Addition to Roderick's backstory to cover the point immediately before the start of the story. [hider=Backstory] Some months ago, Roderick began foretelling dire portents of doom and disaster. Disturbed, but determined to learn as much as he could, Roderick set about scouring the nearby forests and towns for rare spell components. The forthright warlock had never had much luck with divination, but that didn't stop him from trying as he cast knucklebones, performed auguries, and conducted a ceremony which involved hallucinogenic mushrooms and him dancing in his skin under the full moon on the castle roof, an act which caused no small amount of rumor in the Court and earned him a mild rebuke from the King. Ultimately though, his efforts were unsuccessful. When they received news of the invasion, all of Roderick's portents became painfully clear, as is often the case with prophecy. Changing tack, Roderick left the capital with the Royal Army in order to help in the attempt to slow or stave off the invading armies. He acted as an advanced scout and magical support to the regular troops; blessing friendly troops, cursing enemy ones and running interference with opposing spellcasters. Unfortunately, despite his best efforts, the Royal Army was routed. Roderick fled back towards the capital, hoping to join in the last ditch defense of the capital and buy the King enough time to escape. Unfortunately he arrived only moments before the besieging armies. Taking advantage of the chaos, Roderick slipped into the castle, using the back corridors and and a secret passage he remembered from his time as a wild youth. His plan was to collect the King and any members of the Royal Court and somehow try to spirit them out of the city - he hadn't quite that far ahead yet. However, it seems he was doomed to fail thrice over, as just as he neared the base of the King's castle, sticking carefully to the shadows as not to be seen, the King plummeted from the topr of the tower, crashing through the roof of the pigsty in a final, humiliating insult to the man Roderick had known and respected all his life. With that final disaster, everything Roderick had ever known came crashing down around him. [/hider]