Havarr was about to say something to Arria about him leading, but at that point they made it the strange mans hide out. Inside were things covered in dust and food that was made to last. He studied some of things even though he had no idea what they were as he had not studied the town as extensively as his other brothers simply because he did not need to worry about protecting the town only Arria. But all of the items were a dead give away that this man was a thief. As much as Havarr wanted to confront him and run him through he doubted that there would be space to swing his sword here and he was more worried about Arria. "I guess i will go after M'lady, I am Havarr, if you haven't figured it out yet I am her templar, her sword and shield." He said so the group could hear him, he took off his cloak and straightened it out so Arria could sit on it "Go ahead and sit down M'lady." He said gesturing to his cloak with his free hand. As much as Havarr hated the thief he had to admit it was a pretty good hide out, it was out of the way and hidden but he was afraid the longer they waited here the less likely they were to find clues about who and what started this. But he didn't voice this concern instead he stood silently next his sister studying the hide out and where they entered from. He doubted it would be safe for long anyways if those things could go through the ground then they might as well start killing themselves off. "Say do you have a sharpening stone here?" He asked the thief.