The weather was chillingly cold, but it didn't seem to bother the Time Lord, his main concern was making sure Luna was comfortable. As they walked, the Doctor's voice had lessened, There was something troubling Luna, that much the man could tell, but what? He had to mentally remind himself that the witch by his side had been through a traumatic experience and was still struggling with herself emotionally, juggling two different ages from time to time. That had to have been the case, right? The Doctor's dark brown eyes pulled from the sky when she finally spoke of not getting too far ahead of themselves. Bringing his gaze down he looked to Luna a slow nod was his response to her words. What could he say really? She was conflicted, that much the man could tell. "Understood, we can take as long as you see fit, Luna" a reassuring smile touched his lips as he headed along further with her toward the lake. The two walked and from what the Doctor saw in the distance made him a tad hesitant to continue venturing further but there was something pulling at his hearts. But it wasn't joy, in a sense it was dread. Why was he dreading moving forward? What was there? Who was with Rose? He could see her with something in her hands and a man in his robes, a professor? Why would Rose be outside by the lake with a professor? Well what she did on her own time was her business but really? That indistinguishable feeling began to weigh in the Time Lord's hearts with each step he took. - - - Sitting beside Rose, the hidden Time Lord pulled out his fob watch and spoke to Rose but to his surprise she plucked the watch from his grasp and stood up. The man stayed staring at his hand as if a part of his soul had been snatched up, why was that? Slowly the man arose to his feet as it seemed Rose recognized someone. As he stared to Luna Lovegood, he knew that girl instantly, but this man? He had no idea but there was definitely something about him the man couldn't put his finger on, there was a strong sense of familiarity but then again there wasn't. The hidden Time Lord's mind was doing back flips it seemed as his mind was trying to awaken certain parts of his memories that just weren't there. The Doctor neared with Luna and sure enough, Rose wasn't happy, not even in the slightest, her tone, that look of anger, The Time Lord throughout his time did dealt with women, and their anger at times but Rose? At this moment? Well.. he'd rather take on a Dalek than face her angered spirit to be quite honest. She voiced her angered words which got the Doctor's eyes to widen and his face to contort into that of momentary confusion "What?" he looked at her with a hint of unease forming in his words. "It's not a date" he spoke immediately after her words of him being on a date with Luna "Rose, Listen to me--" but he was cut off as she continued with her fury induced tirade which by now the Doctor knew she had every right to be. It seems the Time Lord had been so 'taken' by Luna, the sparked connection they held as well as her predicament, the man wanting to help her ease from that stress and worry. Words were exchanged between the two women, Luna's frown, Rose's anger. Sometimes the Doctor wondered why couldn't he just travel alone to avoid this? But he knew deep down that the loneliness was overwhelming and it had gotten to the point that he just couldn't handle it much longer which is why he'd asked Rose if she wanted to go with him. His mind drifted from his thoughts enough to hear Rose mention a note, she'd left him a note? Hearing her words even further the man winced a tad as the overwhelming feeling of guilt began to set in his hearts. He'd used Rose and he hadn't even made the attempt to seek her out. At that moment, he realized how badly he'd hurt, as well as used Rose. The Doctor couldn't think of anything he could say at the moment that would help soften things. When Luna handed him his trench coat back, he took it into his hands and watched her while listening to her hurt words. Then Rose’s next explosion which pulled the Doctor’s gaze from Luna to Rose as she continued then to Luna once more. A rather painfully hurt look came over the Doctor’s face as he watched both women walk off. As he stood there, he glanced to the watch that had hit him, in Rose’s anger she had every right to have horrible aim. Yet as he stared down at the very familiar fob watch that lay upon the ground resting against his shoe he reached down and picked it up. He hadn’t bothered to look to the man Rose had mentioned, but to look at this watch? The Doctor’s hearts began to sting at the realization of what was to come. “No … this can’t be.. It just can’t be!!” a look of horror took over his eyes as his hearts began to race within his chest, thudding harshly against his rib cage. “That was quite the scene, you've sure gotten yourself into a mess of trouble with those two” Mr. Smith neared “Mind giving me my watch back?” he extended his hand out. The voice was far too familiar to be anyone else, the watch in his hands an exact image of his own, because it was his own just newer in a sense. Slowly the