[center]Storybrooke: Chapter 1 The Curse Day 14 Character Summary[/center] [center][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Welcome-to-Storybrooke.jpg][/center] [hider=Belle] Robert came to her and led her out of the asylum, telling her to go and find Mr. Gold and tell him that Regina imprisoned her. Belle did as Robert told her to when she reached the pawn shop, after she prevented Gold from killing Regina with the cane. Gold was shocked to see her alive, and she recalled the memories she had of Rumpelstiltskin. She noticed that something was wrong with Rumpelstiltskin and that he may be dying. However, Robert came in again and spoke with Gold about Regina's injuries. Before Gold agreed to go with Robert to the jail, he gave Belle a list of instructions that she needed to follow in order to save his life. Eager to save Rumpelstiltskin, Belle headed to the library and met with Henry and Mark. After speaking and pleading with Henry, she got the egg from him and she told him to hurry to the hospital so he could be with Faye. She headed for the well and dropped the potion in, only to find that Rumpelstiltskin had lied to her and that the potion was bringing magic back. After the cloud disappeared, she headed for the jail to confront Rumpelstiltskin. Once there, she tried to push through the mob led by her own father, only to end up with a strange injury on her shoulder. She soon fainted in Rumpelstiltskin's arms after she was shot. [/hider] [hider=Regina] Heading into Gold's shop to make a last deal with the Pawnbroker before the inevitable happened, Regina was confused to find his shop unlocked and he no where in sight, despite how many times she called to him he did not answer. She ducked through the blanket that closed off the back room to the rest of the shop and found Mr. Gold slumped over a desk, dead drunk with a spilled bottle of alcohol coating the desk and him in it. More peculular, in Regina's opinion, was the tiny chipped teacup he held fast in his hand, seeming to have been cradling it in his last sober moments. With a scoff, Regina took the teacup from his grasp and made an ill remark about Belle. The Pawnbroker sprung to life, his hand around Regina's throat in an instant catching The Mayor completely off guard. He snarled and took his teacup back and just as Regina thought that his temper tantrum had subsided, he turned on her again and beat her down with the handle of his cane. Regina begged and pleaded as she felt the life being beaten out of her, too shocked and in far too vulnerable a position to fight back. Be it by some act of God or just sheer luck, the beatings ceased as a rather frazzled looking woman seemed to come from no where and grab fast to his arm, her voice reaching Mr. Gold in a way that Regina never would. She was only relieved for a moment until Regina realized who the woman was; the very same woman she had faked the death of in order to get under Rumpelstiltskin's skin, the very samy woman she kept locked up in an asylum here in Storybrooke with no ones knowledge but one other person to keep as leverage should she ever need it; Belle. Mr. Gold was quick to lash out at Regina, demanding to know her hand in this. She tried to answer, but her injuries kept her from saying much and once again, his little pet came to her rescue, pleading with him once more to quell his anger. With words that were not his own, Mr. Gold gave Regina permission to leave, in which she took up the opportunity hastily. She needed to get home and fast, deciding the back route would be best to keep the citizens of Storbyrooke in such a state. She was both panicked and relieved at the same time to see Robert's police cruiser patrolling the streets, and the Sheriff quickly went to Regina as she was sure her current state hadn't gone unnoticed by him. After assuring him that she was fine, Robert offered her a ride back to her home, of which Regina graciously accepted. No words were spoken about it, but Regina knew that Robert would be able to figure out rather quickly who had done this to her, as the bruising marks of a particular cane handle were becoming more and more prominent. It wasn't until after Robert had dropped Regina off at her home that he made slip of a particular detail that Regina knew couldn't have been recollected without Robert's true memories of Count Roland. Regina asked a simple question, and his answer gave her all she needed to know. Robert remembered; everything. He had been the one to release Belle from her asylum, he had brought down the wrath of Gold on her, hoping that she would die in the process so he would no longer have to serve under her. Never feeling more alone in her life, Regina locked herself up in her home, sunk down onto the floor and cried out her