[quote=Albireo Dreamweaver] Is it wrong that I'm seriously considering a completely redone character as "Guy who never captures mons and only sticks with his soul-bonded Mythin" is seeming to not be that interesting of a character type as a ridiculous percentage of the current cast seems to be running with the magical lizard?Not really a complaint, per se, just an observation, and why I wasn't sure my idea of running with solely a unique mon was going to work out using the Mythin line; It's a wildly popular choice making my characters myth arc presumably something -every- character with said mon would go through.Still, I suppose they're just hollow words since I really have no reasonable substitute...Post by end of the day, btw. Just polishing it up. [/quote] Few people will get to the stage where you are going with your Mythin, so it would still work the way you wish, since it is likely you'd get access to Mythraxus. It is up to you though. I'm on the IRC if you want to run through alternatives with Alex (KarlThuzad) and myself.