Doctor turned around and met a very recognizable face. “What are you doing here?” Slowly his left brow arched as he stared straight at the man in front of him. "You..." was all the Doctor could muster at this moment to voice at the realization of what was taking place, he knew it. "How in the hell did you get here?!" his eyes lowered to the watch as he sighed and reached up furiously beginning to comb his fingers through his hair. "of course.... Of course!! No wonder I couldn't sense you!" he'd glance between the watch and the hidden Time Lord ".. now why couldn't I remember this? Why didn‘t I see it? ... this.. this right here!" he gestured at the watch and walked right up to the man before him "Tell me, what do you know? you've opened this twice, I sensed it, what memories have come back to you?" there was silence from Mr. Smith "I'm in no mood for your silence, speak up!" The hidden Time Lord looked to the man before him, “What?” a very confused look came over Mr. Smith as his heart rate began to quicken. “Y-You know of…” “Yes, I know of everything. I’m the Doctor” he slowly held the watch out to the man before him “and so are you. And believe me when I say this. You must open this watch. You need to get your memories back. Because of what is to come, it's inevitable and I will need your help” when Mr. Smith took the watch the Doctor drew in a breath and spoke no more, his dark chocolate brown eyes not moving from the man’s face. Mr. Smith took the watch as he looked at it, having listened to this man’s words, all of them to be in fact “You’re saying that I’m you? That’s absurd! And to be quite frank I don’t know what I saw. I just know there is a blue box called a TARDIS, that there is a planet with red grass and silver leaved trees.. And now you’re telling me that the life I know isn’t really what it is? That I’m not real? Me, John Smith? A charms professor here in Hogwarts doesn't truly exist?!" took a moment to try to recompose himself "... I'm sorry, Doctor, but that's just preposterous” “Preposterous sounding or not, I know what I’m saying” the Doctor’s words were stern as he stared to the man with a slight tone of agitation in his voice “You need to open this watch” Mr. Smith was looking to the watch and finally up to the Doctor, his blue eyes showing the same pain that the Doctor had shown during the earlier events. “I don’t need to do anything of the sort” he tucked the watch into his pocket “Good day, Doctor” not giving the man another word, Mr. Smith walked around him and headed for the castle. “What? … you need to open that watch now!” the Doctor moved after him. “No I don’t” answered Mr. Smith as the two men headed toward the castle but finally Mr. Smith stopped walking and turned around "You're telling me to get rid of this life that I've known since I woke up just because it would benefit you?" A rather insulted look came over the man's face "You're saying that I'm you and quite frankly with what I've seen? I'm not liking that notion too much, Doctor. Good Day" speaking no more the hidden time lord headed into the castle. Now stunned and in fact quite hurt, the Doctor stood there looking to where the man had just been standing. He didn't know what to say, not like his words could reach the man now even if he did. The Time Lords mind began to race with a fury enraged vengeance. [I]’A paradox… a paradox happened… with my past incarnation… with the both of us being here… a time paradox is the dread that’s been flowing. The consequences… what are they? … I don’t want to find out but my gut is telling me I will..’[/I] the Time Lord lifted his eyes to sky watching the snow fall. A cold feeling beginning to engulf the man from head to toe. The feeling of emptiness, loneliness was taking over. Drawing in a breath he sighed and ventured into the castle. Once in the castle, the Doctor had so many different scenarios playing out within his mind as he ventured up the stairs. He stopped at his room for awhile taking up his own fob watch he’d left on his nightstand. It was something he normally carried with him, at least in this era to keep track of time. The Time Lord waited for a bit before venturing out, giving Rose a chance to cool down so he could explain things fully to her and the new predicament that had risen. He’d stopped short of the library, how did he know they’d be there? In a sense he didn’t but he knew if he were upset and as frustrated as they were, he’d seek out quiet solitude and the best place for that? A library. It was only Rose and Luna in there by now, the Doctor stepped in through the doorway and took his time walking toward them. The three held a momentary converse of words before Luna was on her feet and out of the library leaving Rose and Doctor alone. The tall thin man finally moving to take a seat beside his companion. The two spoke, caught up, the Doctor giving his apology and more. Yet the topic of the new ‘doom’ that had arisen, what had actually happened, who John Smith truly was. The Doctor only hoped the man would open that watch, because in all honesty it would make things so much easier but he knew how