[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/PP5SvTm.png][/center] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/64443/posts/ooc?page=9#post-2018163]Timothy[/url] gave Miriam a friendly smile as he returned the bottle into the recesses of his backpack, all the way further examining her as he fished out a Hershey’s chocolate bar; and she indeed looked terrible. Resisting the impulse to shake his head in pity, he reached out once more and offered the food, with gentleness saying, “Here, you look like you need the strength.” He did not mind the pigeon tugging at the corner of his eyes, the situation pressing Miriam’s need for attention than that of the bird’s. He did not even spare it a thought that it was quite peculiar it hadn’t flown away yet. Pigeons are dumb birds; were it a crow, though, Timothy would have understood its decision to stay and observe. Alas, he did not even think of it, and it was simply a dumb pigeon. "Why are you out here on the streets at this hour, child? Why not seek an aid station so you can get food and drink from one of the charities, and a bed for the night?"