Hey guys, just wanted to get your opinions of something that happened in a nearby town where I live. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/justice-dept-will-review-practice-of-creating-fake-facebook-profiles/2014/10/07/3f9a2fe8-4e57-11e4-aa5e-7153e466a02d_story.html http://www.buzzfeed.com/chrishamby/government-says-federal-agents-can-impersonate-woman-online#3axumyb http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2014/10/governments_fake_facebook_page_rips_off_watertown_womans_identity.html Apparently if you give a Federal Agent consent to view the content on your phone (But you never should, fuck them, they need a warrant.) they can steal pictures from it, make fake facebook profiles pretending to be you, post your private photos, and use your personal information to try and catch criminals - Putting you at risk of retribution from angry, pissed off criminals who think you fucked them over. THis... Fuck man, when does a line get drawn? How many more illegal things can the Department of [s]Injustice[/s] Justice get away with doing? Why the fuck is this seen as acceptable? Fuck, I don't understand why they could get away with this, and why they thought doing this was a good idea.