Sean had made it out of alphabet city after his scrap with the soldiers. There were still three or four soldiers out there, looking for him but by now he assumed they lost him or regrouped somewhere. Sean now walked through downtown Brooklyn, right down avenue D, in and out alleyways It seemed like the safest route, Sean reached into his pocket and much to his dismay what he was looking for was not there. A small slip of paper with hastily written directions to the supposed safe house of empowered or at least the general area of where it was supposed to be. He cussed under his breath and sighed, it didn't help that this city was so fucking confusing. With silent resignation, Sean decided it wasn't worth it to go back, he was tired and hungry, the latter more so. He walked around for a bit before he finally found a diner, he had a bit of money stashed on him, it wasn't a lot but he could eat for a few days. Sean went in and sat down quickly and ordered a burger and fries, simple and filling. As he ate, he began to think, he'd have to find another empowered, which unfortunately was not easy to do. Either you show off what you can do and hope they reciprocate, or you catch them I'm the act. The best bet was to find a big area and look for the out of ordinary, or catch someone using a power in a small way, it was risky and dumb but his only choice. Sean threw a few bills on the table and left, he walked for a bit before he saw a large station, an ideal place to people watch for the truly strange, before he even entered the station he noticed a somehwhat suspicious situation; a man sat at a bench and carefully eyes two people across the street, not in a passing matter buy an intent, yet sly gaze making sure they don't go far or do something. It was a streach sure, but it was worth a look, he decided to instigate a little bit. Sean walked across the street acting like he wasn't paying much attention before he got to the two people talking. "Hey, real sorry to bother you, but either of you got the time?" He was at the same time sizing the two up, they both seemed outwardly normal. Save for the man's hair he was normal, looked smart and dressed similarly. The girl was similar, he noticed a brief glimpse of color on her wrist, a tattoo. It was hard to tell what it was not that it mattered, but he'd remember that. At the same time, he was hoping the man at the bench across the street would think he was suspicious or notice the gun jammed down the back of his pants.