Introduction to the RP "In the early 21st century, mankind has long since comfortably settled into the position of being the supreme species on Earth. Armed with a knowledge of science and a handle on technology, there are practically no corners of the world left where the human race has not spread its civilization. Regardless of where one is in the world, the general idea is much the same. Even in times of war, famine, pestilence, and the like...a basic truth remains. Humans are in control. All other species have been subjugated, impressed into labor, or simply rendered extinct. The spoil of the Earth and all of its resources are that of the human race to manipulate, utilize, and control. The various peoples split into various nations, divide up the land as they see fit, and exchange diplomatic relationships and make decisions for the fate of the Earth. People go to breakfast, lunch, and television or listen to the video the Internet...and if there is anything ever of concern, it is something that exists only in the sphere of influence of what humans know, and understand...something that, with their growing knowledge of science, seems to be everything. As more and more becomes known, the human race becomes more secure...calmer...believing that they have a good handle on all things about them and that there are no true secrets or mysteries of the world left... "However...there is another world... "In the realm of Alterra, fantastic beasts roam the land. Various nations and peoples are separated not by flawed notions of 'race', but by species. The world is both bright and dazzling as well as dark and ominous...fresh and pleasant as well as old and dangerous...filled with the delights of the heavens and the worst terrors of the underworld. A realm as tempestuous as the sea, as wild as a free mare, and as old as the deserts and mountains. A world where magic reigns and dominion is contested between the wise and the clever. A world back in time and yet ageless...simple and yet incredibly complex. "Most of the fact that this world is not nearly so far as one would think. Unknown to most of the people of the races that hold sway over both worlds, only a single barrier, as ancient as civilization itself and maintained by an order that has existed since time immemorial, stands in the breach between the two...creating a balance and order between the two realms...ensuring that both remain intact by doing so and sparing both the chaos that would unfold if ever the two were to a cosmic dam protecting all the lands of the earth from a ferocious, all-encompassing sea... "This is a story...of what happens when that dam 'leaks'..." Welcome to the RP! This is a modern/fantasy RP taking place in a version of the modern world. Essentially, the world is set in modern day Earth with most people in the world going about their daily lives as they do normally. However, unknown to almost everyone, there is "another world" directly connected and in cohabitation with ours, the realm of Alterra, where fantasy and magic reign supreme. The only thing that keeps the two worlds separate from one another is an ancient magic creating a powerful time/space barrier between the two, maintained by the ancient "Keepers of Twilight", an order of magic-using individuals who police the barrier between worlds and make sure nothing transitions between the two. Unfortunately for them (but fortunately for this RP), the barrier gets breaches in it from time to time. This allows individuals to accidentally wander between well as enables more malevolent entities to try and escape to exert their will upon the unsuspecting members of the other world. As a result, the Keepers of Twilight find themselves constantly busy rounding up criminals and evil forces from both worlds...and those who were unfortunate enough to cross the barrier by mistake find themselves constantly on the run as fugitives of the order. So which are you? An unsuspecting human who wandered through a portal by mistake? A devoted member of the Keepers of Twilight dedicated to preserving the order? Or one of the countless sentient species running around through the realm of Alterra, devoted to good, evil, or neutrality? You decide. I'm trying to keep this as open as possible, leaving room for pretty much any fantasy creature you can think of. The more intriguing and fantastic, the better! Also, keep in mind, this is in modern times. While magical items can find their way to Earth, perhaps it would also be fun for modern items/weapons/etc. to find their way to Alterra. [hider=Rules] RP Rules: 1. If you're new, fill out a character bio form and submit it to the thread. Please be detailed. This will help you role-play later. 2. Adhere to all of the guidelines presented by 3. Please refrain from excessive profanity unless you censor yourself or summarize. (I.E. "Jake cursed a blue streak.") 4. Heavily erotic/explicit content is strictly prohibited. But relationships are encouraged, kissing and hugging is fine also. 5. Please respect your fellow RPers. They are here to have fun, just like you. This includes no direct insults or harrassment as well as intentional attempts to interfere with an RP. 6. No "real life" information is to be posted here. Any arrangements to meet or real-life content displayed in the RP is strictly prohibited. 