The red fox stood alone in the twilight, her hands held neatly behind her back while she looked up at the large crane which lifted her GEAR on board the [I]Wandering Promise[/i], her form caught in the glare of the areas lighting fixtures which were likely active for the sake of the workers who were now bolting down what appeared to be a destroyed GEAR. In her hands appeared to be a tablet, standard issue for any GEAR pilot who signed on with Landren's GEAR division, although her's appeared to be one of the newer models. She raised it in front of her, the screen casting a slight glow against her features as she read the progress of her GEAR's transition which of course was handled expertly without any cause for concern. Though she really couldn't help but observe it as it was just one of her many obsessive compulsive behaviors she'd learned to accept throughout her career, even though they were minor at best. She wore the usual attire for a Landren officer, although unlike allot of the female officers within the forces she appeared to present herself with a degree of femininity through adaptions in the uniform. For example she wore a thick turtleneck sweater which held the Landren Special Ops Insignia on the sleeve which held firmly to her figure, accompanied by grey assault pants and black standard issue boots which had also been adapted in length and size in order to fit her comfortably, of course an appropriate sized hole had also been fitted on the pants in order to make way for her tail which elegantly curled towards her rear. All in all it appeared Lilly presented herself with neat discipline in both her uniform presentation and the way she stood, of course this would be confirmed when Stirling approached her, the red fox's ear turning in their direction before her head turned in their direction. With precision she gave a salute as she brought her legs together, raising her hand towards her head after she introduced herself. She replied with a soft "Ma'am" before easing when the captain motioned for a lighter introduction. "Thank you captain, I'm glad I can be here" she said before turning her attention towards the Wolverine. He was certainly handsome, older and appeared to carry himself well with a suggested level of experience that portrayed in the way he moved. One might have wondered how she could have noted such traits from a meeting of merely a minute, but it was one of her gifts to see past what was immediately obvious. Her ear flickered as her eyes gently observed him for a moment, eventually replying with her own introduction, "Nice to meet you Rolen. I'm Lilly, but people usually call me Tilly" she said with a soft smile as she held out her hand towards the wolverine. Halfway through the shake her smile would fade as she took on a more serious expression which held a small degree of empathy, "I'd like to make it clear though, I'm not here to replace anyone or step in anyone's shoes. I'm just here to do a job" she said, giving him a more intent look through her eyes before she softened back to a smile, her hand returning to her side. She knew the reason why she was called here and wanted him to know she had no intention of stepping on wounds that he would probably need some time to heal. She'd lost a few friends along the way too, one of which went as far back as basic training. But it was an unfortunate part of their line of work which they had to deal with and although she'll always hold their memory close to her, she would move on and continue to be the best she can be.