint. He coughed a little and then burped. "Cuse me!" He said jauntily. "Phew... my breath smells like I've been drinking." He chuckled to himself while Est and Japhet study the map. Gosh he wished he could help everyone lighten up. Maybe offering them some of this awesome drink would help? He noticed the soldier indicating a particular tree with a rifle. Ran blinked blearly and nodded. The human wished to know how far they had to go before they reached their hosts' place. [quote=Lelia][i]"No."[/i][/quote] The older man wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders and smiled. Poor Lelia! She looked positively freaked out ... by something. Perhaps a little distraction would be good. Ran noticed a patch of brightly colored candy-like flowers growing. He released Lelia's shoulders and squatted down. He plucked a tiny pink bud and sniffed it. The smell and texture reminded him of a gum drop. So cute! The man put pastille into his mouth. He was savouring the sweet strawberry and cream flavor when someone whacked him at the back of his head. [quote=Little Witch Nympha]"You meanie! Those flowers didn't do anything to you."[/quote] Ran choked and gagged as he clutched his throat. Finally after struggling for air, he managed to spit out the offending sweet. He rubbed his head tentatively as he turned to look at the [url=http://i805.photobucket.com/albums/yy334/defangbasilica/Trains/LadyNympha.jpg]cutest person[/url] he has ever seen. He wanted to reach over and pinch her cheeks. No matter how she tried to look angry, she was just soooo adorable. "Sorry, little miss. I thought they were wild flowers." [quote=Little Witch Nympha]"Little MISS!?! I'm evil I tell you. EVIL! If you aren't careful Imma gonna hex you."[/quote] One of the soldiers dropped his rifles accidentally and Nympha squealed. She bolted behind Ran. She peered nervously over his shoulders and ducked down again. Ran blinked. Evil... witch? The poor Nobody reminded him of a little child trying to be fierce. Almost like a chihuahua. She even eeeped when she caught sight of Lelia. "If you say so..." [center][img]http://i805.photobucket.com/albums/yy334/defangbasilica/Trains/WitchyNympha.jpg[/img][/center] Nympha puffed up her cheeks once more. "I'm [i]AM[/i] evil."