7. "Flaming" is prohibited. We are all mature individuals here. Settle conflicts outside of the main IP. 8. Be careful on "godmoding". It can quickly ruin one's enjoyment of an RP. That said, there will probably be situations where someone is bound to "lose" and others are bound to "win". If you are wanting to try something unexpected and you have some doubts on how a fellow RPer will respond, please visit the "OCC" 9. "Peon Rules" - Essentially, to avoid having to create new characters for temporary weakling enemies who are essentially "small fry" and are there just to get killed, you are allowed to RP as a creature, group of creatures or minor enemies that you encounter. This probably also includes nameless villagers and the like. Just keep in mind the strengths and weaknesses of these "peons" when you RP as them. 10. "Duke Cap" - There is a limit on how strong you can make a character. Basically, your character cannot be any stronger than a Duke, or archmage. In terms of physical power, no stronger than a dragon. Essentially, there must always be a chance of victory against your character when pitted against a "normal" character, however remote it may be. 11. Character Cap - You may create more than one character to use in this RP, and this might be encouraged if you always want to have someone available to go "into play". However, I currently have set a limit on no more than 2 characters per RPer. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Full Name: (Self explanatory. What's your full name?) Age: (Again, what's your age?) Gender: (Naturally, it's neutral if you're a species that's genderless.) Race/Species: (What exactly are you?) Occupation/Specialties: (This is somewhat equivalent to a "class" or "job" from other traditional RPGs. Essentially, you want to list what it is that you do. What your specialty in combat is. If applicable, also mention any special talents. Are you an artist? A dancer? A cook? Etc.) Abilities: (What can you do? Do you have purely physical abilities or magical ones too? If magic, what do you specialize in? How high or low can you go? Do you have innate abilities to your species? Do you have unique or special moves that you've devised that no one else in the world can do?) Strengths: (What do you excel at? How are you likely to approach a situation? Are you good at negotiating? Clever at solving riddles? Just plain skilled with a sword or gun? Etc.) Weaknesses: (Please try to list at leastoneweakness, even if your character is meant to be incredibly powerful. It doesn't have to be something direct and overt (like Kryptonite to Superman). It can be a emotional scar...a character flaw...something.) Bio/History: (This can be as long or short as you want, but I find the more detailed, the better.) Other: (Do you have weapons? Pets? Familiars? Special items? What do you look like? Any distinguishing markings? Piercings? Tattoos? Scars? Anything else you can think of goes here.) Power Level: (Class 3 (Knave Class, your particularly weak characters, or those that start weak), Class 2 (Baron Class, this should be your average character strength, easily slaying peons available here), Class 1 (Duke Class, these characters are those that are intended to be on the more powerful end, for example a mature dragon is usually a Class 3), or Class ZERO (Lord Class or beyond, you are only allowed two of these characters at all, and while they are meant to be highly powerful, overpowered characters will be rejected, give them a Kryptonite if you need to) If you have any questions about the RP in general, here's the place to ask them. Other than that...hope to see you soon! [/hider] [hider=Key Places(There is a lot of places)] (you can make up your own city or village, be creative :D) Alterra - City of Rahembastia Known for centuries as the "Flower" of the Desert of Panthyia, and one of the largest metropolises on the continent. Filled with towering architecture, packed streets, and many well paved roads, it is a major hub of economic activity and travel. Originally built on the site of a magically imbued oasis to approach the size of a large lake, it provided shelter and refreshment to countless desert travelers for thousands of years before the "Desert Folk", a race of civilized, pastoral, half-jackal beastmen came in and build the city with aid of humans. The largest city-state in Panthyia, it was considered to be a peaceful place for many years. As of late, however, with Panthyia igniting in feuding, conflicts, and civil wars among the city states, the place has fallen into disrepair and chaos in many districts, and several crime families have moved in and vied with supremacy, with reports of Vincent von Pestuchios being the most notorious. The town is now no longer safe to travel in many districts at night or even the day, and contains many aspects of urban decay, crime, and is generally considered a haven for many lowlifes and criminals. ---------------- Alterra- Jierdan Pass It's basically a long, half a mile wide canyon with a forest on either side of the Jierda River, which cuts down right the middle. The region passes through Dwarven, Orcish, and Haven City territory before ending at the foothills of the Hatchery, from where the Jierda River flows. Dwarven fortifications, orcish forts, and the entrance to Haven City can be accessed from