[i]"Hello you two, like Asami said, you're in the right place. My name is Koji, nice to meet both of you. Please feel free to help yourself to some snacks, I'm not sure if more people are coming but maybe we should wait a little longer."[/i] And then there were the letters on the chalkboard. [b]Anime Club! Vice-Pres. Election[/b] Tempting...very tempting. In high school, Akiko was the vice-president of an unofficial synthetic music club, but it wasn't anything official. There was no paperwork, no formal responsibilities, just a bunch of folks hanging out who liked making music. And Akiko was only vice-president because she didn't want to be president. Heading up to and seating herself at the kotatsu, Akiko seemed to be the first to express any desire to become vice president. "If nobody wants it, I'll take the mantle of vice president. I've seen lotsa anime growin' up with my dad; he was tryin' t'make it as a manga artist, so he'd look at what was already done fer inspiration. I've seen lotsa guy anime 'cuz of it, but I had friends in high school who showed me some girlier ones too." And that was all she said. After her brief speech, Akiko seemed content enough with her spot at the kotatsu. Typical Akiko.