The way was shut, it was made by some woman in a blue dress, not that Elim knew this, but the collapsing of the bridge effectively separated them from Jared. As if that wasn't bad enough, now they had a giant Frost Golem to deal with, or what looked like a beast made of snow more than anything. A smirk formed on Elim's expression. This would be easy enough. "So this world does have Frost Golems after all... interesting". Elim unsheathed his blade, the blade glowing as it once again transformed into a [url=]large Glaive.[/url] A quick chant of the word [i]"Fire"[/i] and the weapon's blade was engulfed in flames. This creature looked a bit like that much smaller one, something made of snow rather than frost or ice. Whoever made this thing certainly chose a shitty material to compose it out of. It didn't matter how imposing this creature looked, a weapon of hot metal would slice through it like butter. Of course, that was if it was made of snow. If not, then just a fiery weapon would still deal more damage. "You heard our 'leader', get her Highness out of here, ill take on this thing alone, the rest of you will only slow me down". Elim still wasn't pulling punches. Sure he had agreed with Jared to help train them, but he hadn't had the chance to train them yet, and in his own eyes the way they were now would only just slow him down. Deciding to test the waters and his theory about this beast, and not really caring about any responses the group had to Elim's demand for them to leave, Elim charged forward, weaving back and forth as carefully as he could, yet quickly to avoid any crushing fists, as he wasn't going to hold back, not that he ever did. Large monsters like this were usually somewhat slower, or at least their attacks were easier to predict. Not only that, but the legs. By taking out the legs this thing would undoubtedly be alot easier to vanquish. The legs first, then find the core of this thing and destroy it. So after ducking low he ran, slashing the left leg when he got close with the fiery hot weapon, using the momentum of his first slash to slash the second leg. Elim wasn't going to stop there though. Gritting his teeth, he would keep up the assault on this creature's legs exclusively until the beast fell, as that was his first plan, and he wasn't going to stop until this thing was on the ground like a helpless beast, a small part of Elim hoping that this wouldn't be easy as normal magical logic dictated.