this region. ----------------- Alterra- Raeython One of the largest and strongest elf kingdoms in the world. It comprises both the City of Raeython and the Forest of Raeython, and is fully dominated by gray elves. While a prosperous, magic, and wealthy city, it is also overwhelmingly xenophobic. The only races allowed to even set foot inside the outskirts of the city are pure-blooded elves. No half-elves or those with dwarf blood are allowed to ever set foot inside, and all other races need special permission from the ruling family in Raeython, the Galalumes: a theocratic family that has held all real power in Raeython for well over 2,000 years and whose matriarch and patriarch are still alive. Only gray elves are allowed in the city proper, and none are allowed to look upon the Galalumes unless they are of the priestly class. Depending on the political climate, violation of the rules can lead to death. Raeython stays prosperous via careful export and control of its natural resources. In addition to many rare magical flora and fauna, the country is filled with wealth from gems and mythril…a fact that has led it to have end up dispute and conflict with the dwarves of Bramboon for close to three millennia. ---------------- Alterra- Bramboon The largest dwarf settlement/kingdom in the world, and considered one of the first regions ever settled. In spite of its size, it is still considered a "quartered zone"…not a full kingdom due to not being settled, although none respect that distinction. To this day, certain dwarf houses hold claims over large tracts of land that have never been exploited, leaving much of the land a wilderness. All the true settlements, structures, and mines are located in the mountains to the east, which was first settled by the House of Hadroh over three thousand years ago. After three generations they removed the last of the resident goblins there and began to erect the official kingdom of Bramboon, named after the patriach's grandfather. Although his own dwelling, King Wilroy's Scepter, is the oldest dwarf mine/dwelling in Bramboon, richer ore was found in the mountain home erected by his first born son, Prince Burt. Today, Prince Burt's Crown is a magnificent, wondrous city that is the highest elevation in the world and extends deeper than some portions of the Underblack. Fire and Mountain Dwarves make up most of this city, which is so large and magnificent that there are dwarves who have lived 250 year old lives within Bramboon and died never seeing the sun. All but elves are welcome in the halls, although some exceptions are made for half-elves and blue elves. Many prominent dwarf clans reside here as well as craftsmen, but greed also runs rampant. The main reason over two thirds of Bramboon remains unsettled to this day was because it was an attempt to rapidly expand the territory into the rich mythril mines of Raeython, and periodic wars have been fought in an attempt to gain the resources, the last of which was fought a mere 100 years ago…a long time to humans but enough to where most veterans of the war are still alive on both sides for elves and dwarves. ---------------- Alterra- Panthyian Region A vast, flat expanse that stretches for days on end, beginning in the west with long, dry grasslands eventually terminating at the Desert of Panthyia. Far along the ancient sands of this region lies the city of Rahmebastia, the largest city in the region and a hub of travel, commerce, and diplomacy as the region forms an important natural border to the regions north and south. The desert itself is very dry and old, yet a peaceful region thanks to the care of the "desert folk", strange demi-humans that resemble crosses between jackals and men. The western plains regions are far more wild, filled with roaming beasts of all shapes and sizes and prone to violent storms during the rainy season, which deplete themselves there before leaving dry air behind to fuel the arid, sandy region beyond. ----------------- Alterra- Darkclaw Mountains The highest mountain range in the Western Continent, the Darkclaw Mountains was the original homeland of the Shadow Dragons. Wars with the Dragons and Garonzan Orc tribe forced the majority of Shadow Dragons to flee to Therasol. Now, these snow-capped mountains have been conquered by the Saragozan Empire, and are currently the only open access to the Western Continent for outsiders. -------------- Alterra- Nova Byzantium Located at the center of the Western Continent, Nova Byzantium is the political and cultural capital of the Saragozan Empire as well as capital of the Saragozan Plains Province. It houses the Imperial Palace and other governmental offices, as well as several public service facilities. The architecture is largely Byzantine, and the city resembles Constantinople before the Turkish conquest. Walls that are several meters thick protect the city from invasion. -------------- Alterra- Isle de la Vida A fairly large island, far from the mainland. The sentient population is mainly comprised of Keepers, but it frequently sees a large amount of ocean-going trade, as well as a fair share of pirates and those who seek adventure on the open ocean, making it a "melting pot" of sorts as far as the transient population is concerned as well as the main "naval" hub of operations for the Keepers of Twilight. Animals