anguish. After a handful of moments (Regina wasn't quite sure how much time had passed actually), her phone went off. She was quick to hit the ignore button, but hesitated when she saw it was Mason's school calling. She answered quickly and found out that Mason had gotten into another fight at school, and the principal was calling for disiplinary action. Seeing no fault in her child, Regina, using her powers as The Mayor, had Mason sent home where she would 'deal with him' and hung up the phone. As quickly as she could, Regina hurried upstairs to get in a shower to rinse the blood and grime that had since caked onto her and freshen up. She ddidn't want Mason knowing about Mr. Gold's attack. When Mason arrived home, Regina was just putting on her shoes to give the illusion that she had just gotten home from the office. After a quick explination, Regina learned that Mason had started a fight with August Booth after the red-headed boy had called Regina a witch, Mason was just standing up for her. Feeling proud, Regina hugged him and told Mason that he was no in the wrong, that he did exactly what she would have wanted him to do. It didn't take Mason long to see the bruises that his mother tried to cover up with makeup, and felt the protectiveness inside of him only grow when he realized how hurt his mother really was. Regina had a quick talk about 'facing your bullies' which Mason took to heart, and swore that no one would ever harm his mother like that again so long as he was there. For the moment, Regina didn't want to focus on the fact that her entire world was crumbling around her, and instead pulled in Mason for a hug, reveling in the moment of the one and only person that she loved here in Storybrooke. Somewhere within the hour of consoling her son, Regina had given in to the pain medication that Mason had given her and got in a short nap, not before being startled awake by Mason's sudden exclimation of his mother. Regina bolted upright and held her son to him, though the look in his eyes gave Regina reason to believe that there was more to his outburst than wanting her attention. This thought was quickly confirmed as she saw a thick, looming cloud of purple smoke billowing towards them, knowing exactly what it meant. It didn't matter now that the curse was broken, and that everyone had their memories. They were still in Storybrooke, trapped, and now...magic was coming. [/hider] [hider=Dr. Faye Stevenson] After waking up from a strange dream of dancing with Henry, she continued her day as she normally did until that afternoon. That afternoon, she found Henry in the break room, reading Alice in Wonderland. Faye had heard about how he slept with Ruby, and couldn't help but bring it up on impulse. Bringing up Ruby caused an argument between her and Henry. After she warned Henry of the consequences of his actions, she took a bite out of an apple, and fell into a deep sleep. She was dying as Henry went to fight the Jabberwocky. Thankfully, she was freed from the sleeping curse by Henry's true love's kiss. With her memories back, she recognized Henry as Alexandre. After talking with him and having the cloud pass over them, she went with Henry to the clock tower, where Mary Margaret, David Nolan, and Ruby were. She recognized David and Ruby, but didn't speak up about her recognition. After the town panicked and Frankenstein started a mob, Faye noticed that Henry was missing and soon found him...falling down the 'rabbit hole'. She couldn't help him, Knox, or Mary Margaret...It was too late when she arrived. [/hider] [hider=Mr. Gold] The Pawnbroker's peaceful morning was quickly interrupted by Henry, barging into his shop and speaking nonsense about some kind of poisonus fruit. It took everything Mr. Gold had to keep from smiling as Henry stated out loud that he was sure Regina was responsible for Faye's sudden comotose state, but let Henry tell his tale and listened with open ears. Finally, the time had come, and Mr. Gold was ready. The same, he knew, couldn't be said for the unpronounced savior. After evading a few questions as to how Regina had come by such an object, Mr. Gold informed Henry that he had a potion that could help save Dr. Stevenson's life, and seeing the desperation in Henry's eyes, he knew there wasn't anything he wouldn't be willing to do to save it. Perfect. Mr. Gold helped Henry along to realize that Regina was keeping a monster down in the mines, more specifically the Jabberwocky that Regina had plucked from Wonderland to use as her own personal guard when things looked grim. Mr. Gold directed Henry to a sword case where Mr. Gold revealed he had posession of the Vorpal blade, the only thing spoken of in legend known to be able to kill such a beast as the Jabberwocky. Henry took the sword