Always Open "There once was bandit named Jesse James, who was the no doubted King of the Desert. He had fame, power and wealth beyond your wildest dreams. Before they hung him from the gallows, these were the final words he said. "My fortune yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first. I left everything I own in One Piece." Ever since, bandits, desperadoes and looter from all over the world saddled their horses for the grand desert searching for One Piece, the treasure that will make their dreams come true." This shocked the world of Dahl, which is only covered in 30% water. From the green fields towards the ghastly and deadly desert everyone heard that message. It has been 3 years now since that happened and people from all over the world decided to search for that treasure but with such a huge competition danger is also involved. Many people formed groups to increase their chances and even more are willingly to step over anyone who stand in their way. The government couldn´t allow such a rough act and also took counter measures. They agreed on so called Death-dealer, criminals who are getting a second chance by now working for the government, also increased law-enforcers and rumors are spreading of armored vehicles with brand new technology which are able to set whole cities in flames in just minutes. The world is about to change, an old era is about to end and when it ends, it will end in fire and flames~ but what will your role be? Are you acting against those increasing numbers of law-less fools, anarchists who are standing in the way of the government and so the progress of the Republic? Or are you one of those who are opposing the government? Those with a wish of freedom, those who are rather dying than to be enslaved by rules or heritage? What is your role? What is your will? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Devil fruits will be around even though a white sand called~ celeste blanco~ less is known about that substance but it does robs the power of devil fruit users and leaves them paralyzed. While in small amounts it does lesser harm, a devil fruit user has to look out for greater deals of that sand when accumulating on his body since that sand is partially also contained in the everydays sand ones come in contact with. While one thinks that only keeping you clean would helps one hasn´t seen the white deserts~ Places which are consisting only of this so called "celeste blanco". Showing great effect on Devil fruit users the Government hired researchers who forged that sand into metal, creating an alloy called "Celeste Zero" It is a rare alloy since creating it is rather expensive and comes with huge cost of time and resources but never the less have the government and it´s enforcers some "Celeste Zero" in store. Rules 1. I assume you are all mature and know the normal rules (ie. no mary-sues, gary-stues, god-modding, etc.) 2. This is not a completely serious roleplay, humor will be involved things such as the ridiculous devil fruit powers and weird personalities are allowed and to an extent expected, but don’t bog down the roleplay by putting jokes where they don’t belong or being downright offensive. 3. Absolutely no canon characters or copycats! Similar abilities is allowed, but original is encouraged. 4. No Haki without good reasons~ 5. Each Player is allowed one character at the current time. 6. Remember a weak character allows more potential to grow~ Sure they do not have to be a little good-for-nothing but i do not want Shanks growing out of everywhere. 7. Feel free to add things to this world~ I want this to grow beyond yours and my imagination~ 9. If you have questions about the One Pice Universe, check out the Wiki ! 10. Remember have fun and help make this an enjoyable roleplay! Character Sheet Skeleton: Name: (Birthname + Nickname) Age: (How old are you duh) Gender: (Male, Female or anything in between or completely outside the box) Appearance: (What do you look like? Picture or description) History: (What happen to you so far? What brings you to this point?) Personality: (What are you like?) Other: (Anything that does not fit in above) Bounty: (if you have any yet?) Weapons: (...yep...just do not make yourself a walking armory) Devil Fruit: (If any!) Abilities: ( What can you do? Skills are also categorized in that!) Equipment: (What else you got?)