include Creeper Sharks, Water Slimes, and some domestic species. The climate is fairly moderate, in Earth terms, it would be closest to the Mediterranean climate. The name means 'Island of Life,' a fitting name for such a place. The island has no "landed nobility" like many other places in the world. Rather, the mercantile and merchant classes hold the real authority there, enforcing law and order on a port-by-port basis. Some areas deal in good and wholesome trade. Others deal more in the black market, including human trafficking. Far from most other authorities and essentially totally "free market", it is considered a "golden apple" to those who seek freedom and opportunity. This is also the home of "La Copa de Vida". Also known as "The Cup of Life". A very large volcano formation some twenty miles off the coast of Isla de la Vida. In addition to the main peak of the island, there are several smaller extinct volcanic mountains surrounding it, creating a formidable and hard-to-scale range. The main volcano, Cuna del Fuego, is very active, however. Phoenix birds of all different types make their home there, deriving life-giving energy from the eternal flames. Its eruptions can be destructive, but are often beautiful, and contrasted at night against the other mountains has led the native islanders to nickname Cuna del Fuego, "La Flora del Fuego". ------------- Alterra- Haven City A vast metropolis located deep within the Jierdan Pass, Haven City is a place for all people, regardless of species, who are peace lovers or outcasts from their home. The diverse cultural blending that has occurred in Haven, along with its isolated location, contribute to the uniqueness of the city. Haven City is one of the only places on the continent that is not under jurisdiction of the Keepers of Twilight, instead run by a City Council, headed by the Lieutenant Governor. It has a unique agreement with the City of Vanedril, which provides a constitutional right of humans who unintentionally enter Terra to seek asylum in Haven, provided they are first wiped of their Earthen memories and do not cause trouble for the city. If they do cause trouble or refuse to have their memories wiped, they will be handed over to the Keepers. The city, despite being a place of peace, has a sophisticated defense system in the event of war in the North. Two shield walls guard the section of Haven that extends into the Jierdan Pass itself, and a series of magical wards and trained monsters guard the city from potential invaders. In the event that the city walls are breached, they have a small, well trained defense force to guard their home. If that fails... They have a Plan C, which involves some highly secret underground bunkers and tunnels to fight from below. Haven City is also a center of learning and commerce, having economic relations with several other locations in Terra. The city is also highly advanced for Terra, almost at the level of Vanedril in terms of architecture. The city is rightfully called by some, "The City of Peace." --------- Alterra- Northern Mountains Region The Northern Mountains are the largest chain of mountains in Terra. Its location renders it cold and for the most part, uninhabited... Although, several species call the mountains home. Dragons, giants, and mountain orcs are the most common race here. Significant locations include the dragon Hatchery, Dwarven cities, the orc's Stronghold, and the Jierda river leading south to the Panthyian Region. There are also several frozen lakes scattered throughout, housing large populations of poisonous Ice Delvers. ------------- Alterra- City of Vanedril Vanedril, initially called Vane, is historically known to be the birthplace of Gregoran Firespark, one of the original Lords of the Keepers of Twilight. That was years before it was formally settled as a city, however, when it was established by the Keepers in memory of his birthplace. Since then, other races have moved in and expanded it dramatically into an economic and defensive hub for much of the continent. Unlike other mixed cities, there are distinctive "districts" in Vanedril, one for Keepers of Twilight humans, one for dwarves, and one for halflings. Despite that, mixed races can be found in the city at all times. One of the largest cities in Terra, Vanedril is renown for its works of architecture, the result of several different competing races attempting to "outdo" the other. Whereas most regions of Terra sprawl out, Vanedril resembles more of an early 19th Century Earth metropolis in terms of size of buildings and constructs. The roads are well paved and maintained, and the average building size is about seven high as most people can walk without becoming drained. However, there are several buildings, notably the great temples and manors for the upper class, that stretch even higher. These ones incorporate either servants to work treadmill crane elevators or even magical lifts. The city has several large "focal points" and magical structures pertinent to the Keepers of Twilight, as well as historical value. For this reason, Vanedril has doubled as a "base of operations" in times of crisis for the Keepers residing on the continent, although normally the association is limited. If need be, there is a secondary temple here for the Lords to conduct their