reverently and Mr. Gold helped Henry to figure out the location of an old elevator in the Storybrooke Library that would lead him into the mines where he could slay the beast. The elevator was old, however, and required another set of hands to operate, but he left the chosing up to Henry. Once he was gone, Mr. Gold returned to his bottle of scotch where he was to wait out the incredible amount of pain his body was undergoing. All he could do now was wait, and hope. Sometime between Henry's visit and the unexpected one of Regina, Mr. Gold had nearly lost consiousness. Contrary to Regina's belief, it was more out of his body giving in to the pain than the alcohol, but his mind teetered on the verge of awake and dreaming as he seemingly mistook The Mayor's hovering presence as Belle's spririt watching over him. When he felt the chipped teacup he had been holding onto for comfort slip from his grasp, his mind became more aware of his surroundings and suddenly realized it was not Belle, but Regina who had come to pay him a visit. Outraged, the Pawnbroker jumped up and pinned Regina to a wall, shouting at her until she gave up the teacup. After ensuring that the cup hadn't undergone any harm, the five full years he had surpressed of his hatred towards Regina had completely come undone. He brought his cane down on The Mayor, time and time again as deadly as if it were a crowbar. He would have beaten the woman down until her last dying breath if a steady hand hadn't stayed his arm, a honeyed voice in his ear and pleading for him to stop. His cane clattered to the floor as he looked upon what he believed was the ghost of the woman of his affections staring straight back at him. Belle was alive; and she had found him. Realizing immediately that Regina had something to do with his, his anger emerged once more and threatened answers out of the previous Queen. Belle stayed his anger once again, pleading for him to leave her be, not wanting his soul to be blackened even more than it was. Mr. Gold allowed Regina to go, watching her limp out with a satesfied smirk before returning his attentions to Belle. Belle gave him a quick run down on what had happened to her, and Mr. Gold did all he could to quickly bring her up to speed to the immediate questions she held. Belle still had her memories of The Enchanted Forest, therefore she had no cursed memories, or memories of anything that was Storybrooke. Belle then had him promise her to not go after Regina, and in turn, they could finally be together the way they both knew in their hearts they wanted ever since she chipped that damn cup back in The Dark Castle. Conflicted at first, Mr. Gold finally agreed, and sealed the promise with a kiss. They spent the next few moments going into greater detail on the things that had passed while they had been apart, Belle gaining a better understanding of this strange place called Storybrooke and Mr. Gold getting a better understanding on how Belle's body had been switched by a fake to make him think she were dead. It had worked. Belle poured out truths to him that he could only give an open ear to, unable and unwilling to dispell his entire closet of secrets he had been holding from her at that point. Once caught up, Mr. Gold offered Belle a change of clothes from the small stock he had in his shop and went to the front of the room to write out a quick letter. The ailment of his lung cancer quickly caught up to him, restricting his breathing and all feeling in his body as he quickly stored the letter away in his suit and began feeling himself heading towards the ground. It was then that Sheriff Leland (who Mr. Gold assumed had been the one to set Belle free) entered his shop, no doubt there to arrest him for what he had done to Regina. Forever her little lap dog. He could only smile though as he finally hit the ground, ready for death's simple embrace to take him. Belle had quickly gone to his side, now with a change of clothes and helped him back up and suddenly, his body felt as if it could hold on just a bit longer. He gave Belle some instructions, on the clock tower and Henry's location and that she needed what he had in order to save his life. He gave Belle the written letter, more instructions on what to do when the time came. He said a quick goodbye to Belle, giving Robert any and all information willingly to initiate the arrest, and allowed Robert to escort him out to the police cruiser where he was then quickly taken to the Sheriff's Station. It was the only place he knew he would be forced to stay, unsure of what his anger might do now that Regina was wounded and the curse so close to breaking. He needed her alive...for now... Sitting back in his cell, trying not to succumb to the darkness clouding his vision, Mr. Gold made