[quote=TwistedSun] I would like to temporarily reserve Fèl Vàlàsì, please. I'm probably going to post my application tomorrow.Some questions:- Factions may always respect the themes of the plane they live in?- How does inter-plane travel works? Teletransportation? Simulacre-creation?- Magic allowed to which extent?- How far can the plane customization go?Thank you in advance. [/quote] I'll add that you're interested in it. Nobody else has their eyes on it, though. I think you're safe ;) -They should embody one or more of the themes, yes. -Via Exáriá, the Nexus. Each plane has a gateway to it, and the Nexus contains respective gateways to each plane. -As great an extent as you feel you need for your faction. It's really up to you. If something is too over the top i'd let you know, but you have freedom here, especially when designing a faction based on an outer-plane world. -You can designate as much of the plane as you like, obviously provided the provided descriptions and themes still ring true. Go nuts! --- [quote] Oh okay thanks :D I'm assuming you will guide the invasions and such so we shouldn't plan on saying "Oh I'm going here right away." correct? [/quote] The way I see it, you're all taking part in writing, what is essentially, a book. You're just doing chapters at a time, from different perspectives. You can arrive as fast or as slow as you want, as long as it is respectful to other players and maintains a certain level of non-duchebaggery. But yes, when things get intense, I will be there to look over everything and make sure everybody is playing nicely. Such situations will likely even go to a collaborative effort. Bottom line: don't worry about it. I gotcha all covered.