Barrier-fortification ritual. The most renown point of item is that the Keepers of Twilight's infamous "Vaults" are located deep in the ground underneath the city, the "confiscation depository" for various forbidden items, both Earth-based and Terra-based. It is guarded by numerous magical enchantments, expert "security" architecture from various species, and the Vault Guards - elite Knaves that have been entrusted with the code words to pass the various countermeasures. As a precaution, no one Knave knows all the code words necessary to gain entry into the Vaults. -------------- Alterra- Sylvarex Region A name meaning "King of the Forests" in certain tongues, the Sylvarex Region is dominated by one of the oldest and greatest forests on the continent, spanning hundreds of miles all together. It is broken up into distinct boundaries based on age, with the outer region being a normal mature forest, and the innermost region filled with trees that approach the dimensions of towers or buildings. The boundaries get distinctly wilder as one goes in further, with the innermost region nearly black from the thickness of the canopy and know by locals simply as the "Deep Forest". The local fauna, and even flora, get more deadly and unruly as one goes in deeper. Several villages, like Hamil, dot the outer perimeter of the forest, and the locals, of mixed race, obtain their living from forest products of one form or another, although only the very brave or very foolish often go into the Deep Forest for goods. There are also several uncharted settlements and buildings at various depths within the forest, hidden from most of the world. A strong air of magic pervades the innermost regions. Mixed settlements pervade the surroundings of the forest, but all mostly of "light-natured" races such as elves, dwarves, and halflings. In addition, treants, dryads, and nymphs are known to reside here and occasionally wander into towns, sometimes masquerading as humans. However, a large portion of the Deep Forest is dominated by the vampiric clans of the House of Rose and the House of Raven, both claiming to be the descendants of Lord Dracula himself. They don't get along too terribly well, but made even worse than this is that to the north the region is filled with werewolf clans who constantly seek to kill the resident vampires and take over. -------------- Alterra- The Underblack - Shadovar Shadovar is what could be called the pinnacle of Drow society, a shining beacon in the abyss that is the Underblack. Lit by glowing crystals and built on stalagmites, stalactites, as well as flat surfaces in the cavern it occupies, getting anywhere without being spotted by someone is a feat that very few can accomplish, and even fewer acomplish easily. Slavery is among the top trades in Shadovar, as surface worlders and Drow deemed too weak to be counted among the 'regular crowd' are trafficked frequently in the marketplaces dotting the city. It is also here in Shadovar that many of the sacrifices to the spider goddess, Lolth, are made, and finding someone dead in an alley is generally not big news. Battle arenas are also here and there in the city, with a mass total of five, the grandest of which decorated with a stone dragon statue towering over its coliseum, symbolising the prestige of the place, whilst the other arenas have smaller, less imposing creature statues standing over or nearby them. To travel into Shadovar on one's own unless one is a Drow, is a death sentence, as only servitude and slaughter await those unfortunate enough to be dragged through its gates, and very few ever escape alive. --------------- Alterra- The Underblack - Fallonrun Gouged into the earth by an underground river, Fallonrun is strategically positioned on both sides of the ravine, through which their ever-present river courses, likely as a defense in case one side of the gorge is attacked, allowing the occupants of the town to flee across the bridges to the other side and cut off the attack by destroying the walkways across. Fallonrun is generally populated by dwarves and humans, though the occasional elf can be found living among them, and on the rare occasion even an orc or a gnome. The town is neutral due to its isolation, and any mention of the surface world tends to be of great interest to the populace. Surface world visitors generally cause quite a stir among the populace, and tend to become temporary celebrities for the first little while of their stay. ---------- Alterra- The Underblack - Lost City of Murehdahl Originally believed to have been erased in a devestating earthquake, the city of Murehdahl was lost in myth and legend for centuries, and indeed a great cataclysm wiped out those who dwelt there in the days of old. However, as time has passed, it has come to be the home of numerous, diverse beings, all of whom either exiles, criminals, or the descendants of them. Racial boundaries keep the crumbling city split into districts of a sort, with the lower, more rugged levels providing shelter for those races deemed less trustworthy, such as drow and orcs, whilst the higher, more ruin-like tiers are home to people such as the elves and other more graceful beings. Humans, while just as numerous as the other races present in Murehdahl, are scattered throughout the tiers, and frequently find themselves fighting as the