quick conversation with Robert, finding out that Robert had no idea that he would have gone after Regina so quickly; that he wanted to have Regina safe before he unleashed his wrath on her. It was getting harder and harder to breathe, he could feel death knocking on his door, all he had to do was close his eyes and embrace it... Robert exclaimed out loud that something was wrong, and as Mr. Gold's eyes snapped open he knew before he saw; Belle had suceeded, and magic was finally coming. The entire room was filled with a thick purple smoke, and Mr. Gold was completely healed of his lung cancer, able to stand tall and remain just as powerful as he had ever been. He gave Robert a single chance to let him free from the cell, the laws of Storybrooke no longer relevant but Robert knew that if he let Gold go, then Regina would certainly die, and so he flatly told The Dark One 'no.' He was about to blow the door clear off it's cement hold when a bullet suddenly wizzed through the air, hitting the floor just a few feet in front of him. Moe French, followed by ten or so very angry citizens of Storybrooke had entered the 'safety' of the Sheriff's office and reloaded the smoking pistol, threatening to put the next bullet between his eyes if he even so much as moved. Mr. Gold just smiled and greeted Moe French with a smile that made the people present shiver in uneasiness. In a flashback, it is revealed that Maurice, Belle's father, arrived at The Dark Castle during a storm and sought out shelter. The castle looked so dank, the merchant believed it to be abandoned, and didn't spare a second thought and went inside. Taking a look in one of the rooms, the merchant's greedy fingers itched at a few items put on display, but before he could swipe anything, Rumpelstiltskin made himself known and as punishment for coming to his home without anything to offer for a trade, Maurice was held prisoner for The Dark One to use for his experiments, and was quickly shut away in his prison. Days later, Rumpelstiltskin let Maurice out of his cell, using him for a few things here and there before allowing Maurice to write a letter to his family. Trying to keep from vomiting from the man's tears as he wrote to his daughters, Maurice felt compelled to tell Rumpelstiltskin that he had no idea what it was like to lose his daughter, and Rumpelstiltskin promptly turned him into a cockroach. Presently, the mob inside of the sheriff's department began to grow more and more restless, some ordering Moe to shoot the pawnbroker and others feeling that they might no longer be safe after all. The confusion was quickly disbanded as the crowd suddenly grew violent and Robert grabbed for Moe's gun, trying to aprehend him but the gun ended up going off in the struggle. It took Mr. Gold all of two very long seconds to realize where the bullet had ended up as Belle, the beautiful thing that she was, came to the Sheriff's station to see him, only to get caught in the crossfire. Enraged, Mr. Gold used his magic to break out of his cell and went to Belle, healing her injury with tears stinging the corners of his eyes as the pain overtook her and felt her collapse unconcious into his arms. Snarling, Mr. Gold picked her up in his arms, daring the eerily silent group to make a move before making himself and Belle vanish in a thick amount of blood red smoke. The flashback continued. Belle had recieved the letter from her father and despite his wishes, came to free her father, keen on the idea of taking his place. Rumpelstiltskin was overly delighted to make the exchante, Maurice didn't exactly make the best caretaker. He gave Maurice and his daughter very little time to say goodbye before the switch was made, and Maurice was sent away from the castle to leave his daughter with a monster...forever... [/hider] [hider=Henry Carlyle] It had been about three days since Henry's one-night liaison with Ruby after their interactions at the Rabbit Hole, and he knew that it was more likely than not that Faye had heard of such an affair. Deciding to appear to her before she appeared to him, Henry made the mature decision and snuck into the hospital break room to await her. It didn't take long for Dr. Stevenson to come across him in the break room, their interaction beginning with a stern reprimand from her; and an uncaring dismissal from him. The conversation then tried to become something civil, but forced and awkward. Before he was able to try and smooth things out, Faye questioned the elephant in the room and brought up his night with Ruby. This certain question caused Henry to bristle up and move on the defensive, sharply asking as to how Faye knew of such information before bashing her (less-than-trustworthy) source of Dr. Whale. The exchange then moved from bad to worse