[b][u]Full Name:[/u][/b] Chris Valentine [b][u]Code Name:[/u][/b] Louisiana (Louie or Lou for short) [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Female [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 26 [b][u]Implanted A.I.:[/u][/b] Zeta [b][u]Armour Ability: [/u][/b] Hologram [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Small, thin, and weak-looking, it would be an obvious reaction to giggle at this Freelancer's appearance, though one should not judge a book by its cover. [url=http://witchingbones.deviantart.com/art/Suited-up-365893072]Underneath[/url] her helmet she is round faced and stoic, with short blonde hair, gray eyes, and thin lips. Her armor is thinner then most, though a bit heavier as well due to her interest in a thicker defense, and is gray and blue in color. When out of her gear, she dresses as plainly as possible, and almost always has a cig on hand. [hider=Grainy Image][URL=http://s1252.photobucket.com/user/Gankona13/media/BriellaArmor4_zps82904859.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh579/Gankona13/BriellaArmor4_zps82904859.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Cold, cynical, and quiet, it's obvious that Chris isn't much of a people's person. Growing up in a rather unhealthy environment is probably the cause for her distrustful nature, so one should make sure not to take any glares or harsh insults to heart. Despite her ruthless tongue, she can be rather decent person, often giving advice too closer friends, and can possibly crack a snide joke here and there if inspired. A solider who is very wrapped up in her training, Chris can almost always be found sparring, studying, or even just exercising when not on a mission. Thanks to her past aspiration of being a medic, she is surprisingly well versed in pressure points, human weaknesses, medicines, and medical treatments, though she rarely has time to show off these skills. Ambitious, Chris always likes to try her best, even if she ends up burning out in the end. Her "try hard and anything can happen" ideals are often brought up when one looks upon her constant overexertion and need to succeed. When she doesn't win, or when she doesn't excel in something, she can become a bit depressed, losing all motivation for a few days until she can kick start herself once more. Smart, Chris realizes her own strengths and weaknesses, and while she is a failure at using tech she does realize that her words can get the point across. She can easily play a female fatale if not for all that armor. Other than speech, she excels in knowing all about the human body, and she uses this knowledge much in close combat battles. Chris can also think rather well on her feet, though likes to follow a set plan more often than not. Normally cool-headed in tense situations, she always thinks before acting, and keeps light on her feet. However, her constant stubborn and cynical nature can make her rather hardheaded, and she can sometimes go over board and become reckless if agitated too much. (TL;DR: cold, cynical, rude, quiet, bark is bigger than bite, try hard, motivated, smart, stubborn, easily annoyed) [b][u]History:[/u][/b] Chris Valentine was brought into a shitty world. Nothing more to say. A poor family's daughter, she constantly fought to stay above others, constantly fought with her shitty, angry father to defend her mother, and constantly fought for her wants and rights. She was initially inspired to excel in the sciences by army medics, who always fought for others and strive to perfect their art and their abilities, but as she grew up in her lonely, shitty world, Chris began to realize how much she couldn't trust others. She first realized this in her second year of college, in a class full of tired adults and dreary lectures. In front of her was a med-school text book, and beside her was a stranger, and the more she thought about this stranger, helping this stranger, saving thing stranger, talking to this stranger, the more she realized how much she couldn't even imagine saving this man's life. Chris dropped out of college in her third year, and with nothing left but her knowledge of medicine and somewhat athletic abilities, she joined the military. Her ambition quickly took hold of her life once more, and she once again began to strive for perfection, but this time in fighting and killing and obeying. She trained hard, harder than most, and constantly overworked herself, though even the worst of moments can pay off in the long run. She was drafted into countless missions, sometimes leading, sometimes not, but with anything she did she always tried her hardest, and eventually began to stand out enough to catch someone's eye. After years and years of missions, Chris had begun to allow herself to open up to some of the other troops. One particular mission, a defense mission, gave her a moment where she had to rescue, defend, and then stitch up a fellow solider. The fact that Chris had done that made her feel a bit of hope, thinking that if she could help someone so easily then perhaps her cynical nature was beginning to fade. Her ability to plan on the run, kill and stay just one step ahead of others was what got her pulled into Project Freelancer, and, well, the rest is obviously history. [b][u]Weapon Loadout:[/u][/b] [*]Twin M6G Pistols[/*] [*]MA5K Carbine[/*] [*]Combat Knife[/*] [*]Humbler Stun Device: A work in progress weapon, Chris snatched it off one of the law enforcers one day and has been attempting to find a way to make its shock more fatal.[/*] [*]x3 Smoke Grenade[/*] [*]x2 Flash Grenade[/*] [*]x2 Frag Grenade[/*] [b][u]Fighting Style:[/u][/b] Chris, surprisingly, dislikes confrontation when it's not needed. Stealth is one of her better points, as she has always had a rather low presence, and her thin body frame and quiet footsteps make her a natural at slipping passed watchful eyes. However, if the time comes for a battle, she likes to, simply put, play with her enemies. Smoke grenades, flashes, confusing holograms, she throws whatever she can at an attacker to keep them stunned and easy to pick off. Thanks to her somewhat gaudy attacks, she is best suited to be a distraction. Due to her lack of strength, Chris relies much more on her speed and ability to catch and attack weak points to take down opponents, and because of this her forte is close-mid combat. Very flexible, very quick, and normally calm in tense situations. (Great martial artist. Mediocre marksman. Mediocre tank.) [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] - Could obviously become a makeshift medic - An idiot when it comes to handling most technology