neutral ground between the higher and lower tiers. Due to the disagreements between the higher and lower tiers, it isn't uncommon for one to attack the other in thug-like gang strikes. Due to the rugged and generally uncivilized nature of the occupants, Murehdahl is now known to the general populace - that know of its continued existence - as the one place to never explore in search of treasures, and it's said that even the drow try to avoid it unless absolutely necessary. ---------------- Alterra- The Black Crater The skies above the Eastern Continent are perpetually tinted red. No habitation is possible in this wasteland, marred and ruined by a catastrophe known as the 'Lunar Cry'. Now, all that remains of a once glorious civilisation are skeletal foundations, pounded into the landscape. A massive crater where the rocks are black spans the center of the continent. Vicious beasts prowl the crater, guided by streams of lava crossing the land. Relics of a time past lay buried here, awaiting discovery... --------------- Alterra- The City of Ziyoto Akunadin, a beloved Keeper of the Twilight has raised the city to be one that values artistic discovery and talent, a Terran Athens of sorts. It has things such as a battle arena, a massive library and is a place preferred by the scholars of Terra. Along the western edge of the city lies a small forest and a mountain peak, though that is owned by Lord Akunadin for his private estate. Akunadin is beloved by the city; due to his research and powerful magic, Ziyoto is a haven... a city were crime is not tolerated and people can be safe as they go about their daily lives. Since Akunadin has his personal force of enchanted golems patrolling the streets along with the majority of Keepers under the command of Duke Julius Creedo, citizenry say its the safest city in Terra, a legacy that was built when Akunadin cast a barrier to protect the city from a tidal wave. The only downsides to Ziyoto are that it's a rainy city nearly on the level of Seattle, though the barrier over the city protects its citizens from grave weather. Another side effect is that the city has such a great reputation the people who live there can be a tad snooty at times. Scattered throughout the city are several unused portal-frames. Speculation exists as to the purpose of such artifacts. Some believe they are connected to the larger Voidgate in the south of the Ziyoto Plains Region. --------------- Alterra- The Ziyoto Plains Region In the west of Therasol lies a land forgotten by most. The original name being long lost, these plains are named after the chief location: the City of Ziyoto, founded by a Keeper long ago to provide a permanent home for the nomads who roamed the plains in search of substance. The Ziyoto Plains are by far the rainiest region of the continent. They are also the flattest, except for two (technically, three) areas: Ziyoto, on a magically raised hillock; Lake Mondaeron, which lies in a crater just outside of Ziyoto; and the Voidgate, a mystical, disused structure that lies on the southern edge atop a floating isle. The Plains are filled with deadly creatures. Foremost of these are the Black Wyverns, deadly winged beasts distantly related to the Dragons of the North. Armed with venomous claws and a powerful jaw, these beasts are sometimes fought for sport in the Ziyoto Colosseum. Other notable residents include Shadow Rocs and Creepers. Shadow Rocs are kin to the Phoenix of the Island of Life. ---------------- Alterra- Vyek The coldest of the countries on Aarsia in both weather and in the way it is run. The Country of Vyek is known for being full of kind-hearted people despite the coldness. It is ruled in an iron grip by an emperor who desires to make everyone 'comrades' by expanding his influence to the rest of the continent by demanding the deaths of the current King, and his successors of Aarsia who lived in the coastal country of Spina. He has heard that all members eligible for the throne are dead. Thus he has started to do just as he planned. Vyek is the largest country on Aarsia and its population reflects that only it's not centered around the capital Owsom which is large city made entirely out of ice, the population is in the city along with scattered little villages everywhere in the region, it's emperor living in the center of the capital swells in a large ice castle of medieval grandeur. The island east on the passage down to Saia is called the Baeru Isle. Its purpose is supposedly where people who cross the emperor are sent to die. Despite it being so close to the mainland, supposedly once you enter – there is no way to leave unless someone appeals for you to the King, but even then if they do succeed and reach you – you might be dead already from intense cold there and the monsters that dwell there. What dwells there…nobody can say except for the emperor himself. ---------------- [/hider] [hider=Factions] Keepers of Twilight Currently, we're not presetting any factions save for one: the Keepers of Twilight. If you'd like to make up a race, people, nation, or civilization for Terra to accompany your character...go ahead! As far as the Keepers of Twilight are concerned, here are a few notes about them... The Keepers of Twilight consist of a group of humans endowed with magical powers who have devoted themselves to