the man felt. Not wanting to give up the life he had and the pain about his said life was made-up and simply a story. Now? The Doctor held everything of John Smith within his mind, he knew all that had happened and only now realized it all. As if his memories of the façade life had returned to him after the realization of who the hidden Time Lord was. Funny thing how that worked. After wrapping things up with Rose, the two on good terms, the Doctor went off in search of Luna, knowing she needed closure as well as an apology and self name calling to boot for what he’d done. But he just couldn’t deny himself the connection he felt with Luna. It was near magnetic from his perspective. All was said and done, in the end the Doctor was able to calm things with the two angered women yet he knew he’d have a lot of work to do rebuilding trust with them both. - - - The walk back to the castle was quiet, but enjoyable, the two walked arm in arm up the road back to their 'home away from home'. Well technically for Harry, Hogwarts was his home, yet deep in his heart he hoped to perhaps one day have a home with his god father. Shaking those memories from his mind he focused his attention on Hermione's words, her reassurance of his previous statement. "I'm glad you agree, Hermione" the two had ventured into the castle and since there was still time for the two to relax a bit before supper the two agreed on heading up to the library. Harry hadn't expected to find Rose with Luna there, after a momentary conversation between the two groups it was more than certain that something had happened. But what could it have been? Both women seemed very hurt. Was it because they had no one with them for the holidays? Wouldn't Luna be able to spend it with her father? that's if the news of her change had even reached him yet. So many questions were rising in Harry's mind but it was something he didn't need to concern himself about, at least for now, he thought. But then there was Rose, with definitely no one. In a sense that brought worry and sadness to Harry's heart, to his mind as he walked with Hermione, the two heading into the Great Hall. Once seated at their table, the Great Hall was quite scarce which in a sense was quite relieving for the green eyed Gryffindor. It wasn't crowded, it was quiet, but it wasn't a nerve wracking quiet. There wasn't much conversing going on between Harry and Hermione as the boy was simmering in his thoughts of the what was happening now as well as the upcoming events. After supper had been consumed the two headed out of the Great Hall and up to the Gryffindor Common Room, not many students of course which was expected with the school day only being halved so students could get to their carriages to the train to head for home. Surprisingly to Harry, Neville was still around but that was comforting in its own accord to have a familiar face. He joined Harry and Hermione in the common room, the three beginning to talk about the holidays to start things off on a light note yet as time progressed the D.A was mentioned. To Harry's yet again surprise Neville was interested. If Neville was interested there had to be more students that were in time right? once word got out? In a sense that filled the boy who lived's heart with hope, that this 'army' would in turn truly work out for the best. At least Harry was holding on to hope that it would. It wasn't long after their conversation really began that Neville was up and speaking how he had detention to go to which in fact left Harry wide eyed. Neville? Detention? really? Those were definitely the questions that were roaming through the green eyed boy's eyes as he watched his friend walked out through the door. "that is truly unbelievable… I bet it was Umbridge" he sighed to Hermione before nodding in agreement to her muttered word of rubbish. That Pink menace, she really needed to go Harry only hoped that her being at the school wouldn't last much longer because frankly? it was driving the boy into madness. Hermione's words of going to pack, then saying goodbye to Rose before they left caught Harry's attention as he turned his gaze to his friend. "You've got a very good point there Hermione, I'm more than certain she does." Rose being a girl from the future who ended up in their world and knows so much? She had to know more than she was letting them in on. Harry only hoped she'd be willing to talk as well as help. Getting to his feet he gave Hermione a smile as she squeezed his hand "Good night, Hermione. I'll see you in the morning" By the time she'd left, the entire common room was empty with only Harry now standing in front of the grand fire place. His green eyes glowing orange with the flames just feet away from him. He'd watched her leave as finally drew in a deep breath a calm smile touching his lips. A full Christmas break with Hermione in the muggle world, the idea got Harry excited for the time away from magic. He was truly looking forward to it. With a wave of his wand he dimmed the fire with an incantation before making his way up to the boy's dormitory to pack then sleep for the night.