[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/PP5SvTm.png][/center] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64443/posts/ooc?page=9#post-2018163]Timothy[/url] tilted his head in curiosity, still staring intently at Miriam but finding himself at a loss for words at what a sudden male voice had uttered. No, he must have misheard; it wasn’t the voice of a spirit or a Holy Ghost, unless he summoned one by accident -- and that’s incredibly unlikely; it must have been his mind playing tricks on him, thus further confirming his fears that he had gotten a mild case of paranoia. But he would have to take care of it some other time for this unfortunate person came first in his list of current priorities. Thusly, he crouched down and unslung his bag, opening it to procure a bottle of water. Taking a closer look at the girl, she was in worse shape than he had thought… “You look terrible. Here,” he offered the bottle. For to be generous, especially to the impoverished, is a saintly act.