[quote=AlidaMaria] I'd like to add that while your concept is really interesting, especially the part about Umbra (but well, I'm a sucker for lore xD), I find it a bit disturbing that it appears to me that the relic has been forged three years ago. The secret of creating relics has been lost to time, so to me it would seem better if Morgan was 1. Human and 2. Locked in Umbra for a very, very long period of time, she was granted her relic which had been lost there as well, taught the ways of assassination but not anything else and pushed out into Azukhar to make some kills.If this is already what you meant to say, then I'm sorry for summarising her history in such a crude way. However, I really have to agree with Ellri that she will have to be human. Perhaps a human with little emotion and social experience, molded to fit the relic (much like the Vocators are), but still... Deep dowm human. [/quote] Ah very well. A few edits to be made. This was actually a character from another RP from another time. And well done on using the first gender pronouns! In a sense, Morgan is human, or rather was however (the whole idea would be for Morgan to learn how to become a human once more, as Morgan does show emotions and an inborn fanatical attachment to a person), in as such perhaps making Morgan a more human being would be fine, although I'd have to tweak the character concept a tad. Or perhaps go with the person who did create Morgan in lieu of using Morgan. As for the cloak and garb, well Morgan was put up to be a seductive femme-fatale (of unknown gender, hence finding the right outfit is difficult) however I suppose we can go with a more darkened aspect of things, creating a costume now becomes the issue. Perhaps something more...