The 3PM meeting time for Anime Club was certainly an issue for Yuusuke Hanari, especially since it was already 2:50 by the time he'd gathered all of his bearings and figured out where the room was. To his dismay, the meeting room was on the complete opposite side of campus. So, he started hoofing it, being careful not to kill anybody as he sprinted across campus, dodging groups of people at a time when possible. Since he was so small, he was able to squeeze into tight crowds and come out the other side rather quickly. This was useful when he was entering a separate wing as people exited. It was a few moments after 3 when he reached the room, and he was exhausted, having ran the span of the campus. He took a breather outside of the door for a moment or so before gathering all of his bearings and entering the open doorway. Inside, he saw about 7 or 8 people, and seemed like the place, writing for Anime Club on the board and everything. Even had a kotatsu. He saw a clipboard being passed around, and waited for his turn, penning his name down on the clipboard. Afterwards, he set the clipboard down for someone else. While he did this, he waited until he was able to speak before introducing himself. [b]"Hello, all. My name is Yuusuke Hanari. You can just call me Yuu, though. I'm a first-year with an Arts major. It's nice to meet you all!,"[/b] he said with dimpled-cheek smile. Yuusuke felt small when speaking in front of the others, metaphorically and literally. There was one guy that was nearly one foot taller than him. He had to crane his neck upwards to get a look at the giant man's face. But now that he'd seen the goliath's face, he felt accomplished. Made eye contact with tall guy, one check off the ol' bucket list.