keeping the existence and entrance of Terra concealed from humanity, as well as keeping anything from Terra from crossing into the Earth realm. Strict and unyielding, no breach of the barrier is tolerated according to their code and all violators, even if unintentional, must be dealt with to ensure knowledge of the two realms does not become widespread. Generally, they do a great deal of good in maintaining the barrier and punishing those with malicious purposes. Unfortunately...a great deal of innocent people have also been punished severely for simple mistakes...sometimes with death. Only at two times do the Keepers of Twilight make their existence known...when pursuing fugitives/criminals, or when seeking to expand their order. Most other times they keep to themselves or remain in secret or incognito. Often they disguise themselves as high ranking members of local law authorities to naturally command respect and obedience. Although, as a rule, they are hard, unyielding, and's not unheard of for individual members to "bend the rules" in special occasions. Repeatedly doing so, however, does not go unnoticed by the leaders of the Keepers of Twilight, and too many violations would end up in explusion from the order...along with, most likely, execution. Humans are almost the sole members of the Keepers of Twilight, specifically magic-using ones. more recent time, the organization has allowed other sentient races to start joining their ranks. Once a year, the upper two rings of the order meet for three days to discuss the needs, or lack thereof, of wider regulations and major problems, although emergency meetings may be called. The group possesses a hierarchical structure as follows. -------------- Lords" The highest ranking members of the Keepers of Twilight. No one knows their exact number or all of their identities save the Lords themselves, which is an intentional precautionary measure against any who would usurp them. Typically, the next "rung" on the ladder will only ever directly report to one or two Lords, with three being highly unconventional and usually only in time of crisis. There is no individual "head" of the Lords. All members share equal authority and decide matters democratically...provided that all decisions are in compliance with their code. Based on this, many have theorized that Lords are either of one mind at all times or, more likely, there aren't many of them, making it easier to have unianimous decisions. Lords possess inconceivable magical power and, were they to take a more active combat role, would easily be able to dominate nations or defeat entire armies. There is a distinct element of actual fear of them within the ranks of the Keepers of Twilight, although the main driving force for obedience is the sense of maintaining order. However, Lords rarely fight. Although they have the authority to dictate all decisions within the Keepers of Twilight, in reality they establish only a few overarching rules, preferring to defer almost all authority to the next rung of the ladder, the Dukes. The main purpose of the Lords is to perform the chief function of the Keepers of Twilight: generate and maintain the ancient magic that sustains the barrier between Earth and Terra. They do so in a monthly ritual which severely taxes their vitality and can only be accomplished by all uniting their powers. Lords are typically elected from among the ranks of the Dukes by a unianimous vote by the other Lords. Rarely, they may nominate and elect one from the lower rungs in a time of emergency. Candidates must be entirely devoted to the Keepers of Twilight and carry out the code without exception. Furthermore, they must also be of incredible magical power and stamina to be able to use such power. For this reason, most of the Lords are elderly, having refined and honed their spellcraft through many years of hard training, meditation, and practice. Once elected, a Lord is a Lord for life, and at the time of their passing their magical power is permanently incorporated into the barrier. ----------- Dukes" The Dukes rank below the Lords but, for all intensive purposes, they control the Keepers of Twilight. They are the ones that act as the heads of their order regarding entire regions and spheres of influence, and enjoy almost complete autonomy within their designate areas. If there are severe cases to be judged or quick actions that need to be taken, the Dukes are the ones who are charged with responsibility. Because of their autonomy of regions, they only answer to direct punishment or orders from the Lords. Even another Duke must bring a charge to their supervising Lord before action can be taken against a Duke. The Dukes both issue and enact most of the rules and regulations of the Keepers of Twilight. Depending on which region, they often will have special rules that apply only to their region, especially if they need to work with a powerful civilization or government in the area. Although a Lord can directly override any of their edicts, this rarely takes place. Dukes are also charged with being well-learned about their regions, needing to understand all of the individual races, creatures, and factions within the area and to work accordingly. In that respect, Dukes tend to wield an advantage over the Lords, who will usually consult with the Duke in charge