The sun rose high over the land of Astaoviel signaling the beginning of a new day. A [url=]large black wolf[/url] stood over the sleeping form of the Lord of House Sonrah and nudged him gently, urging him awake. Alzack Sonrah's eyes snapped opened as he found them locked into the ice blue orbs of loyal War Wolf, Artemisia. "Good morning girl. Today is the day then?" The wolf nodded, as he got to his feet truly showing the immense size difference between a War Wolf and a human being. Alzack reached up to pet her muzzle. "Then let us go then." He got ready and strapped on his black armor and his swords. Before he, followed by Artemisia exited the room and into the hall where he found his mother, Serara Sonrah. "Good morning my Lord." She said with mischievous smile. Alzack hugged her and laughed. "I wish you wouldn't call me that, Mother." The woman smiled warmly as she hugged him. "It is what you are my dear boy. Your father would be so proud of you." She tensed as soon as she mentioned her deceased husband and he looked in the eyes. "I will have vengeance for hi death Mother. I promise you that." He didn't know if that truly comforted her but she smiled and nodded. "I'm sure you will my son. I came to tell you that the preparations are complete to receive the dignitaries, they should be arriving soon." Alzack released her from the hug. "Then I should be prepared to greet them...Be well Mother." Alzack and Artemisia exited the castle and walked to the castle foregrounds in anticipation of his guests who would hopefully become his allies in this coming rebellion.