Luka rolled his eyes at the next question. Still, it wasn’t a personal one, so he supposed he didn’t mind answering that. “Of course she’s a she. Has to be something doesn’t she?” He was probably coming off as a big jerk for not answering her, and in truth it was all just to protect himself. The less she knew the less she would be able to tell others. As it stood she didn’t know who he was, what he’d done, where they were going or where he planned on going after that. She wouldn’t be able to tell them a thing. The less she knew the easier it may be for her to forget about all this too. He knew the less he knew about her the easier it would be to forget her. It made moving on easier when he had less to remember and didn’t care enough to worry. He’d rolled over once more to lie on his back, staring up at the sky, once again letting things go quiet between them, though he was still aware of her nearby, could hear her breathing and her scent still lingered in his nose. He felt himself on the verge of sleep when she spoke again, bringing him abruptly back to reality, his eyes snapping open. He hadn't realised how tired he was, the drowsiness had caught him off guard. However it was what she said that surprised him more than anything else and the boy frowned deeply, thinking about the words as he contemplated an answer. He heard her get out her book and begin scribbling in it, Endi’s interest peeked by the action she began creeping slowly, stopping every now and then to watch the girl, as if she was trying to get closer undetected. The small creature circled around the girl until she was sitting behind her, looking at the pages of the book as she drew. They were close now, only a hand’s width away and the creature kept looking from the girl to her actions curiously, obviously unsure of what she was doing when suddenly Luka spoke again. “I couldn’t let him… do what he was thinking of okay?” The boy suddenly said, as if annoyed he had let himself answer her. “It’s cruel. No one ever deserves to have their choices taken away… their freedom.” It seemed now he had begun he was unable to stop, his words laced with anger. He rolled over again, looking at her with deep blue eyes. “I am not a bad guy okay? You may think I am because people are after me… but I’m not.” He looked down bitterly. “I’m not.” The boy repeated under his breath before suddenly getting to his feet, his anger seeming cause him to decide it was time to go as he pulled his shirt and boots back on and began walking without anymore words. Endi took off when the girl closed her book, running back to the boy’s side and practically running up his body until she came to rest on his shoulder, blinking back at her, clearly curious to see if she’d follow. Luka had headed off into the forest, leaving the city they had been in to his back. They wouldn’t be travelling for long until they lost the light. He suddenly wanted to put as much distance between them and the horrid place as possible. In the forest he felt… safer somehow, the trees could easily conceal enemies, but they also concealed him, and he was certain he’d know someone was close to him before they knew he was close to them. If he could eventually manage to tune out the girl trumping behind him that was. Either way the outburst had apparently left the boy in a foul mood.