as Henry bluntly put that it shouldn't matter to Faye, as she had no romantic interest in him. This caused her to retort in his kind on his noncommittal, womanizing behaviors; telling him his actions were going to turn around and bite him back. This remark seemed to hit him personally, as he claimed himself to be a flawed person, but that he was alright with that, and for her to accept it - or move on. He then harshly declared that Faye knew nothing about him, and that she never would. Not until Heather came back. Before the argument could continue further, however, Faye took a bite of the apple placed in her lunch bag, only a few moments to spare before she sputtered and fell to the ground, unconscious. Upon closer inspection of Faye's apple, Henry quickly concluded that it was none other than Regina's cursed apple, and that Heather, his Heather was under a sleeping curse. Overcome with self-loathing and grief, Henry had no choice but to leave his love behind and escape the 'crime scene' before someone thought he was the culprit in Faye's coma. Looking up at the sky, Henry began to shout at an unseen being, a god of some sorts to question why it felt causing Henry torture was amusing. Pleading for death instead of more pain, Henry fell to the ground a broken heap; waiting for darkness to take him. Seeming to have fallen into a panicked sleep from this, Henry found himself back in Wonderland in a dream; walking through the naturally-surreal land to get to his old mushroom house, where he encountered a hallucination of his sister, Alice, who goaded him back into waking up, to breaking the Curse with the reveal of his true name: Edric Liddell. Awaking with a new burst of resolve, Henry hurriedly made his way to Mr. Gold's shop, where he encountered the de-powered form of Rumpelstiltskin intoxicated and in a rather bantering mood. Nonetheless, Henry quickly got onto business, discussing Heather's apparent 'death' at the hands of the sleeping curse and asking if Rumpelstiltskin had any way to reverse it. It was at that time that the Imp revealed he hid a true-love potion when he was first brought to Storybrooke, a potion that could be used to potentially reverse the sleeping curse. The difficult part, however, came in where he had hid the potion - inside the Jabberwocky. This prospect instantly horrified Henry, who argued that he couldn't stand a chance without his elusive magic able to give him an edge. Mr. Gold, however, wasn't ready to give the young Savior a break, instead providing him with the tool necessary to do the job: the legendary Vorpal Blade, said to be the only weapon able to do harm against the fearsome Jabberwock. Henry swallowed his fear and nervousness, taking the sword and learning of how to reach the creature before setting off to find an ally, the firefighter Mark Dufresne immediately coming to mind. Approaching Mark at his house, Henry proposed the idea of investigating the clock tower under the false pretense that it could find evidence to hold Regina accountable for misdemeanors under her title; which Mark, having grown quite disdained of her, agreed to after some persuasion. The two of them together forcefully entered the library, with Mark being forced to pry boards off and shatter a window in before investigating the main room. Spotting a rather ornate, out-of-place looking elevator, Henry (still playing a ruse) suggested going down it, notifying that Mark would have to stay up and power it. Being sent down to the depths of the mines, Henry only had a few moments to investigate the cavernous area before being met by the ferocious Jabberwock, the two of them bandying words before the Jabberwock proceeded to attack Henry, who made efforts to dodge and evade the creatures attacks. Trying desperately to stay alert and focused, Henry began to hurriedly retell the Jabberwock poem whilst being attacked, interrupted as a sharp blow from the beast's tail was enough to send him into a pained daze; nearing unconsciousness. Before he could lose himself to blackness, however, Henry looked up and saw hallucinations of all those he associated with, goading him to stand, to fight - even his father, the Carpenter amongst those in unison. With newfound resolve and a will to fight, Henry stood to face down the Jabberwock one last time, throwing his blade at the creature and smiting it before he could meet his demise. Overcome with victory, pain, and fatigue at once, Henry took a few moments to rest from his ordeal before taking the potion (housed in a large, egg-shaped object) and taking the elevator back up. Upon reaching the top, a very suspicious Mark demanded to know why Henry looked so battered from his trip down. Before he could receive answers, however, the two of them were interrupted by