[B]"Actually, I am a first year, so you are in fact, my senpai, Fujimura-senpai. You all can just call me Levi, though."[/B] Levi answers to what Anri said, directing the last part to both him and Koji. The president of the Anime Club had written something interesting in the blackboard. Vice-Pres election, huh? that's bound to be interesting, and if Levi could help in whatever way, then she was up for it. She was about to raise from her seat and nominate herself for the position when more people arrived. A guy who introduced himself as Shunjun and another familiar face. Levi recognized her instantly, since the girl had stayed in her mind due to her shyness, Manami was her name. After she said her name, Levi put on a half confident, half sarcastic smile on her face. [B]"I see you still remember me, Manami-san. It's good to see you here. I had heard you attended Todai, but never thought we'd stumble upon each other here."[/B] She says and then turns to face Shunjun. [B]"A pleasure to meet you, Kakusareta-kun. And don't worry about formalities, I am also a first year."[/B] She said to him. Now, unto business.... Though another girl beat her to the punch. Kobayashi was her name, if Levi remembered correctly. [B]"I also wanna run for vice-president, senpai. I known lots about anime and manga, I also know how to draw."[/B] She said, since she wasn't about to tell them that she had the inborn talent for drawing, that would seem rather rude, or so Levi thought. [B]"And if you elect me for vice-president, I'll make you the next protagonists of my new doujinshin in the making."[/B] She said, jokingly, but whatever joke she had intended was totally killed by the next one to introduce himself into the room. She let out a slight chuckle at the comment of his waifu. Then, turned to look at him. [B]"Hey there, I'm Asami Levi. My husbando is Rerouch Ramperouge, from Cipher Geass.[/B] She said, letting out another slight chuckle as she ended her presentation to the newcomer. He was definately someone interesting. Levi was intrigued as to why such a guy would just pop up and say that. As much as this is the anime club, well.... Levi just found it really funny. The way the giant guy could say that with a straight face was really something else.