3PM club meetings were really rather harsh for university, but Katsuo deduced that it was probably just a nostalgic callback to the days of high school and middle school, where there was a unified time schedule for everyone, starting from 8 in the morning and ending at 3 in the afternoon. Well, it was fine, if nothing else. He had already designed this year’s course schedule to stick all his classes in the morning, giving him plenty of time to mess around for the rest of the day. It’ll probably backfire on him after the midterm crunch began to settle in, but for now, the tall Arts major was feeling like the breeze: light, carefree, and ready to do some more networking. Today, he had chosen to go with a more casual fare, while also showing off some of his experience with the anime genre. Wearing a pair of dark slacks and a clean, white shirt, the dark hoodie that he wore along it was reminiscent of EVA 001. Neon green highlights over the dark purple fabric shone. If they were truly the Anime Club, surely they would recognize a classic like that. Hitching up his shoulder bag, which contained only his laptop and charger, the messy-haired youth checked the room number once more, before heading down the hallway. Already he could hear the sounds of nerds chattering merrily with each other, though it appeared they were only introducing themselves at the moment. He had chosen a good moment to come in then. He could even hear female voices within that room! That was also nice. If they didn’t prove themselves to be horny fat otakus who fawned over little girls, maybe he’d bring Kaoru over some time. Well, it would probably do him some good to shake off his preconceptions in regards to the club as well. Looking down either sides of the hallway to ensure that no one who knew him was there to see him infiltrate the territory of the otaku, the student decided to go with the ‘professional’ face for introductions this time around. Turning his face into a stony mask, he strode slowly into the classroom, sliding the door to the side as he stepped in. Foreigners. Tons of foreigners. Or maybe they were all just half-Japanese. Or dyed their hair. Seemed like metric ton of them were chuunibyous, with all their pale white hair and terribly feminine looks. Wait, no, was it anorexia instead? Or maybe this was the visual-kei club? Would explain the lack of raven-haired Japanese. Coughing, he said, voice still rough from a recent cold, [b]“This is the Anime Club, right?”[/b] Ah, perhaps he should be a little friendlier? [b]“I’m Kasane Katsuo, second year. Let’s get along, neh?”[/b] Wait, no, what’s most important in anime club would be… [b]“And…mm….Haname Manoka is my waifu. From Mathematical Girl Logical Manoka. She’s…kawaii desu yo.”[/b] Oh wait, the board spoke of a Vice President election. Maybe he shouldn’t have spoken of that…