another unexpected arrival as a young woman (who Henry subtly felt he recognized) who asked of his identity. Slightly perturbed that a stranger knew him by name, Henry tried playing coy with the young woman, but her mention of Heather's condition prompted him to open up and listen to what Belle had to say. Before she could even begin her story, however, a now-irate Mark jumped in, demanding answers to things that were going on around him without his knowing. Henry, too pained and tired to hold up his front, called Mark by the name 'Nick' on accident. Mark, finally snapping free of judgement, grabbed Henry roughly by the collar of his shirt; demanding as to where he heard that name. Before the confrontation could escalate into anything more violent, Belle quickly stepped in the middle, prompting Mark to roughly push Henry away before leaving in an angered huff. Belle and Henry then continued their conversation, getting slightly heated as Henry questioned the morality of Rumpelstiltskin, and why Belle seemed to love him so. However, viewing the bigger picture as opposed to his own bias; Henry let her take the egg and return it to the Imp, hoping she was telling the truth. Hurrying to the hospital, Henry quickly found Faye's room just when she flatlined, the faculty beginning to take her off the monitors. Distressed that his mission had seemingly failed, Henry gave her one last passionate kiss as a goodbye. Then something wonderful happened. True love's kiss broke the Sleeping Curse just in time, the same time, in fact, that the Curse was being broken; restoring Faye's life...as well as her identity. Now that Heather Jekyll and Edric Liddell were together at last, the two only had a few moments to share each other's company before a purple fog, thunderous and violent began to wave over the entire town. Knowing it was magic, an almost unhealthily enthusiastic Henry awaited its arrival with glee, openly welcoming the cloud as it passed over them. With magic now restored to Storybrooke, Henry took the still-somewhat-weak Heather and made their way to the clock tower, where the rest of the town seemed to congregate in a mass of confusion. Meeting up with Prince Charming, Red Riding Hood, and the (long-awaited) Snow White, Henry realized there was one person missing from the crowd: Alice. Looking this way and that for his sister, Henry finally heard her call to him as she was being led away by a strange looking man: the same man who appeared in all of his photos in the Storybrooke newspapers. Distrustful and wanting to be reunited with his sister, Henry quickly left the group and followed the man through the forest, coming across the fat man and Alice (with a deranged Knox somehow at the scene as well) just as a magic bean was thrown into the ground, creating a large portal that started sucking everyone in. Having little time to react before being forced to find ground, Henry frantically called for Alice to stay away from the portals reach...but he was unable to stop the fat man from forcing her in with some sort of spell or trick. Now realizing there was only one way he could be with Alice again, Henry let himself be devoured by the portal...sent to a different land. [/hider] [hider=Mark Dufresne] Mark was spending the day working on various things around his house, in the middle of changing the oil in his truck when he was interrupted by the untimely arrival of Henry Carlyle. Henry inquired as to whether Mark could help him with something, the stoic firefighter patiently asking what it was Henry needed help with. The young not-so-newcomer then retold a 'rumor' (in reality a deception) that Regina was hiding something incriminating down in the mines of Storybrooke, something Henry wanted to reveal. This prospect managed to entice Mark, who had wanted to find anything to sully Regina's name; given his suspicions of her. Agreeing to help, Mark went into his house to clean up and get changed, where it is revealed he's been having dreams/strange memories of a different life, a different name, and a woman claiming to be his wife. These events did little but make Mark weary and irritable, trying to sort out just who he was. Finally emerging from his house, Mark proceeded to follow Henry to the Storybrooke library and clock tower, finding the door locked and unable to be kicked into. Deciding to find a more express route, Mark had to tear away the boards nailed over the windows before shattering one to make a new entrance. The duo entered the library together, with Henry being sent down a strange-looking elevator into the deepest shafts of the mine while Mark worked the controls. When Henry finally emerged awhile later, Mark was stupefied by his wounded, dirtied appearance; but was stopped by the interruption of Belle