of a region if they need to make a decision in regards to a particular people. The Dukes are quite powerful themselves, usually in the range of "archmage" and occasionally higher. However, they too rarely enter combat, although they do so more frequently than the Lords. Their main method of action is to conduct diplomatic affairs if necessary and send the next rung on the ladder, the Barons, out on their individual missions, most of which involve fugitives or criminals transgressing the barrier. They are expected to keep abreast of all of the actions of their individual subordinates at all times. Most Dukes are extremely devoted to the code and are wise and competent leaders. However, due to the large authority they possess, it is not unheard of for there to be a corrupt one. To become a Duke, an individual must have the vote of three Lords, a majority of the current Dukes, and 20 Barons from within their region. Based on the hierarchy, often the Baron vote is examined by one uncertain of how to vote. Because the Lords are isolated and the other Dukes confine themselves to their own realms, the Barons are the only ones who usually fully understand how the prospective Duke operates, especially since they are almost always Barons themselves. Like the Lords, Dukes are retained for life. --------------- Barons"/Elementals The lowest "leaders" in the Keepers of Twilight are the Barons. Each Duke has command of at least several Barons. The smallest region has only 10 Barons, while the largest ones may have over 100. Depending on how large or small the region is and how the Duke operates, a Baron may be completely subservient to his/her Duke, or may actually wield enough autonomy to practically be left to his/her own devices within an area. All Barons are confined to the region under their Duke. However, they usually are not confined to subareas, and are allowed to wander freely about the region so that groups of them may be redirected to emergency situations at a moment's notice. Because of that, Barons often converse and coordinate with each other in their own realm, and occasionally clash over matters of authority. Typically, when there is a mission issued by the Duke, he will appoint one or more Barons to handle the matter. In almost every region, the regent Duke has given their Barons at least a small measure of autonomy so that they may act in emergency situations. Almost all Barons have the authority to immediately arrest an individual on the spot for transgressing the barrier. Barons are the most "wild cards" of the Keepers of Twilight. Depending on the region or individual, they could be as weak as Knaves or as powerful as Dukes. Some are completely aloof from underlings, while others are quite friendly with locals and subordinates. Some are pure pencil-pushers while others are as "home-grown" and "local" as the citizens in the area. If a civilization is to interact with the Keepers of Twilight, it is usually through a Baron rather than a Duke or Lord. Barons are expected to constantly report matters back to Dukes and to obey orders without question when commanded. Depending on personal aptitude, a Baron may be in charge of anywhere from 5 to 100 Knaves. Barons are also known as "elementals" due to how they informally tend to name themselves. Rather than going by the title, they usually attach an epitath to themselves reflecting their nature or magic of choice. For example, a Baron named Erik who specialized in fire might name himself, "Erik the Flame", or a Baron named Sarah who specialized in ice might name herself, "Sarah the Frost". Barons can only be appointed by Dukes, but one of the overarching rules of the Lords is that the Barons for a region must remain at a set number unless appealed to directly by a Duke. This keeps a Duke from "stuffing" a region full of loyal subordinates. Usually, a new Duke finds himself/herself surrounded by the Barons of the previous Dukes, and unless they remain a Baron for many decades cannot hope to replace them all. Unlike Lords and Barons, Dukes may remain for life or be permitted to retire provided they agree to have their memories wiped, a level of magic which can be performed only by a Lord. Few Barons agree to the latter, as the spell is extremely painful and torturous. -------------- Knaves" Knaves are the "grunts" of the Keepers of Twilight. They are completely subordinate to their Barons. They usually possess rudimentary battle skills and fair magic, rarely going higher than medium range. Most are extremely young mages, as, when they get older, they grow in enough power to ascend to higher ranks. However, there are more "seasoned" veterans that tend to remain in the lower ranks in small amounts. Knaves may be appointed by any of the higher rungs of the hierarchy. Knaves can never "sign up"...they are located and enlisted by other members of the Keepers of Twilight. Especially low-powered Knaves might be assigned as attendants of the older members of the order, both in a servant role as well as a pupil-master role. -There will be 2 Lords 5 Dukes 8 Barons Untold amount of Knaves If we do not have enough RPers to fill different roles, NPC's will be used. [/hider] Co.GM 1-Ubermensch Co.GM2-Jedly Moderator-Voltus_Ventus Moderator-Scarifar ENJOY (A a plot has not been made yet so please be patient with me kk) :)