[center][img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/300W/f/2009/357/4/d/The_Fortune_Teller_by_ArtofTy.jpg[/img][/center] "What is the news you bring us traveler?" The adviser to the queen spoke with a sharp tongue, his patience tried by the full day of deliberations on the matter already. "I've already told you, great on. The heathen's have destroyed every land from Zarinth to Valence. It's no more than a two month span before they make it here if they continue on the path that they've begun with." The traveler was a young man with sandy-blonde hair and sun-kissed skin, his purpose to collect a bit of coin from his information and travels. "How do you know at which rate these men are traveling?" The adviser turned to look at his queen as she touched his shoulder, his attention always due her if and when she wanted it. The young man gave his answer, but the adviser was kneeling before Varin, his dark gaze looking up at the stately beauty. "Yes, my queen." She looked at the young man and back at her adviser before nodding to let him know that she would be speaking. "Stand, my adviser, move to my side." "As you wish." He stood and offered his hand as she moved to her full height, her body lithe and tight with youth that didn't belong to her age. She'd been blessed or cursed - oh which he wasn't sure and would never think it his place to ask. She moved a few steps forward, her eyes on the young man as he stared at her in unabashed lust. His eyes moved along the curves of her body, the thigh lace stretching across her full breasts. The adviser started to reprimand the boy but the queen held up her hand. "He is lying. They will be here in no more than a month." A smile touched her smile as she watched shock wash across his face, his skills bar none to her own. She reached behind her, the adviser placing a small knife in her hand, a smile touching his. She was the coldest bitch he'd ever had the pleasure of working for and he'd kill his own mother to stay on her good side. "I am not lying, your majes.." he never finished his response before she flicked her wrist, the knife plunging into his forehead and sinking to the ground. "Clean it up and find me someone that isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. We have plenty of jewels for payment. Find me the best or everyone of you will stand before my blade. Is that clear?" She looked around the room and everyone shook their heads, fear painted on their faces. She moved her long black dress out of the way, reached for her headdress and slipped it on, exiting the room without another word.