[b][u][center]A Rude Conclusion[/center][/u][/b] The Peoples' Assembly, though in full swing and full of vigour, is abruptly halted by the arrival of a Roman cavalry troop. Battered and bloodied, they ride up to the Senate's guards, and after the group's leader exchanges a few quick works, he is allowed through on foot. Keen eyes notice the [i]Legio I[/i] engraved into the side of the man's dented helm. Finding himself in the centre of the assembly, the soldier removes his helmet, and holds it down by his side. He is a man of middle years, with an ugly face and few teeth. "Senators," he shouts. "I bring news from the front." Two hundred of Rome's greatest men descend into heated discussion and anxiety, as the soldier seemingly taunts them with an inappropriately long pause. "Consul Publius Cornelius Scipio's Consular Army has been defeated. Five thousand Romans are dead, or worse. A similar number of our Italian allies litter the field." he proclaims; his face hard as iron, unmoving. "Hannibal moves south, to Rome. Though the Consul is contesting every road and bridge between here and there, he has neither the men or material to seriously oppose the Carthaginian dogs. He has sent me here, with all haste, so that you all may know the situation." Old and powerful men weep in despair. [center][b][u]Assembly Summary[/u][/b][/center] [b]Military Reforms[/b] The Senate has voted in a majority to lower the current recruitment boundaries, based on land ownership value, from 11,000 ases to 4,000 ases. It has been decided to keep this lowered boundary temporary, and will be lifted as soon as the immediate threat to Rome is destroyed. With these changes, tens of thousands of Romans have become eligible to fill the empty ranks of the recently deceased. All legions previously broken in the The Massacre at Eporedia are restored to full strength as a result. [b]Italian Unity[/b] The Senate has sided with the majority, with Gnaeus Fabius Pictor being one of few to oppose the idea of unifying Italy into a single nation. Many of the Socii states have welcomed this news, knowing all too well that they stand to benefit; however, there are a few among them who are outraged, and already there is rumour of rebellion. With the creation of a Roman Italian State, from Valathri to Cosentia, the manpower reserves available to Rome's legions has almost tripled. However, now that all men are citizens, the existing Alae have been disbanded. In light of this, and the situation, the Senate has issued each attending Legate with the rights to raise an additional legion. Existing legions would do well to use this time of military consolidation to refit themselves, and the Legates may adjust the shape and nature of their force composition. [b]Consul Elected[/b] The Senate have, with a vague majority, elected with all speed Marcus Cornelius Cossus Argentus to the position of Consul. With Scipio fighting a losing retreat across northern Italy, it falls to the new Consul to issue his immediate orders to the Legates - or call for another Assembly, if he feels the issue of dictator has not been resolved. Legio III and Legio IV are at his disposal, making him the head of a 4-legion strong Consular Army in its own right. [b]Other[/b] Quintus “Sulpicius” Cursor has gained senatorial scorn, for his blatant attack on the system and the honourable men that operate it. Were it not for his exploits and heroism during the The Massacre at Eporedia, there would have been talk of repercussions. Instead, he has been [b]barred[/b] from attending the next Peoples' Assembly, so that he may perhaps reflect upon his distasteful actions. However, his bold honesty and love shown for his men has sparked an admiration from the mob. Rumours sweep this way and that, that this Bastard of Rome is the real man that the city needs in its darkest hour. As a result, thousands have flocked to his barracks with hopes of serving him. [b]Quintus “Sulpicius” Cursor's legion strength is boosted by 1,000 soldiers.[/b] Meanwhile, Gnaeus Fabius Pictor has earned the warmth of some of the senate's more conservative members. They stand behind him, though will not openly admit it, of course. There is much to be said for having friends in the Senate. He has been given the title of "Imperator", and has been allotted [b]a third legion[/b].