Ark had no major reaction to the lunch bell. He simply got up from his seat, making sure he had all of his things, and put has bag back at his side. For your information, most Draconians use a bag that attaches to the belt at the side, rather than a backpack, because, well, they have wings. Ark made his way to the cafeteria in silence. The constant whispers of other students surrounded him as he walked. The constant silent taunts getting on his nerves. He didn't do anything wrong. It was an accident. Why are these people unable to realize that? Is everyone incapable of thought? Once he finally reached his destination, Ark realized he wasn't hungry. This was probably because of the immense rage he was feeling. He got a simple bread roll, and ate it on his way out to the courtyard. Ark didn't like the snow, but he was trying to look for that Lamia girl, so that he could apologize again. He felt that all of the rumors had falsified his previous apology. Instead of finding Ariadne, he found something much worse for him. Sitting alone on a snowy bench, breathing fire at food before eating it was Dagny. Just by being in her sight, his fate would soon be sealed. Ark made his way through the snow, and cleared some of it off of a nearby bench, and sat down.