Okay, here are my comments for everyone - except Albireo. I'll PM you instead. @Arlear I can't see anything I want changed. However, I'd like to point out that since we're now starting in 2065, your character is 40 years young. There is nothing wrong with this whatsoever. I'd just like to point that out in case that changes anything for you. Otherwise, I enjoyed the bio read, and the prospect of a radiated musician is just plain awesome! @IrishAngelQueen Can't see anything I want changed with character, so we're good there! @cthulu Loved your character! The details in the biography - dark as sin - was enjoyable to read! Your character is fine as is. @Roman07 You may certainly join us! From what I can see from your character thus far, he'll make a fine addition indeed. I'm anxious to read the bio whenever you can get that up! --- Everyone is considered accepted so far. I don't really have a cap for this, but when we begin, that'll be our cut off new people lest we're still relatively early on or a sensible point for them to jump in occurs. I will be updating the initial thread with a map, how the combat within this will work (heavily inspired from another group rp I'm currently in), and setting descriptions of each stage we'll be in. Hang in there folks; we're almost ready!