before he was able to investigate into the matter further. He became even more confused as Henry and Belle discussed Faye's hospitalization, prompting Mark to harshly demand what Henry was keeping secret from him. Henry, in a hurry to get the information out of Belle, as well as hurry on with his mission, called Mark by the name 'Nick' absentmindedly. This one act propelled Mark into getting physical, grabbing Henry by his shirt collar and demanding the young man tell him how he knew of such a name. When Belle intervened, Mark tossed Henry aside and left the library; unable to handle any more madness. Making the walk back to his house, Mark was trying to ignore the growing pain in his bad shoulder when he was knocked to the ground by an unseen force, receiving all his memories back in unison thanks to the breaking of the Curse. He was forced to witness all his recollections occurring at once: his name, his wife, Catherine, the birth and naming of his son, Mason, a trip into the woods; and finally the day he lost everything. Catherine dying, Mason kidnapped, and he left utterly alone and helpless. All these memories collided into one onslaught of pain and loss, as Nick Chopper let out his grief and sadness in the middle of the street; ignoring the large purple cloud that swept through Storybrooke, letting it overtake him. [/hider] [hider=Ruby] Having spent most of her time avoiding Knox on the streets whenever she was headed out between work, Ruby didn't think that the security guard would be bold enough to confront her at the diner. So when Ruby heard his voice addressing her as she scrubbed down a table, she was all but happy about it. Taking her break early after making it clear that she wasn't open for talking to him, Knox stopped her by grabbing her wrist, pleading for her to tell him what it was that she wanted him to do. She made it plain and clear (though unable to restrain her emotions) that she wanted him to forget about her. She didn't want to talk to him, or even see him anywhere around. Knox made it clear that he was unhappy with the way things were going with Mary Margaret, but Ruby didn't want to hear any of it. Out of a flash of anger towards the situation, Knox hurled a mug across the room, looking completely horrified as the sound of the mug breaking against the wall caught everyone's attention. The security guard apologized again to Ruby, and promised that they would now, and forever be strangers to one another simply because that was what she wished, and with a heavy heart, Ruby watched him leave the diner before running to the back rooms to cry herself into a stupor. Needing to go out for a walk to clear her head, Ruby attempted to head towards the Toll Bridge where she did most of her deep thinking, however her grief got to her before she could even reach the clock tower and ended up collapsing on the sidewalk next to Storybrooke's only bus station (that never seemed to be in use). She sobbed violently, thinking illfully of Mary Margaret, in her mind making it all her fault that Knox had been taken away from her. She wished she had never found her that day in the woods, she wished that she had never woken from her coma. It was then that an unseen pulse spread throughout the small town, and her memories were quickly restored. Not Mary Margaret, but Snow White; her best friend in all the realms. She was alive! Ruby; Red jumped to her feet, kicking off her high heels and pinpointed Mary Margaret's scent, bounding in that direction with as much eagerness as a wolf cub, shouting out Snow's name over the top of her lungs until she found her and David Nolan standing in front of the Clock Tower, wrapped closely in one anothers arms. Ruby threw herself at Snow in a tight hug, sobbing and exclaiming her outright joy that Snow was alive. She never wanted to let go of her again, afraid that if she did she might lose her again, but Snow had her head on her shoulders and calmed Ruby down, telling her that there would be time for all that later; but for now they needed to find a way to keep out of Regina's claws. Ruby asked how; the curse had been broken and yet they were still in Storybrooke. The question remained...why...? Henry and Dr. Faye Stevenson joined in on the small party. Ruby didn't know who either of them were outside of Storybrooke but she had gotten to know them both pretty well in Storybrooke that she was able to trust them just as easily as if she knew them back home. Henry explained that the purple smoke that been brought to them was magic, which made everyone groan. If magic had been brought to Storybrooke, then Regina was once again held in power. Charming tried to keep their heads up, however, and stated that they would find another way. Soon most everyone in Storybrooke was out on the streets, reuniting or searching for their family and friends with just as many (and more) tears that Ruby had shed over Snow. Leroy seemed to voice his opinion over the larger group that formed around them, a group done with the reunions and instead frightened for their lives. He suggested going after Regina before it was too late, but Archie Hopper was the voice of reason and tried to calm the crowd. Ruby took it upon herself then to offer her services, along with Dr. Hopper, to those who would take them in an effort to calm the crowds, at least some. Unfortunately, she didn't know she wouldn't ever see Knox again. [/hider] [hider=Knox Kowalski] Knox wakes up off screen during the end of his morning hospital visit from a bad dream. Remembering his plan to confront Ruby during the lunch hour when she least expects it to set things straight between then, as well as his idea to find his wife’s wedding ring, blindly believing it to be the last piece of evidence, and the working key to her lost memories)…Knox instructs Mary Margret on how to get to their home safely from the hospital before he leaves. Getting to the diner, Knox sits at the table closest to Ruby and tries to make conversation. That doesn't work too well, as Ruby tried to pretty much just leave, but the security guard manages to catch her ear once more. After an exchange that neither could be satisfied with, Knox’s frustration leads him to smash a mug on the far wall…triggering memory of his dream and leaving him feeling rather ill. Paying extra, and leaving quickly, Knox heads to his vehicle but can’t resist the urge to take a short nap. After a short nap, Knox starts his drive out of town…but doesn't make it far. Almost out, he sees an animal crossing and swerves his vehicle out of the way, totalling his car in the process. Coming out of the car a broken man with an injured arm, he contemplates recent events before finding out from a voice message that his trusted friend had died during his absence. Falling into despair and probably weeping like a baby for almost an hour, Knox’s tears finally dry up and he manages to call for a tow truck without so much as a distracting hiccough. On the trip back to town, his memories come surging back with a vengeance. Practically seizing at the head pain, cracking a window during a confused freak out, the tow truck driver was likely relieved when the tall security guard passed out leaving the rest of the trip without incident. Waking up much later, yet again, his memories aren't just right. Being a much different host with nearly incompatible memories, his lesser memories have been pushed out or else overlapped but compatible older ones. Getting out, his first inclination is to find a bar to finally share drinks with the fellow patrons, a ‘human’ dream of his back in the day…and then perhaps a lengthy nap. With memories scrambled, Knox barely remembers the town center being a clock tower…and then gets those memories overlapped with a few others, causing him to run astray in the woods. Walking through the woods, he catches sight of two individuals…the rotund one triggering a vengeful feeling inside of him. Sneaking upon the man, Knox trips him up…before a portal is summoned soon after. With his head not in the right place to make decisions, he chooses attack over his safety and chance to get away, and trips up while holding his captive in a headlock. [/hider] [hider=Robert Leland] Robert went to bed thinking about the secret room underneath Storybrooke hospital, and had a dream of his last moments before the curse was cast. His memories returned to him when he woke up, and he realized that Regina was evil and Belle was alive. He freed Belle from the asylum, and drove her to Mr. Gold's. On his way back, he picked up a very battered Regina, and discovered that Gold was the one who attacked her. This ruined his plan of quietly arresting her, because he had to investigate the crime. Gold admitted to it, and Robert placed him under arrest. While at the police station, magic returned to Storybrooke and an angry mob attacked the station. Robert accidentally shot Belle and Gold broke free. As the day ended Robert was still busy dealing with the aftermath of the riot, and the realization that the curse forcing him to serve Regina had returned. [/hider] [hider=Mary Margaret] Mary was released from the hospital this morning, and she took a walk with David to Knox's house. They kissed, and their memories of the enchanted forest returned. She reminsced with him before meeting more familiar faces, names Ruby and Henry. By this time, a mob had gathered, and she followed Henry when he went looking for Alice. She was sucked into a portal that led back into the enchanted forest along with Henry and Knox. [/hider]